Earl Snyder


Dívida de Sangue
A woman seeking revenge for her murdered father hires a famous gunman, but he's very different from what she expects.
The Confession
Sound Recordist
Madame Rinaldi, owner of a bordello, helps thief Mario Forni locate an ancient buried treasure.
O Fantástico Homem Transparente
Sound Mixer
An ex-major forces a scientist to develop a invisibility formula, with which he plans to create an invisible army and sell it to the highest bidder. However there are side effects to the formula.
Magnificent Roughnecks
Two oilmen coax a cook, an oilwoman and a gusher in South America.
O Grande Golpe
Quando o ex-presidiário Johnny Clay diz que tem um grande plano, todos querem participar. Especialmente quando o plano é roubar 2 milhões de dólares em um esquema "ninguém vai se machucar". Mas, apesar do planejamento cuidadoso, Clay e seus homens se esqueceram de uma coisa: Sherry Peatty, uma garota ambiciosa e traiçoeira que está planejando um grande golpe só seu... mesmo que para isso ela precise acabar com toda a gangue de Clay!
O Preço da Audácia
An assortment of American types come together in the Italian campaign of 1944.
Hold Back Tomorrow
Suicidal hooker Cleo Moore agrees to spend the night with condemned prisoner John Agar in this Hugo Haas film noir.
Império do Crime
Sound Designer
O Tenente de polícia Diamond recebe a ordem de parar de investigar o chefe da máfia, Sr. Brown, porque está custando muito dinheiro ao departamento, e sem obter resultados. Diamond faz uma última tentativa de descobrir evidências contra Brown indo até a namorada de Brown, Susan Lowell.
Vênus Invade a Terra
Sound Engineer
Quando robôs gigantes chegam do espaço e Chicago fica deserta. Um grupo de sobreviventes tentam encontrar maneiras deter a ameaça, uma vez que as forças militares parecem não surtir efeito.
Return to Treasure Island
There's something to be said for finishing what you've started. That's why the gentile Captain Long John Silver is heading back to Treasure Island to see if he can unearth the cache of riches buried there by his colleague, Captain Flint. At the same time, he also hopes to bring to safety the governor's daughter and a young boy abducted by El Toro.
O Cérebro Maligno
Sound Mixer
A scientist takes the brain of dead man and revives it via electrodes as it lays suspended in a tank of liquid. Soon, the brain grows to possess enormous psychic powers and inflicts its personality upon the doctor who saved it, creating a "Jekyll and Hyde" paradigm.
Hannah Lee: An American Primitive
Sound Engineer
Professional killer Bus Crow is hired by cattlemen to eliminate squatters. When Marshal Sam Rochelle is sent to investigate, saloon owner Hallie has to be a reluctant witness.
Red Snow
Lieutenant Johnson, a U. S. Air Force pilot, on the tip of Alaska, a few miles from the Bering Straits from Siberia, helps foil a Soviet plot to test a new secret weapon by loyal Alaskan Eskimos. He is aided by Sergeant Koovuk, an Alsaka native Eskimo also in the U.S. military service. Along the way there is an ice-floe evacuation, an air-ice rescue and a fight with a polar bear.
The Hoodlum
Sound Engineer
Vincent Lubeck is a vicious ex-convict. His criminal activities are despised by his family, but he uses and abuses them in the course of his crimes. Eventually his own brother must stand up to him.
Radar Secret Service
Sound Engineer
A federal agent and his partner track uranium-ore hijackers with radar.
The Dalton Gang
Deputy Marshall Larry West goes undercover to find out who has been terrorizing the territory, Navajos or the Dalton Gang.
Sound Effects
Joe O'Hara finds out he has a damaged optic nerve just before a boxing match for the title. He needs the money badly, so he doesn't delay the fight. The opponent discovers Joe's weakness and pounds on his eyes, causing him to go blind.
Outlaw Country
Lash goes south of the border looking for a counterfeiter, a kidnapped engraver and his daughter, and the mysterious Frontier Phantom, while Fuzzy St. John studies hypnotism.
The Chance of a Lifetime
Sound Engineer
A mad scramble for stolen loot ensues after Boston Blackie has prisoners released for work in a wartime defence plant.
Brief Moment
A high living society playboy marries a nightclub singer, and she soon realizes that, though they're genuinely in love, the husband's endless partying completely dominates and is destroying their marriage.