Based on novel by Kuniko Mukoda, "Haha no Okurimono" tells the story of a soon to be married couple and their respective mothers. On the eve of Akiko and Masaaki's wedding, Akikio's mother Nobue shows up. Many years when ago, Akiko's mother ran off with a married man and since then Nobue has dropped all relations with her mother, even telling Masaaki that her mother was dead.
Nagai Naoyuki
Follows the final days of the shogunate and Shinsengumi's Vice-Comander Hijikata Toshizo along with his fellow anti-imperialist group.
Special from the drama series GTO (1998). This time Onizuka Eikichi is assigned to a new school, an all-girls school.
Iwao Kamota
A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.
Kon Ichikawa's retelling of the classic true story of Samurai honor. When a young clan lord is forced to commit seppuku (ritual suicide), his loyal followers (now Ronin, masterless Samurai) dedicate their lives to avenging his death.
A high-school girl acquires the ability to time travel.
A highly anticipated cultural festival is less than a week away for the students of a local high school when mysterious, seemingly paranormal events start occurring within their building. A piano plays when no one is in the room; the power continually shuts off, seemingly at random; footprints are left behind by an unseen presence; objects appear to levitate and are hurled across the room. Concerned about the strange phenomena, six students, advised by Professor Yamakawa, form a research team and investigate the strange goings-on. One of the students is Reiko Kudo, who has ESP and a family history with the occult. As the investigation ensues, a disturbing story from the past emerges from the woodwork, culminating with an ESP confrontation on the day of the festival...
Tadao Torii
The unexpected death of Fujishima Motoharu, president of a medium-sized firm, triggers a fierce battle over his estate inheritance among family members.
Comedy film.
Hunting master Ginzo kills a man-eating bear. When he finds out the bear had a cub, Ginzo decides to raise the cub, but the bear later becomes a troublemaker.
President of Laundry Service Company
Intrepid tax investigator Ryoko Itakura sets her sights on the mysterious and philandering Hideki Gondo, a suspected millionaire and proprietor of a thriving chain of seedy hourly hotels, who has for years succeeded at hiding the true extent of his assets from the Japanese authorities. Itakura and Gondo soon find themselves engaged in a complicated, satirical battle of wits.
The melodramatic story of a pink crew’s tragi-comedic adventures on location. A fictionalized adaptation of set photographer Ichiro Tsuda's 1980 book The Location (Za Rokēshon), an illustrated 229-page document about the cameraman’s experiences with pink cast and crew on the sets of several films produced in the late 1970's.
In Shibamata, Tokyo, Tora-san's family prepares for a wedding. Meanwhile, the traveling Tora-san meets an old acqaintance in Iwate Province. Tora-san refuses to drink with him, afraid that the acquaintance, now settled and married, will again become attracted to Tora-san's wandering existence. Tora-san becomes attracted to a female barber, but must break off their relationship so that she too can live a secure life. She instead gets into an abusive relationship with a motorcyclist.
Taxi Driver
A man and a little girl meet in a bicycle parking in Tokyo. The little girl says she wants to watch the sea, and their travel begins. The man does not intend to be a kidnapper – he asks the girl to phone her mother and tell her she's with him. During their trip they meet various people, but they always must continue on, lest the man be arrested.
Father Nabeshima
In the far-off future of 2001, a young boy from outer space lands on earth inside a flying peach. The boy (named Apple) is adopted by a Catholic priest, but soon disappears. Three schoolgirls decide to search for him, and soon find evidence that he is being held captive in a trendy dance club. What is the club owner doing with him, and will his adopted father ever see him again?
Station Employee
Tóquio, 1926. Shunko Matsuzaki é um dramaturgo de teatro shinpa (moderno), e tem como mecenas o poderoso Tamawaki. Um dia, ele se depara com a bela Shinako numa ponte. Ela pede que Matsuzaki a acompanhe até o hospital para fazer uma visita a uma mulher moribunda. Ela deseja sua companhia pois tem medo de encontrar uma senhora vendedora de fisális, fruta que supostamente contém as almas das mulheres. Matsuzaki recusa, mas Shinako retorna em outras aparições, e torna-se sua amante. Em seguida, ela desaparece. Tempos depois, Matsuzaki descobre que Shinako pode ser o fantasma de uma antiga esposa de Tamawaki. Depois de receber uma carta de Shinako, Matsuzaki viaja para Kanazawa a fim de encontrá-la. No trem, ele encontra Tamawaki, que diz que está viajando para presenciar um suicídio por amor. Segundo filme da “trilogia Taisho,” que segue o mesmo estilo alucinatório do primeiro.