Lars Rasmussen

Lars Rasmussen


Lars Rasmussen
Lars Rasmussen


Framing Mom
Boom Operator
In the middle of her wedding reception, the doubtful bride Unn Tove finds a new born baby girl abandoned in the hotel restroom. She turns her over to Child Services. 16 years later, a young and energetic girl shows up at her door step. It’s Rosemari, the baby from the wedding. Together they start investigating the cicumstances leading to Rosemari’s’s birth. They unravel a story about a young couple’s unrestrained love, an exentric ex-boxer with a taste for erotics, and a mother covering up her life’s biggest secret. “Framing Mom” is a touching and funny story about how sex, lies and biology created a beautiful flower, Rosemari.
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Beck 28 - The Family
Sound Editor
When a well-known crime boss is murdered by a sniper in front of his family, Beck and his team are challenged to discover which one of his many enemies could be responsible for the crime.
Beck 27 - Room 302
Sound Editor
The body of a young woman is found in a Stockholm hotel room. It appears that she has been strangled after a night partying with two young men, but the room was paid for using the credit card of a mugging victim whose alibi doesn't add up. Martin and Gunvald investigate under the supervision of their new boss Klas Freden.
Só Deus Perdoa
Um homem (Ryan Gosling) vive um exílio em Bagkok durante dez anos, depois de ter matado um policial. Ele mantém um clube de boxe, que funciona como disfarce para o tráfico de drogas. Quando seu irmão é assassinado depois de matar uma prostituta, o protagonista recebe a visita de sua mãe, que pretende resgatar o cadáver do filho mais novo e vingar-se dos homens que o mataram.
Nós Somos as Melhores!
Bobo e Klara, duas garotas suecas de 13 anos, querem montar uma banda punk, mesmo que todos digam que o punk morreu. Elas cortam seus cabelos em estilo moicano e recorrem à música para protestar e vencer o tédio. Mas, na verdade, as garotas não sabem tocar nada. Para melhorar a qualidade da banda, chamam a tímida e certinha colega Hedvig, brilhante na guitarra. Uma história sobre as dificuldades e encantos de crescer e não se encaixar em lugar nenhum.
The Youth Experiment
The Youth Experiment is a reality/documentary program where a participant must face another person's challenges and problems. In this program, the test subject has to live as gay for a week, even coming out to his parents.
Winnie & Karina - The Movie
Sound mixer
Winnie & Karina - The Movie
ADR & Dubbing