Abdellatif Ben Ammar

Abdellatif Ben Ammar


Abdellatif Ben Ammar


نغم الناعورة
نغم الناعورة
Arab Camera
Focusing on key Arab films produced in the last 20 years. Férid Boughedir traces the development of the film-makers' concern to produce more socially aware cinema. Themes include the issue of Palestinian homeland rights and the nature of Arab identity. The film-makers also share a desire to develop a strong poetic tradition.
Túnis em 1980, Uma família deixa a cidade velha, a Medina de Túnis, para se estabelecer em uma das novas cidades povoadas nos arredores da capital.
Kemal studies in the Sadiki boarding school. Since the death of his father who was murdered by a secret colonial organization, Kemal has doubts about the political situation of Tunisia.
A Simple Story
A documentary filmmaker goes to work on a project about Tunisians who have worked abroad. Many have married French women, and the couples try to adjust to France after many years in Tunisia. The man decides to forego the film in order to address the personal and social concerns of the people trying to cope in their new surroundings. This feature appeared at the 1970 Cannes Film Festival.