Daniel Mooney


No God, No Master
Luigi Galleani
A plot to overthrow the United States government is uncovered in New York City in the summer of 1919 when William Flynn, a field agent for the Bureau of Investigation, is sent to investigate a bomb threat that has targeted some of America's most powerful politicians and leaders of commerce, New York millionaire John D. Rockefeller, Sr. among them. Flynn's investigation takes him on a journey into the underworld of homegrown terrorism and introduces him to a competitive culture of violence and murder. Greed, power, and politics are at the center of the story and Flynn must distinguish the villains from the merely discontented. Along the way, he discovers that terrorism has many faces and that a determination of guilt or innocence often lies in the psychology of fear that constricts individuals at every level of society. Sedona International Film Festival.
Suspended Animation
Arnold Mann
As férias na neve de Tom Kempton sofrem uma viragem mortal quando um acidente o deixa ferido e perdido. Desesperado, vagueia até ao que pensa ser uma cabana isolada onde conhece duas irmãs que lhe oferecem abrigo da tempestade que se aproxima. Cedo, contudo, Tom dá por si atado e amordaçado enquanto as irmãs preparam um festim com Tom como prato principal! Depois de ter escapado com vida de uma experiência que custou a vida dos amigos e das irmãs canibais,Tom regressa a Los Angeles mas não consegue esquecer o horror daquele dia.