Daisy (voice)
Barbie troca as praias ensolaradas de Malibu pelas luzes brilhantes da Broadway para participar de um programa exclusivo de artes cênicas de verão e conhece Barbie. As duas amigas logo descobrem que compartilham mais do que um nome.
Daisy Costopolis (voice)
Nesta aventura musical em que conhece novas amigas num reino novo, Barbie aprende o que significa ser ela mesma quando troca de lugar com uma sósia da realeza.
A former college student writes essays for cash until a client becomes her lover.
An adult swim class sets the stage for this sexually charged comedy-drama about love, loss, and second chances. Three strangers -- inextricably connected through personal heartbreak -- find themselves entering deep water as they learn that life isn't always about diving right in -- it's about getting your feet wet once in awhile.
A suicidal comedy about two young lovers who get married and escape from a mental institution in search of new ways to die...and the white light.
A young girl has a conflicted relationship with her disabled mother and an irrational fear that the disability is contagious.