Stuart Nisbet
Nascimento : 1934-01-17, Los Angeles, California, USA
Morte : 2016-06-23
LA Banker
Um diretor de cassino com um passado comprometedor. Uma prostituta de alta classe, que dominava a todos, menos ao seu cafetão. E um gângster, que tomava conta do diretor do cassino e passa gradativamente, a seguir os passos dela, criando um painel de Las Vegas dos anos 70, quando a Máfia controlava o jogo, até o gradual surgimento das grandes corporações, que ficaram no lugar das quadrilhas e transformaram a cidade em uma Disneylandia.
A woman contemplates having an affair, which leads her into a web of deceit, suspense, and murder.
Detective Nowaczek
Detective Kyle Robeshaw is a headstrong detective who finds himself stuck in a dead end job in missing person's as a result. One of his cases leads him into the investigation of a serial killer who killed his policewoman girlfriend. Along the way he employs a psychic to help him find the missing person and the killer who kidnapped her
Frank (Beau Bridges) e Jack (Jeff Bridges) são dois irmãos de Seattle que tocam piano juntos desde a infância. Seus shows em bares estão cada vez mais perdendo público e, com isso, eles cada vez menos são chamados para tocar. Na tentativa de reerguer o show, decidem contratar uma cantora para participar do número deles. Após testar sem sucesso 37 candidatas, a dupla acaba encontrando Susie Diamond (Michelle Pfeiffer), uma mulher sensual, desbocada e agressiva que acaba se envolvendo com Jack e cria atritos entre os irmãos.
Charles Walker
Television account of a young woman who becomes her mobster godfather's staunchest defender.
Phil Burton
The true story of Jan Scruggs, an embittered Vietnam veteran who returns from the war a broken man. However, with the help of his loving wife Becky, he begins to find a new life for himself, and a personal goal when he agrees to begin a determined campaign to raise funds for a veteran's memorial.
In this sequel to "Rich Man, Poor Man," moviemaker Gretchen Jordache, the until-now unseen sister, strives to pull the family together after the murder of brother Tom and the disappearance of brother Rudy by first reestablishing contact with her soldier son, and then patching things up with her sister-in-law, Kate, Tom's widow.
Doc Ellis
"The Mark of Zorro" was updated for this pilot for a prospective series that tells of a New Orleans gentleman who turns masked rider to fight for law and order and avenge his family's killing by four men who wanted their silver mine.
Three girlfriends -- an author, an artist, and a political activist -- mature and change during the turbulent 1960s.
Doorman (uncredited)
Tarzana, Califórnia. Jerry Landers (John Denver), o subgerente de um supermercado, é escolhido por Deus (George Burns) para disseminar Sua palavra, pois Deus está insatisfeito com várias coisas que estão acontecendo no mundo. Inicialmente Jerry achou que era uma brincadeira, mas logo se convence que está falando e vendo Deus, que se faz aparentar por um velho. Bobbie (Teri Garr), a esposa de Jerry, questiona a sanidade do marido, mas aos poucos Jerry é ouvido, fazendo representantes de várias igrejas se unirem para propôr um teste que Jerry não teria a menor chance de responder.
Hotel Clerk
The story of author F. Scott Fitzgerald's two stays in Hollywood to write for films, once in 1927 at the height of his acclaim, and again in 1937 when he arrived with little money, enormous expenses and an ill wife.
The Holvak family house the escaped convict named Craw that the son befriends. Reverend Holvak's faith is tested and young Ramey faces a choice between a friendship and his family.
An emotionally disturbed teenager whose father is a research scientist takes a rat from his father's laboratory that is infected with an incurable virus that can kill 100 million people in three weeks.
A devastating heatwave hits the Los Angeles area and a young expecting couple try to evade it by escaping to a mountain resort town.
Man on Loudspeaker (voice) (uncredited)
Um jovem sismologista, usando os ensinamentos de um especialista, prevê um tremor de ampla magnitude em Los Angeles, mas ninguém lhe dá a devida atenção. A vida das pessoas e de todos os moradores da cidade será tragicamente atingida pelo maior terremoto que a cidade já viu e, apesar de pequenos tremores prenunciarem a catástrofe, a população não pressente a tragédia que está para acontecer.
One man decides to wage war against a gang of teenage punks besieging an affluent California community. Based on a true incident.
Dr. Claymore
Charlie is a sad sack of a man, working at a depressingly dull office job and stuck in a passionless engagement to a neurotic woman. One of the few bright spots in his life is his friend Mike, who seems to be living a life of carefree bohemianism.
Geronimo Minelli é um policial de LA designado para encontrar um bombardeiro psicótico que explode escolas e hospitais psiquiátricos.
While searching for a small fortune of embezzled money, an ex-con, a small-time bandleader, his doting wife and a kooky drifter find themselves being followed. Their chase takes them to trailer camps, bingo halls, laundromats and ultimately, a showdown with a group of unconventional bad guys.
A retired lady judge runs a private detective agency with a charming ex-con as her leg man and various parolees helping in the day-to-day operation.
On his motorcycle Stein, a half-blood Indian, tries to stay out of the hands of the police, who are chasing him for accidentally killing a cop. Together with his friend Alan and a beautiful but desperate girl Stein will get involved in a robbery and more death. The police intensify the search, but the three won't give up that easily.
Gentry Groat
Don Knotts is Hollis Figg, the dumbest bookkeeper in town. When the city fathers buy a second-hand computer to cover up their financial shenanigans, they promote Figg to look after things, knowing he'll never catch on. Their plan backfires when Figg becomes self-important and accidentally discovers their plot.
Dr. Emerson Reese
The first film based on the television series MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE, consisting of a compilation of a two-part episode of the original series from 1967 called THE COUNCIL.
Jail Guard
A student radical, accused of murdering a cop during a campus revolt, welcomes a court confrontation and then refuses to take the stand, despite the urging of the three high-priced lawyers he has hired to represent him in this second pilot of "The Lawyers," a rotating segment of "The Bold Ones" series.
Man of the Cloth - Cafe Sequence
Um homem com 10 filhos se casa com uma mulher com oito filhos e formam uma enorme família. Quando um viúvo com 10 filhos se casa com uma viúva com oito, poderão os 20 viverem juntos como uma grande família feliz? Desde encontrar uma casa grande o suficiente para todos eles e aprender a fazer 18 merendas escolares, até lidar com um filho indo para a guerra e um acréscimo inesperado na família, "Os Seus, Os Meus, Os Nossos" tenta juntar duas famílias em uma e espera responder à grande pergunta: Maior Realmente É Melhor?
2nd Guard
Birthday Party Guest in Yellow Shirt (uncredited)
Após se formar na faculdade, Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman) retorna para casa. Indeciso quanto ao seu futuro, ele acaba sendo seduzido pela senhora Robinson (Anne Bancroft) uma amiga de meia-idade de seus pais. Mas na verdade ele está interessado na filha dela, a bela Elaine Robinson (Katharine Ross).
A mysterious woman in black moves in with married Manhattan thrill-seekers and helps one trick the other.
Quando um rico empresário que planejava construir uma fábrica na cidade de Sparta, no estado do Mississipi, é encontrado assassinado em uma rua escura, o chefe de polícia Bill Gillespie pede a seus homens que procurem nas cercanias. O guarda Sam encontra o negro Virgil Tibbs na estação, esperando o trem das três da manhã para Memphis e suspeita dele. Ao revistá-lo e ver a carteira de Tibbs com muito dinheiro, Sam resolve levá-lo para a delegacia.
"For Pete's Sake" is the heartfelt and inspiring story of a man (Robert Sampson) struggling to come to terms with his wife's (Pippa Scott) untimely death, while raising their young son (Johnny Jenson). Sam Groom portrays the family's pastor and Terri Garr debuts as a wayward young woman in this entertaining and thought-provoking comedy-drama.
Nazi Officer
A small group of soldiers capture a German observation post, but in turn are captured themselves. They soon escape and--with the aid of two women--try to fight their way to safety.