András Nyerges

Nascimento : , Budapest, Hungary


The Tragedy of Man
Sound Engineer
Jankovics's adaptation of the eponymous play is divided into multiple parts, and depicts the creation and fall of Man throughout history.
Song of the Miraculous Hind
Sound Engineer
Divided into four sections, "Song" is inspired by the Siberian and Finno-Ugric legends about Creation, in which the world begins with characters who are only half-human, one being half-bird, the other half-bear. The narrator delves into the origins of Hungarian culture, the Iranian and Turkish influences that impacted the society, and finally the story of Stephen, the emperor who brought Christianity to the country and shifted the capital west in an attempt to link with Europe.
Golden Bird
Sound Engineer
An animated film bazed on the narrative poem by János Pilinszky.
Sound Engineer
Sound Engineer
Uma civilização tecnológica captura três salamandras inteligentes para conduzir experimentos nelas. Os experimentos dão errado e as criaturas provocam a destruição na cidade humana.
Animalia No. 1
Different tales about animals, including a cat - mouse fight, a big queue for dogs, and an ostrich's story with its egg.