Filip Jan Rymsza


Vale dos Deuses
John escreve a biografia do homem mais rico do planeta, sujeito que deseja minerar terras sagradas para obter material atômico. Mas, essa ganância encontrará um oponente à altura nas forças despertadas dos ancestrais.
Captures a 1970 meeting between the movie industry titan Orson Welles and the then-rising star Dennis Hopper, who had just made Easy Rider.
Mosquito State
Isolated in his austere penthouse overlooking Central Park, obsessive Wall Street data analyst Richard Boca sees ominous patterns. His computer models are behaving erratically, as are the swarms of mosquitos breeding in his apartment, an infestation that attends his psychological meltdown.
Mosquito State
Isolated in his austere penthouse overlooking Central Park, obsessive Wall Street data analyst Richard Boca sees ominous patterns. His computer models are behaving erratically, as are the swarms of mosquitos breeding in his apartment, an infestation that attends his psychological meltdown.
Mosquito State
Isolated in his austere penthouse overlooking Central Park, obsessive Wall Street data analyst Richard Boca sees ominous patterns. His computer models are behaving erratically, as are the swarms of mosquitos breeding in his apartment, an infestation that attends his psychological meltdown.
Frequência Perdida
Executive Producer
Basedo em roteiro da diretora, Lost Transmissions é sobre uma compositora tímida que descobre que seu amigo, um respeitado produtor de discos, está sem tomar sua medicação para esquizofrenia. Ela então decide ajudá-lo, reunindo amigos para fazê-lo se comprometer com o tratamento psiquiátrico..
O Outro Lado do Vento
J.J. Jake Hannaford (John Huston) é um consagrado diretor de cinema que enfrenta problemas para concluir seu último filme, "O Outro Lado do Vento", devido ao abandono repentino do protagonista, John Dale (Robert Random). Com o orçamento estourado e a pressão de executivos de Hollywood, Hannaford comemora seu aniversário em meio a amigos e inimigos, exibindo aos presentes o que já filmou até o momento.
A Final Cut for Orson: 40 Years in the Making
A glimpse behind the scenes into the complicated process of recovering and completing Orson Welles' final film The Other Side of the Wind.
A Final Cut for Orson: 40 Years in the Making
Self - Producer
A glimpse behind the scenes into the complicated process of recovering and completing Orson Welles' final film The Other Side of the Wind.
Serei amado quando morrer
No final de sua carreira, o lendário diretor Orson Welles já não era mais o queridinho de Hollywood que fez sucesso com "Cidadão Kane". Um artista em processo de envelhecimento e aparentemente sem sorte, ele passou seis anos batalhando para tentar concluir "The Other Side of the Wind", o filme que ele acreditava que seria seu grande retorno. Com sua morte em 1985, o projeto acabou, permanecendo em um cofre sem ser terminado por quatro décadas. Imagens inéditas de Welles se unem a entrevistas com o elenco e a equipe do filme para contar a história do fim de sua carreira.
Sangue Azul
O circo Netuno monta lona em uma ilha paradisíaca. Zolah (Daniel de Oliveira), o homem-bala, já conhece o local. Lá ele foi criado, junto com a irmã Raquel (Caroline Abras), até o dia em que a mãe, Sônia (Sandra Corveloni), o mandou para longe temendo um incesto entre as duas crianças. Já adulto, ele reecontra a família depois de vinte anos e é chegado o momento de resolver as questões do passado que ainda o atormentam.
"Dustclouds" is an epic fever-dream, chronicling a long night's journey into day. As his wedding carriage rides beneath a starlit night, Getz vows to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Having worked his whole life, he has finally married. Yet as he lies in his bride's embrace, Getz already starts to question his happiness. Deep within, he yearns for "the perfect," which puts strain on his marriage. As the night progresses, inner turmoil unravels the fabric of Getz's being. Years begin to pass like seconds. Time, identity and purpose become unstuck. And a great sadness is borne into his life. Getz longs for answers, but is terrified by what he could lose in his search for truth? What follows is a quest deep into his heart of darkness.
"Dustclouds" is an epic fever-dream, chronicling a long night's journey into day. As his wedding carriage rides beneath a starlit night, Getz vows to enjoy the fruits of his labor. Having worked his whole life, he has finally married. Yet as he lies in his bride's embrace, Getz already starts to question his happiness. Deep within, he yearns for "the perfect," which puts strain on his marriage. As the night progresses, inner turmoil unravels the fabric of Getz's being. Years begin to pass like seconds. Time, identity and purpose become unstuck. And a great sadness is borne into his life. Getz longs for answers, but is terrified by what he could lose in his search for truth? What follows is a quest deep into his heart of darkness.
Object Permanence
Set in the near future, Brooke Brooks is a former supermodel who becomes a successful lifestyle mogul and is the first person to IPO herself. Having commodified herself, she's forced to confront her sense of self and the identity she's created.
Object Permanence
Set in the near future, Brooke Brooks is a former supermodel who becomes a successful lifestyle mogul and is the first person to IPO herself. Having commodified herself, she's forced to confront her sense of self and the identity she's created.
Object Permanence
Set in the near future, Brooke Brooks is a former supermodel who becomes a successful lifestyle mogul and is the first person to IPO herself. Having commodified herself, she's forced to confront her sense of self and the identity she's created.
A Girl and a Gun
A modern, Los Angeles grifter story steeped in the city's pulp fiction tradition. It centers on Ian, a wayward errand boy who longs to move up the Hollywood ranks, but has attained little more than heartache and debt, and the beautiful Anna, an aspiring actress fresh off the bus from Kansas.
A Girl and a Gun
A modern, Los Angeles grifter story steeped in the city's pulp fiction tradition. It centers on Ian, a wayward errand boy who longs to move up the Hollywood ranks, but has attained little more than heartache and debt, and the beautiful Anna, an aspiring actress fresh off the bus from Kansas.