Bedřich Karen

Bedřich Karen

Nascimento : 1887-10-14, Plzen/Pilsen, Bohemia, Austria-Hungary [now Plzen, Czech Republic]

Morte : 1964-08-21


Bedřich Karen


The Devil's Trap
Biskup Dittrichstejn
Uma pequena cidade é de um dia visitada por um padre que está lá numa missão secreta. Ele é um membro da Inquisição enviado para investigar as atividades de um moleiro local. O moleiro e seu filho são descendentes duma antiga família cuja casa ancestral foi incendiada há um século, mas foi reconstruida a partir do zero. O moleiro herdou muito do seu conhecimento sobre a terra, a água, e estabilidade de edifícios de gerações de experiência familiar. A fama dele em água e prever quando uma estrutura poderá entrar em colapso chamaram a atenção da Inquisição - certamente ele deve estar aliado com o Diabo.
Taková láska
Against All
After the battle of Sudoměř the Hussite teaching spreads through the whole country and people start leaving their homes to help build the fortification of Tábor. Prague citizens request help against the army of Zikmund. The Hussite army with Jan Žižka in the lead make their way towards Prague. They fortify themselves on the mountain Vítkov and engage in a bloody battle with Zikmund’s huge army.
The Good Soldier Švejk
profesor Heuer
Good-natured and garrulous, Švejk becomes the Austrian army's most loyal Czech soldier when he is called up on the outbreak of World War I -- although his bumbling attempts to get to the front serve only to prevent him from reaching it. Playing cards and getting drunk, he uses all his cunning and genial subterfuge to deal with the police, clergy, and officers who chivy him toward battle.
From My Life
dr. Ladislav Rieger
Venice Film Festival 1955
Jan Hus
kardinál Pierre d'Ailli
Jan Hus is a 1954 Czechoslovak film directed by Otakar Vávra. It is the first part of the "Hussite Revolutionary Trilogy", one of the most famous works of the Czechoslovak director, completed with Jan Žižka (1955) and Proti všem (Against All Odds, 1957).
Anna the Proletarian
The movie describes proletarian life in the Czech Lands after World War I.
American Colonel Mike Jacobs
Based on a true story
Velké dobrodružství
Mikoláš Aleš
Posel úsvitu
The Strike
In late 19th century Czech-speaking Bohemia, oppressed workers at German-owned mines and foundries revolt against their harsh working conditions. Made shortly after World War II as Czechoslovakia was falling to communism, the film resonates in Czech resentment of the German occupation.
The Guild of the Kutná Hora Virgins
David Wolfram
A morally questionable lord comes to the aid of a working class man who is to be executed for speaking out about thieving rich scoundrels sticking it to the poor.
The White Disease
Prof. Sigelius
The White Plague, a leprosy-like disease, ravages the world during a war. Based on a play by Karel Čapek.
The Dogheads
Colonel Svec
Janosík, a friar retrained as a bandit, becomes the farmers' symbol of resistance and fight against the feudal conditions.
Mnichovo srdce
Neznámé matky