Fernando Vendrell

Nascimento : 1962-10-28, Lisbon, Portugal


Nheengatu – A Língua da Amazónia
Ao longo de uma viagem pelo rio Negro, na Amazônia, o documentário explora o idioma Nheengatu, imposto aos índios nativos pelos colonizadores portugueses no século 15. Por meio dessa língua misturada, ainda falada por algumas tribos, o filme mostra o encontro de dois mundos e suas diferentes questões culturais, históricas e sociais.
Com uma sonoridade moderna e ao mesmo tempo profundamente portuguesa, António Variações foi um dos músicos mais originais alguma vez surgidos em Portugal. António Joaquim Rodrigues Ribeiro, de seu nome de baptismo, faria 75 anos no final de 2019. Morreu em 1984, em Lisboa, aos 39 anos. Esta é a sua história.
No final dos anos 50, Alberto, um jovem professor do liceu é colocado em Évora, onde pretende iniciar-se como escritor. Deixa-se seduzir por Sofia, uma das três filhas de um médico local. Nas aulas Alberto põe à prova os seus ensaios existenciais cativando um aluno, Carolino. Quando Sofia o troca inesperadamente por Carolino, Alberto sucumbe ao tumulto passional e ao extremismo das suas convicções.
No final dos anos 50, Alberto, um jovem professor do liceu é colocado em Évora, onde pretende iniciar-se como escritor. Deixa-se seduzir por Sofia, uma das três filhas de um médico local. Nas aulas Alberto põe à prova os seus ensaios existenciais cativando um aluno, Carolino. Quando Sofia o troca inesperadamente por Carolino, Alberto sucumbe ao tumulto passional e ao extremismo das suas convicções.
Estive em Lisboa e Lembrei de Você
Cataguases, Minas Gerais, 2005. Depois de um casamento frustrado, que o faz perder o emprego e o contato com o filho, Sérgio de Souza Sampaio (Paulo Azevedo) decide emigrar para Lisboa, Portugal. Lá, corre a lenda, é possível recompor a vida e fazer um bom pé de meia para depois retornar à terra natal, viver de rendimentos e “subir na vida”. Cheio de sonhos, Sérgio parte para Lisboa, onde é confrontado com a dura realidade da imigração: o dia-a-dia, o submundo e as diferenças culturais vão revelar um lugar diferente daquele com que sonhara. Baseado no romance homônimo de Luiz Ruffato.
Estrada de Nada
Life is as unchanging as ever in the village: the sun sets between memories. The arrival of a young outsider changes everything. The old are offered a new gift and they accept it. The dreams awaken an old song which pulses through the village. 'With Fate driving the cart of everything along the road of nothing.'
Em Segunda Mão
Jorge é um solitário escritor de romances de cordel. À noite olha através das janelas iluminadas as pessoas nas suas casas e pensa que elas, sim, são felizes. Um dia o acaso, pensa ele, leva-o até à casa onde vive Laura com o seu filho André, e através das grandes janelas Jorge descobre a montra de uma vida perfeita. Mas as vidas perfeitas só o são quando vistas de fora. De perto nada é o que parece: o anterior marido de Laura desapareceu misteriosamente e estranhos telefonemas perturbam a imperturbável Laura. Jorge não se assusta, quer protegê-la. Inventa um homem feito à medida de Laura, um homem para ela amar e consegue entrar naquele mundo maravilhoso que julga conhecer.
Sofia vive isolada num velho apartamento de família onde até o pó parece ser preservado. A pedido da sua mãe chega Mariama, uma jovem guineense, para ajudar a cuidar da casa e do seu filho. Mas onde está este filho que nunca vemos? Bobô, irmã mais nova de Mariama, vai despertar em Sofia uma vontade de sair do casulo. Atrás do seu sorriso confiante, Mariama atormenta-se com a ameaça da mutilação genital feminina a que Bobô está prestes a ser submetida… O encontro entre Sofia e Mariama fá-las confrontarem-se com os seus fantasmas.
O Grande Kilapy
Joãozinho é um jovem angolano, descendente de uma rica família do período colonial. Este rapaz mestiço quer apenas viver a vida, saindo com mulheres, se divertindo com os amigos e gastando seu dinheiro. Embora seja alto executivo do Banco Nacional Angolano, ele desvia os fundos da própria instituição onde trabalha, distribuindo dinheiro aos colegas, militantes pela libertação de Angola. Joãozinho vai preso, mas quando sai da prisão, é acolhido pela sociedade como um herói local.
What remains of the 1940s and 1950s collective memory of Mindelo's two cinemas, and the two amateur groups who produced three 8mm films out of their love for cinema.
Noite Sangrenta
Na noite de 19 de Outubro de 1921, um grupo de marinheiros e guardas republicanos percorre as ruas de Lisboa naquela que viria a ser conhecida como a "camionete fantasma". Liderado pelo cabo Abel Olímpio, conhecido pela alcunha de "Dente de Ouro", o bando assassina várias figuras políticas e militares, incluindo os heróis da revolução de 1910, Machado Santos e Carlos da Maia. Os crimes chocam o país. Os jornais chamam-lhe a "Noite Sangrenta".
Noite Sangrenta
Na noite de 19 de Outubro de 1921, um grupo de marinheiros e guardas republicanos percorre as ruas de Lisboa naquela que viria a ser conhecida como a "camionete fantasma". Liderado pelo cabo Abel Olímpio, conhecido pela alcunha de "Dente de Ouro", o bando assassina várias figuras políticas e militares, incluindo os heróis da revolução de 1910, Machado Santos e Carlos da Maia. Os crimes chocam o país. Os jornais chamam-lhe a "Noite Sangrenta".
A couple watches a bank robbery live on TV.
Quitterie, a 40 year-old woman, relives the great love for her deceased 18 year-old Japanese partner, by successively meeting up with young strangers.
Pele is a film about a young mulatto woman that in spite of being rich, beautiful and intelligent, feels discriminated because of the colour of her skin. The entire plot is in the early 70's, when Portugal had a dictatorial government, ultramarine territories and lots of racism in its society… Issues like racism, female condition and the spoilt lives of the high-society are the main themes of this movie
Pele is a film about a young mulatto woman that in spite of being rich, beautiful and intelligent, feels discriminated because of the colour of her skin. The entire plot is in the early 70's, when Portugal had a dictatorial government, ultramarine territories and lots of racism in its society… Issues like racism, female condition and the spoilt lives of the high-society are the main themes of this movie
Pele is a film about a young mulatto woman that in spite of being rich, beautiful and intelligent, feels discriminated because of the colour of her skin. The entire plot is in the early 70's, when Portugal had a dictatorial government, ultramarine territories and lots of racism in its society… Issues like racism, female condition and the spoilt lives of the high-society are the main themes of this movie
O Herói
Um veterano da guerra civil angolana, veterano com 20 anos de idade, volta para Luanda a capital, onde enfrenta os desafios da assimilação e da sobrevivência.
Jogo da Glória
Rui, A teenage boy works in his father shop and has an old brother that is a policeman. His father is about to close the shop, because of money issues, and Rui needs to get money for him and also to help his father. By the hand of a friend he enters in the criminal world to make money.
O Gotejar da Luz
Rui was raised in Mozambique in a small village at the frontier of a mysterious river. Son of Portuguese colonists, his best friend is Ana, a black girl godchild of his mother. At fourteen he is confronted with the tragic destruction of his childhood and has to learn to recognize two distinct realities - the European and the African.
Fintar o Destino
Life has moved too fast for Mane. at the age of 50 he watches the slow sacrifice of his ideals. His wife, Lucy, has locked him in to a daily routine. His work in a small commercial shop and grocer's has worn him out. His dreams have evaporated into the drought of the beaten earth of Mindelo. Now forgotten, with his past as a great football player for Mindelense, in St Vincent in Cape Verde, he only has the belated compassion of his friends, neighbours, and cafe companions: "He was important", "He was the keeper in Cape Verde", "He could have played for Benfica!" Mane rejects the loss of his status as a hero. When training a youth team he sees himself again in KALU, a rebellious but talented youth. He is guided by a whirlwind of thoughts; he was also young, had opportunities, felt the sting of love and wasted his flame. A beaten leather ball shines in his hands once again, Benfica, his club, calls him to the Portuguese Cup Final.
Fintar o Destino
Life has moved too fast for Mane. at the age of 50 he watches the slow sacrifice of his ideals. His wife, Lucy, has locked him in to a daily routine. His work in a small commercial shop and grocer's has worn him out. His dreams have evaporated into the drought of the beaten earth of Mindelo. Now forgotten, with his past as a great football player for Mindelense, in St Vincent in Cape Verde, he only has the belated compassion of his friends, neighbours, and cafe companions: "He was important", "He was the keeper in Cape Verde", "He could have played for Benfica!" Mane rejects the loss of his status as a hero. When training a youth team he sees himself again in KALU, a rebellious but talented youth. He is guided by a whirlwind of thoughts; he was also young, had opportunities, felt the sting of love and wasted his flame. A beaten leather ball shines in his hands once again, Benfica, his club, calls him to the Portuguese Cup Final.
Fintar o Destino
Life has moved too fast for Mane. at the age of 50 he watches the slow sacrifice of his ideals. His wife, Lucy, has locked him in to a daily routine. His work in a small commercial shop and grocer's has worn him out. His dreams have evaporated into the drought of the beaten earth of Mindelo. Now forgotten, with his past as a great football player for Mindelense, in St Vincent in Cape Verde, he only has the belated compassion of his friends, neighbours, and cafe companions: "He was important", "He was the keeper in Cape Verde", "He could have played for Benfica!" Mane rejects the loss of his status as a hero. When training a youth team he sees himself again in KALU, a rebellious but talented youth. He is guided by a whirlwind of thoughts; he was also young, had opportunities, felt the sting of love and wasted his flame. A beaten leather ball shines in his hands once again, Benfica, his club, calls him to the Portuguese Cup Final.
Un asunto privado
Production Manager
Alex is a famous singer who lives in a big mansion. One quiet night, a hooded stranger comes into his home, shoots the butler and then takes the mask out. Surprisingly, it's a woman. At the beginning she just want to have dinner with him.
O Judeu
Executive Producer
Torturado aos 21 anos pela Inquisição por crime de judaísmo, Antonio José da Silva (1704-1736), nascido no Brasil e chamado de 'o judeu', redescobre o sentimento da vida através do teatro de marionetes. Casa com Leonor Maria de Carvalho, cristã-nova como ele, e freqüenta os salões aristocráticos dos 'iluministas' que o apóiam. Uma denúncia de heresia contra sua prima Brites Eugênia e o espírito irreverente das comédias desse 'Molière' português do século XVIII levam Antonio José, mais uma vez, aos cárceres do Santo Ofício junto com a mãe, Lourença Coutinho, e sua mulher.
Executive Producer
1936. Rafael, son of a Spanish nobleman, leaves the French Catholic institution where he was resident, recalled in his country by his father. Senior officer in Franco's army, it is that his son is involved in the civil war that tore Spain. Before joining the front, Rafael is assigned to a unit whose main mission is to take care of prisoners and execute subversive elements. The garrison was commanded by Colonel Masagual, a friend's father Rafael. Very old regime , the colonel who lives openly with his homosexuality Casado, his aide, is an ambiguous character, melancholy and cynical lucidity.
Executive Producer
Two girls meet on a train: Prune is looking for her father whom she has not seen since she was a little girl, Marina is looking for the mother she has never had. Prune learns that her father took his life and then she accidentally dies by drowning. Marina decides to assume her identity and begins a correspondence with Prune's mother.
Une femme dans la tourmente
Associate Producer
Michèle is the new French consul in a South American country. She quickly discovers that the government is, in fact, a dictatorship. Moreover, her seventeen-year-old daughter is involved in the revolution against the regime.
The Eagle and the Horse
French Canadian TV-Movie
Passagem por Lisboa
Assistant Director
Numa noite de Junho de 1940, na zona portuária de Lisboa, um francês é abatido a tiros e jogado no rio Tejo. No dia seguinte na Embaixada Britânica, Ralph, Connie e Jorge, que trabalham na escuta de mensagens alemãs, ficam sabendo que a famosa atriz Pola Negri chegará em Lisboa nesse dia. Enquanto Jorge vigia no hotel Avenida Palace a velha vedete do cinema, em Cascais na vivenda Espírito Santo, o inspetor Antunes observa o banqueiro em animada conversa com dois ilustres convidados: Primo de Rivera e o duque de Windsor. Jorge leva, mais tarde, um diplomata inglês a casa de Espírito Santo e, apesar do seu ar desinteressado, estava bem consciente da perigosa história de espionagem em que acabava de se envolver. O diretor mistura, habilmente, ficção e realidade num delicioso e pitoresco filme de espionagem, marcado por uma certa carga nostálgica e uma forte evocação da memória do cinema.
Assistant Director
Whenever people are released from their society's constraints, there is the possibility that they will behave badly, at least according to the rules of the society they have left behind. This seems to have been particularly the case for Europeans living in colonial establishments in Africa and Asia. In this drama, based on a story by Stefan Zweig, Dr. Steiner (Andrzej Seweryn) was caught with his fingers in the till at a German hospital. Rather than prosecute him, they gave him the option of emigrating elsewhere. He chose to serve at a clinic in a remote part of Portuguese Goa. He has been on his best behavior for years, but when the beautiful wife (Fanny Ardant) of a diplomat comes to him asking for an abortion, he is tempted to ask for sexual favors in return, and his life swiftly goes out of control.
Unit Production Manager
O filme conta a história de Fernando (Jorge Sanz), um jovem anarquista espanhol que ao desertar do exército monarquista foge para o interior do país. Vagando pelo campo sem destino, acaba encontrando Manolo (Fernando Fernán Gómez), outro anarquista que se identifica com suas ideias e lhe dá abrigo. A súbita maré de sorte de Fernando ainda não acabou. Ao contrário, está apenas começando. É que Manolo é pai de quatro mulheres maravilhosas. E as irmãs, sedentas de amor e cada uma à sua maneira, vão usar de todo seu charme para conquistar o inocente visitante. Difícil vai ser controlar o desejo e escolher apenas uma delas para amar.
El invierno en Lisboa
Assistant Director
Jim is the drummer for the great black musician Billy Swann. With him, he plays in a club called San Sebastián, owned by his friend Floro, every summer.
Os Canibais
Assistant Director
This odd film is a major representative of an even odder film genre: direct-to-celluloid opera. It was commissioned by the Portuguese master of style, director Manoel de Oliveira from composer João Paes. Musically, it ranges from 19th-century romanticism to popular, modernist and even "post-modernist" styles. In the initially tame story, a host-narrator tells the story of a wedding between the two lovebirds: Viscount d'Aveleda and the beautiful Marguerite. However, what happens in the bridal chamber is incredibly bizarre. The events after that are even stranger (the film out-does even Luis Buñuel in that department), and the wedding guests and family indulge in cannibalism, among other perversions.
Repórter X
Assistant Director Trainee
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
Repórter X
Assistant Director
A story about character created by Reinaldo Ferreira (1897-1935), action reporter, mystery novelist and emotion journalist.
À Flor do Mar
Laura Rossellini, a widow from Rome, vacations on the Algarve coast one hot summer. One day while sunbathing, she finds a wounded man named Robert drifting in the surf on a rubber raft. She takes him home, and, after he is revived, learns his story. As they talk, their mutual attraction grows, until a group of armed men suddenly arrive looking for Robert.
Treasure Island
Script Supervisor
Jim is a small child who lives in an inn run by his parents. The arrival of a strange captain to the Island they live will trouble his existence and tip him into an universe of adventures.