Merlin Rose

Merlin Rose

Nascimento : 1993-01-22,


Merlin Rose
Merlin Rose
Merlin Rose
Merlin Rose


When Will It Be Again Like It Never Was Before
Growing up on the grounds of one of Germany's largest psychiatric hospitals is somehow - different. For Joachim, the director's youngest son, the patients are like family. They are also much nicer to him than his two older brothers, who drive him into fits of rage. His mother, painting watercolors, longs for Italian summer nights instead of constant German rain, while his father secretly, but not discreetly enough, goes his own way. But while Joachim slowly grows up, his world, not only through the loss of his first love, gets more and more cracks...
Not the 80s
Two people, one restaurant, some preconceptions and a bit of fish.
Steffen Wendrichs
For Marko, life mainly consists of frozen pizzas and back pain. For almost 30 years, the widower has been hauling frozen goods for the company "Eisland" to the front doors of his mostly older customers. When Marko has to take early retirement due to illness, his life gets into imbalance. Thereby Marko has only one goal: his studying son should have it better one day. Lawyer or judge, that would be something. The main thing is no work where you have to wear a name tag. The decease of an old female customer unexpectedly opens up a whole new business model for Marko. Unfortunately, he reckoned without the nosy neighbors. To make matters worse, his own son also finds out about it. Marko's house of cards threatens to collapse. Then he meets his idol Roland Kaiser at the bar.
Natal Sob Fogo Cruzado
Um homem frustra uma tentativa de assassinato, então foge da tripulação de assassinos, juntamente com seu alvo pretendido como uma mulher que ele acabou de encontrar tenta encontrá-lo.
A Gschicht über d'Lieb
In 1950s Germany, a farmer's children face an excruciating dilemma when the son resists expectations to take over the family farm.
Der süße Brei
Veit von Hammerlitz
German TV adaptation of Grimm‘s fairy tale “Sweet Porridge“ or “The Magic Porridge Pot“.
Fette Kumpelz
Für meine Tochter
Confusão de Elite
Luke, investigador GSG-10, e Theo, policial, têm que se unir quando Mascha, a filha do presidente da Moldávia, é sequestrada do Palácio de Bellevue, na Alemanha. Em sua missão de resgate, os dois deixam um enorme rastro de devastação, com seus métodos nada convencionais. Junto com a hacker Nicki, eles descobrem uma conspiração que revela que o sequestro é mais do que um mero pedido de resgate.
Young Drunk
Anna todos os dias aparece para visitar e rezar sobre o túmulo de seu noivo Frantz, que morreu na França. Um dia, Adrien, um jovem e misterioso francês, também aparece por lá e sua presença irá provocar reações imprevisíveis.
Die Spezialisten: Flowerpower
Jannik Meissner
The IEK team investigates the corpse of 1970s-disappeared flower girl Monika Rothmann, both burned and suffocated as drowned. She was believed to have abandoned husband Herbert and daughter Anja without a trace, but it turns out she started a new life as a political and environmental activist, yielding potential motives and suspects, but also an adulterous affair.
Jannik Meissner
Shed My Skin
The adolescent Milan discovers his own suspected homosexuality at the age of 17 and the consequences for him and his family but also the liberation as he understands why he has been so down and rebellious.
Im Namen meines Sohnes
Sebastian Jansen, 21
Based on the true case of the "mask man", the film tells the story of Claus Jansen, whose son Hannes disappears from boarding school overnight in 1992. A few weeks later, the boy is found murdered. The father begins to investigate himself and makes the search for the perpetrator his personal mission. Claus is pushing the question of his own guilt: If he hadn't sent Hannes to boarding school, would his son still be alive today? Claus knows that if he doesn't end his obsessive hunt, he will lose himself and the love of his wife Heike and his younger son Sebastian ...
Zorn - Vom Lieben und Sterben
Max Brandt
Enquanto Estávamos Sonhando
Daniel, Mark, Rico, Pitbull e Paul são um grupo de amigos da Alemanha Oriental. Juntos, eles crescem e vivenciam o início dos anos 1990, os primeiros da Alemanha unificada, quando tudo parece possível. Daniel se apaixona, Rico se destaca como pugilista, e os dois conhecem Starlet, a menina mais bonita que já tinham visto. Eles vão para festas, se rebelam, trabalham em um clube de música techno, fogem de neonazistas, de seus pais e do futuro. Amadurecem em um tempo de anarquia.
Jonas Bock
Brincando de Medico
O tímido Andi é um adolescente de 16 anos, que disputa com um colega mais legal de sua turma a atenção da bela Katja. Uma comédia teen ao estilo de "American Pie" do diretor Marco Petry.
Zonas Úmidas
Baseado no livro homônimo de Charlotte Roche, que conta a história de Helen Memel, uma jovem de 18 anos que é internada pós umas mal sucedida depilação íntima. A situação curiosa expõe a vida dela, que não aceita a separação dos pais, e acaba se envolvendo com um enfermeiro do hospital.
Der Tote im Eis
Vater Mutter Mörder
Lukas Wesnik
Scheidung für Fortgeschrittene