Setup in San Francisco, during the 2011 Arab Spring that left Egypt in turmoil. A lonesome Egyptian asylee with a wooingly contagious laugh, battles his bizarre misfortunes to follow immigration procedures, and his only hope is his greedy lawyer.
A character driven comedy about sausages and friendship. Set in small-town America, it's a story about two hopeless dreamers who join forces in a quest to erect the ultimate German sausage restaurant.
Barlow Townes
Esme e seu filho de dez anos se mudam para um pequeno povoado desértico para começarem uma nova vida. Sem querer, atraem a atenção dos nativos, que começam a investigá-los.
Mr. Meier
On the eve of his wedding day, a groom's cold feet go viral, forcing him and his bride to rely on the court of public opinion to save-or destroy-their marriage.
A sixty-something mother and her two adult sons cope and move onward following the death of their larger-than-life father/husband.
Fire Chief
Na Califórnia dos anos 70, uma mãe (Annette Bening) tenta cuidar de sua família da melhor forma possível enquanto também procura respostas para as vidas de suas duas jovens amigas - uma fotógrafa aficionada pela cultura punk (Greta Gerwig), e uma amiga de seu filho (Elle Fanning).
Sean lives a harsh but successful life as a criminal in Los Angeles's rough suburbs. He has, in spite of a chaotic and violent childhood, created some order in his life. As long as order is maintained, he - along with his partner in crime Peter - can ensure that his criminal life does not fall apart. But like in any Greek tragedy, things are doomed to go wrong when he one day falls in love with the waitress Lilly. Sean thinks he can bring order to her life too, but the all-consuming heroin addiction can not be tamed so easily.
Bec (Emmy Rossum) é uma universitária meio perdida, que está se relacionando com um professor casado e perdendo o interesse no seu futuro acadêmico. Ela começa um novo trabalho, cuidando de Kate (Hilary Swank), uma mulher que sofre de uma doença terminal. Aos poucos, a jovem vai aprendendo a aproveitar o mundo, mas acaba se afastando cada vez mais da sua antiga vida.
In an attempt to sign a Hollywood starlet, struggling talent agent and former child star Howard Holloway must contend with her volatile father, a scheming long-time rival, and a producer and casting director who despise him.
Natalie is high school royalty, but her queen bee status falls apart when she falls for the new guy at school. Although Keith ignores her at first, they soon become friends -- even though Natalie suspects that Keith has something to hide. As the free-spirited Keith shows Natalie how to embrace what life offers, they grow closer -- until a secret tests the bounds of their relationship
Director Peter Judson's semifictitious tale opens a revealing window into the indie filmmaking process, capturing the trivialities, aggravations and enthusiasm that go into completing a picture. Using footage from an indie movie set, e-mails constructing a plotline about distributor difficulties and interviews with indie mainstays such as Steve Buscemi and Sam Rockwell, the film provides a riveting look at one producer's rejections and rewards.
Things aren't looking so good for television clown Banana's career, and the fact that his estranged wife, Suzi, has just been arrested for assaulting his girlfriend, Lily, just serves to compound Banana's despair.
Kamilla, a young Danish girl leaves for Las Vegas to get married. During the ceremony she changes her mind and runs away. She is picked up by Rock, a 40 year-old loner on a motorcycle. A meeting with Rock's aunt sends them in pursuit of Rock's father. During the trip, Rock has been carrying a mysterious package, and shortly before arriving in Seattle, Kamilla discovers what the package contains...
88 days before his scheduled release from a state mental hospital Lucky O'Donnell returned home on the journey of a lifetime.
Anthony Sher and Harriet Walter star in a highly-acclaimed screen version of William Shakespeare's classic story of tyranny and ambition. On the stage this Royal Shakespeare Company presentation was universally lauded. Following sell-out seasons at Statford's Swan Theatre and in London, the production played Japan and in the United States, where The New York Times praised director Gregory Doran's interpretation as a "harrowing and disturbingly funny parable for the dawn of the 21st century". To make this compelling screen version, Gregory Doran worked with all of the original cast and filmed at London's Roundhouse. Brilliantly shot by director of photography Ernie Vincze, the production uses the edgy techniques of fly-on-the-wall documentaries. The effect is raw, intimate and strikingly dynamic.
Stargher's Father
Dentro dos confins de uma fazenda abandonada, Carl Stargher, um assassino cruel e psicologicamente instável, construiu “A Cela”, uma câmara para onde ele leva suas jovens e inocentes vítimas, antes de dar início a um sádico ritual pós-morte com seus corpos. Quando o FBI finalmente consegue capturar Stargher, ele sofre um violento ataque apoplético e entra em coma, sem dar nenhuma pista sobre a localização da Cela. Com uma jovem presa na câmara e tendo apenas mais 40 horas de vida, o FBI decide então procurar a Dra. Catherine Deane, uma terapeuta infantil que utiliza um avançado estudo neurológico que, misturado com habilidades empáticas e tecnologia de ponta, permite que alguém entre na mente de pessoas catatônicas, no intuito de ajudá-las a voltar à realidade. Com a vida de uma jovem em perigo, Catherine concorda em usar o avançado método no próprio Carl Stargher, no intuito de descobrir qual é a localização da Cela, com a própria terapeuta entrando na mente do assassino.
FBI Agent
Em 1950, numa comunidade do Norte do Pacífico, um pescador é encontrado morto. Tudo indica que tenha sido um assassinato a sangue frio. Mas, como as investigações descobrem, a simples morte do homem revela um passado assombrador e uma extraordinária estória sobre a persistência do ódio e o poder do amor.
Clay Ripple
His wife held hostage, a stunt driver is forced to drive a getaway car in a plot to kidnap the President from a motorcade.
Em Los Angeles surge um desconhecido vulcão ativo, causando grande destruição e criando um rio de lava que atravessa as ruas, aniquilando tudo que surge no seu caminho. Assim, se decide se criar uma barreira que desvie a lava para o mar, antes que mais pessoas sejam mortas.
Ken Tierno
An ex-con's future is threatened by his brother's involvement with drugs.
Harry Willis
Nina, an art dealer, has her weekly massage appointment and is surprised to find out her usual masseur, Douglas, has sent a replacement named Fitch. The pair develop an easy rapport during the session, with talk about past relationships. As Nina lies topless on the massage table, Fitch also takes time to explain various massage techniques, including those used by Hopi medicine men.
Ed the Cop
Jerry and his two pals, Russ and Syd, are just looking for some easy money to help them break out of their nowhere lives in their nowhere town. Despite a bungled jewelry store heist which exposes their incompetence as criminals, a fateful event (and an old black-and-white film) convinces them that they can pull off an armored-truck robbery. While they are busy plotting their caper, their dysfunctional families spin out of control, all around them.
Set on a Wisconsin dairy farm, Randi, the daughter, is trying to find a way to escape the farm, but her devotion to her family especially Clovis her younger brother is preventing her from doing that; until, that is, she met the local milk truck driver.
Two sisters share a disturbing family secret.
Chick Chicanis
Um ex-detetive está convencido de que seu pai foi vítima de um assassino em série e decide provar que o culpado é um policial, mas sua caçada obsessiva prejudica sua relação com outro parceiro.
JFK Reporter
Uma homenagem ao controverso ativista negro e líder da luta pela liberação negra. Ele chegou ao fundo do poço durante seu encarceramento nos anos 50, tornou-se um muçulmano negro e, mais tarde, líder da Nação do Islã. Seu assassinato em 1965 deixou um legado de autodeterminação e orgulho racial.