Graeme Murray


Chasing Great
Still Photographer
Chasing Great is an insightful portrayal that weaves Richie McCaw's life story into his final season as an All Black, revealing the determination and mental toughness of an international sporting legend who still sees himself as an 'ordinary guy' from small town New Zealand.
Totalmente Demais
Production Design
Do you prefer to wax on or wax off? Preacher won't let you dance? Well then, put Baby in the corner and come on down, 'cause VH1 is bringing back more of the'80s you love in this feature-length film, Totally Awesome. The Gundersons have just moved across the country and the kids - Charlie, Lori, and Max - are trying their best to acclimate themselves into a new school and all kinds of dilemmas therein: the need to dance, the pitfalls of young love, the quest for popularity, scientific genius and of course the quirky but loveable Japanese gardener. Totally Awesome takes all your favorite '80s-flick mainstays and weaves them into the biggest and baddest plotline ever conceived. Tot say it is radical would be an understatement.
A Névoa
Production Design
Presos em uma névoa estranha, os moradores de um balneário de praia se tornam alvo de uma vingança horrível. Cem anos antes, uma embarcação com leprosos foi deliberadamente atraída para a costa rochosa e acabou naufragando, e todos a bordo morreram. Agora, eles estão de volta, em busca dos descendentes daqueles que os mataram.
Production Design
Torturada pelo passado, Elektra é obcecada por sua morte e seu misterioso renascimento. Apesar de ter sido treinada na rígida disciplina do ninjutsu, ela não consegue controlar a fúria que sente pela morte dos pais. Sua ânsia por vingança faz com que parta para o exílio e se torne uma perigosa assassina profissional. Seu novo alvo é Abby, uma garota de apenas 13 anos, e seu pai, Mark, os quais precisam salvar de um perigoso inimigo, que possui poderes sobrenaturais.
The Secret Life of Zoey
Production Design
Marcia always thought her overachieving daughter Zoey was the dream child. But then she discovers that her perfect teen has a not-so-perfect drug addiction. Marcia and her ex-husband go through plenty of denial as their daughter spirals out of control. It's a true-to-life tale that parents and their kids should watch together.
Voyage of the Unicorn
Production Design
One day the Aislings find themselves magically transported to a ship called the Unicorn. Here, they discover that they've been chosen to fulfill an incredible quest! They undergo an incredible journey of discovery in strange lands with enchanted creatures, but find their voyage is really one of the spirit, as they each learn faith and the power of love.
Behind the Mask
Production Design
Dr. Bob Shushan is an overworked and absent father who runs a centre for the mentally and physically challenged. When Shushan suffers a heart attack, his life is saved by James Jones, a young patient at the center. The two men forge a friendship and help each other rekindle the father-son bond that has been missing in their lives.
Other Women's Children
Production Design
A doctor's relationship with a terminally ill child adds pressure to her already rocky marriage as she spends more time with her patient and gradually neglects her home life.
Without a Kiss Goodbye
Production Design
True story of a middle class mother charged with murdering her baby, despite her denials. Re-tells the story of the medical and police investigations, the later court proceedings and the final outcome.
Face a Face com o Inimigo
Production Design
A estratégia do jogo de xadrez permite que um psicopata criminal atue como um vampiro sobre mulheres jovens que se atrevem a dormir sozinhas. Um campeão da especialidade colabora com a polícia, na condição de suspeito e conhecedor das regras do jogo, para pegar o assassino.
Malone, o Justiceiro
Production Design
Agente da CIA aposentado volta à ativa quando é ameaçado por um poderoso milionário, enfrentando assassinos pagos para matá-lo.
O Garoto Que Podia Voar
Art Direction
Amável adolescente Milly (Lucy Deakins) muda-se para a casa vizinha ao lado do adolescente autista Eric Gibb (Jay Underwood). O Eric mudo, cujos pais foram mortos quando ele tinha 5 anos de idade, vive com seu tio Hugo (Fred Gwynne),que bebe muito. Sua tendência para ficar em telhados e parapeito das janelas como se estivesse voando, alarma seus assistentes sociais, mas quando Eric salva Milly de uma queda potencialmente mortal, ela começa a acreditar que o garoto realmente pode realmente voar.
Consenting Adult
Art Direction
Young and shy Jeff discovers his attraction to men. After struggling with himself he comes out to his parents. Mum eventually listens to his son and tries to understand his feelings, but his Dad would rather die — which, in the end, he really does, leaving behind a mother, her son and his friend to work those things out Jeff and his Dad had never the courage to talk about.
O Homem do Gelo
Art Direction
A team of Arctic researchers find a 40,000 year-old man frozen in ice and bring him back to life. Anthropologist Dr. Stanley Shephard wants to befriend the Iceman and learn about the man's past while Dr. Diane Brady and her surgical team want to discover the secret that will allow man to live in a frozen state.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains
Art Direction
Corrine Burns retreats far into plans for her band, The Fabulous Stains, after her mother's death.
O Enigma de Outro Mundo
Set Decoration
Na remota Antártida, um grupo de cientistas americanos é perturbado em sua base quando, de um helicóptero, alguém atira em um cão do acampamento. À medida que socorrem o cão baleado, o bicho começa a atacar os cientistas e os outros cachorros e logo eles descobrem que o animal pode assumir a forma de suas vítimas. Isto significa que membros da equipe podem ser mortos e a cópia assumir o lugar deles. Com isso, um piloto e um médico precisam capturar a fera antes que seja tarde demais.
Um Piano para Mrs. Cimino
Art Direction
An elderly widow must find meaning and activity in her life when her son suggests she is no longer capable of handling her own affairs.
A Fúria das Feras Atômicas
Art Direction
Morgan and his friends are on a hunting trip on a remote Canadian island when they are attacked by a swarm of giant wasps. Looking for help, Morgan stumbles across a barn inhabited by an enormous killer chicken. After doing some exploring, they discover the entire island is crawling with animals that have somehow grown to giant size. The most dangerous of all of these, however, are the rats, who are mobilizing to do battle with the human intruders.