Elin Gradin


O Inimaginável
Makeup Designer
É meio do verão e a Suécia acorda em estado de emergência. As redes de televisão, Internet e telefone estão fora do ar e, antes que alguém perceba o que está por trás do colapso, uma série de ataques inexplicáveis estão ocorrendo em todo o país. Alex, um pianista de sucesso cuja existência controlada muda quando sua mãe é morta em um suposto ataque terrorista, retorna à aldeia de sua infância para organizar o funeral. Lá, ele deve se reconciliar com seu pai e seu antigo amor, Anna, a quem ele tem tentado desesperadamente esquecer. À medida que velhos sentimentos ressurgem, mais ataques misteriosos mergulham a Suécia no caos e na confusão.
Krister is a police officer working on a case before his cancer treatment begins. A boy has disappeared and Krister knows exactly what it is like to lose a child. He also cares for his demented wife at home.
Hemsöborna - Väldigt fritt efter August Strindberg
Eddy and Ylva have invited Björn and Lene to spend a perfect weekend in their cabin in the woods, but the vacation become disrupted by primitive creatures known as tree-cutters.
Autobiographical Scene Number 6882
A 30-years old man is celebrating Midsummer's eve together with friends on the west coast of Sweden. He makes his friends come and watch as he is going to jump into the sea from a very high bridge.
An old man has an unusual hobby.
Happy End
Happy End is a story about Lukas, a self-absorbed young man adrift who meets Marja, an experienced, older woman. Lukas dreams of becoming a rock star. He escapes the city to his father's holiday flat in Visby, a town on the Baltic island of Gotland. But the flat has been rented out to Marja, an eccentric 69-year-old writer determined to complete her memoirs. Nothing can hold her back, least of all a confused dreamer. Much against their will, a friendship slowly develops. But Marja harbors a secret, and when the truth emerges their friendship is put to the test. Their stay on Gotland takes an unexpected turn...