Stéphane Elmadjian


En même temps
On the eve of a vote to greenlight the construction of a leisure centre where a primal forest currently stands, an unashamedly right-wing mayor sets out to trap his ecologist opponent. But both will end up being outwitted by a group of feminist activists who will confront the two men with their own contradictions, once and for all.
Qu'est-ce qu'on va faire de Jacques?
When their father dies, Louise, Fabien, and Estelle feel helpless as they confront the task of taking care of their schizophrenic brother Jacques. For Louise, the experience will be life-changing.
Antoine, an international wine negotiator in his fifties, receives an unusual phone call from Moscow. No voice, just a breath. Shaken, he leaves everything behind, his job, his partner, to go immediately to Russia to look for the woman he loved passionately and who has mysteriously disappeared for four years.
Sécurité Globale, de quel droit ?
November 2020. While we live under an exceptional regime which hinders our freedoms, the French government chooses to pass - following the emergency procedure - a law "on global security" which increases the control mechanisms and surveillance.
Apaga o Histórico
Três vizinhos descobrem que são vítimas das novas tecnologias e das redes sociais. Marie é alvo de chantagem devido a um vídeo de conteúdo sexual, Bertrand vê a filha ser objeto de bullying na escola, enquanto Christine, motorista, mostra-se insatisfeita ao constatar que as avaliações feitas pelos seus clientes não melhoram. Juntos declaram guerra aos gigantes da Internet.
I Feel Good
Editorial Manager
He’s lived for too long off his parents. It’s time for 40-year-old slacker Jacques to get by on his own. One-time gigolo and a borderline bum, he knows what he wants – to become rich and famous. He even has a business plan: tourism combined with cheap plastic surgery. Jacques moves in with his older sister, Monique, who manages an Emmaus village in the south west of France. And before long, the smooth-talking chancer has convinced a group of workers to pool their meagre funds and set out on a trip to a clinic in Bulgaria, where all their dreams of a brighter and more beautiful future will all come true. If only…
Eva Não Dorme
Em 1952, Evita Péron, a Primeira Dama da Argentina, morre de câncer, aos 33 anos de idade e seu corpo é embalsamado. Três anos depois, o presidente Juan Perón sofre um golpe de estado e o corpo de Evita é enviado para a Europa, com o intuito de apagar o legado dela da memória popular. Seu corpo então vira o centro de um confronto de poder que dura vinte e cinco anos.
A tentação de matar
O corpo ensanguentado de um homem é encontrado à beira de um penhasco. As duas suspeitas são amantes dele, mas também são mãe e filha.
A Grande Noite
Dois irmãos completamente diferentes lidando com uma dura vida financeira enfrentada durante uma crise na Europa. O primeiro, sendo punk, aparentemente lida bem com a situação, até porque, não tem nada a perder. Perambula no decorrer do dia pela cidade, pedindo comida a estranhos, e tomando banho em fontes públicas. O segundo, porém, ao ser dispensado do emprego, entra num violento colapso nervoso e, durante alguns dias de insanidade, vive a "filosofia punk" ao lado do seu brother.
A cello player is asked by her daughter why she suddenly interrupted her musical career… The voices and images of the two women intertwined with the author’s give way to thought, vision. Confessions of lives dedicated to creating.
Serge Pilardosse has just turned 60. He has worked since the age of 16, never unemployed, never sick. But the hour of retirement has come, and it is disillusionment: he is missing points, some employers having forgotten to declare it! Pushed by Catherine, his wife, he gets on his old motorcycle from the 70s, a "Mammut" which earned him his nickname, and sets off in search of his pay slips. During his journey, he rediscovers his past and his quest for administrative documents soon becomes incidental...
Je m'appelle
Je m'appelle
Je m'appelle
Je m'appelle
Tous les i de paris s'illuminent
La vache qui voulait sauter par dessus l'église
A farmer has computerised his farm but hasn't counted on bugs in the system ... and the cow wants to jump over the church.
Original Music Composer