Erika Ökvist


2036 Origem Desconhecida
Costume Designer
Depois que a primeira missão tripulada a Marte termina em um acidente mortal, o controlador de missão Mackenzie ‘Mack’ Wilson (Sackhoff) auxilia um sistema de inteligência artificial, A.R.T.I. Sua investigação revela um objeto misterioso sob a superfície de Marte, que poderia mudar o futuro do nosso planeta como o conhecemos.
Special Effects
An artificial intelligence system takes control of a futuristic car manufacturing plant.
Makeup Artist
An artificial intelligence system takes control of a futuristic car manufacturing plant.
Costume Design
An artificial intelligence system takes control of a futuristic car manufacturing plant.
O Mensageiro
Hair Designer
1900, Norfolk. Passando o verão com a família de um rico colega de escola, Leo é atraído para ser um mensageiro entre a bela filha da casa e um agricultor local. Mas caso de amor clandestino do casal tem consequências trágicas. Refilmagem de O Mensageiro (1971) . THE GO-BETWEEN, um belo filme exibido em 20 de Setembro de 2015 na BBC.
O Mensageiro
Makeup Designer
1900, Norfolk. Passando o verão com a família de um rico colega de escola, Leo é atraído para ser um mensageiro entre a bela filha da casa e um agricultor local. Mas caso de amor clandestino do casal tem consequências trágicas. Refilmagem de O Mensageiro (1971) . THE GO-BETWEEN, um belo filme exibido em 20 de Setembro de 2015 na BBC.
Spying on Hitler’s Army: The Secret Recordings
Makeup Designer
British intelligence undertook an audacious operation to listen in on the private conversations of 10,000 German prisoners of war without their ever knowing they were being overheard. The prisoners' unguarded reminiscences and unintentional confessions have only just come to light, and prove how closely the German army were involved in the atrocities of the Holocaust. British intelligence requisitioned three stately homes for this epic task, and converted each into an elaborate trap. The 100,000 hours of conversation they captured provided crucial intelligence that changed the course of the war, and revealed some of its worst horrors, from rape to mass executions to one of the earliest bulletins from the concentration camps. But when the fighting ended, the recordings were destroyed and the transcripts locked away for half a century. Only now have they been declassified, researched and cross-referenced.
Spying on Hitler’s Army: The Secret Recordings
Costume Design
British intelligence undertook an audacious operation to listen in on the private conversations of 10,000 German prisoners of war without their ever knowing they were being overheard. The prisoners' unguarded reminiscences and unintentional confessions have only just come to light, and prove how closely the German army were involved in the atrocities of the Holocaust. British intelligence requisitioned three stately homes for this epic task, and converted each into an elaborate trap. The 100,000 hours of conversation they captured provided crucial intelligence that changed the course of the war, and revealed some of its worst horrors, from rape to mass executions to one of the earliest bulletins from the concentration camps. But when the fighting ended, the recordings were destroyed and the transcripts locked away for half a century. Only now have they been declassified, researched and cross-referenced.
The Possession of David O'Reilly
Production Design
A supernatural shockumentary about a demonic presence in a young couple's home in London.
The Beckoning Silence
Costume Design
In The Beckoning Silence, Joe Simpson, whose amazing battle for survival featured in the multi-award winning "Touching the Void", travels to the treacherous North Face of the Eiger to tell the story of one of mountaineering's most epic tragedies. As a child, it was this story and that of one of the climbers in particular, that first captured Simpson's imagination and inspired him to take up mountaineering.
13º Andar
Costume Design
Ritchie Donovan é um ladrão profissional que esta numa maré de má sorte. Ele é o único sobrevivente de um roubo que termina muito mal. Ritchie é forçado a levar a culpa e para compensar os erros do assalto, é enviado à Rússia para roubar uma antigüidade de valor inestimável, trancada em um cofre na cobertura de um arranha-céu de Moscou. As coisas começam mal e vão rapidamente de mal a pior no momento em que, durante o assalto, Ritchie e seus comparsas Russos são forçados a fazer reféns, pois são cercados pela polícia no 13º andar do prédio onde coisas estranhas começam a acontecer: de serial killers a loucos reféns com comportamento duvidoso, Ritchie precisa se ver livre de todos e tentar salvar sua vida.
Production Design
Sanna is a young girl who wishes nothing else then a very own horse. One day on her way to school she ends up in a stable where three Arabian horses is being held in quarantine.