Tara Wood


Quentin Tarantino: Os Oito Primeiros
De "Cães de Aluguel" a "Os Oito Odiados", atores e colaboradores examinam os oito primeiros filmes do aclamado diretor e roteirista Quentin Tarantino.
Quentin Tarantino: Os Oito Primeiros
De "Cães de Aluguel" a "Os Oito Odiados", atores e colaboradores examinam os oito primeiros filmes do aclamado diretor e roteirista Quentin Tarantino.
Quentin Tarantino: Os Oito Primeiros
De "Cães de Aluguel" a "Os Oito Odiados", atores e colaboradores examinam os oito primeiros filmes do aclamado diretor e roteirista Quentin Tarantino.
21 Years: Richard Linklater
A journey through the professional life of innovative film director Richard Linklater: 21 years creating films, carving his signature in pop culture; an analysis of his style and motivations, through the funny and moving testimonies of close friends and collaborators, actors and other filmmakers.
21 Years: Richard Linklater
A journey through the professional life of innovative film director Richard Linklater: 21 years creating films, carving his signature in pop culture; an analysis of his style and motivations, through the funny and moving testimonies of close friends and collaborators, actors and other filmmakers.
Abandoned Souls
Executive Producer
In an underground prison an inmate escapes during a riot. One year later, a group of friends set out to locate an old hermit shack. They're worst nightmares are revealed when they spawn an evil darkness within the escaped prisoner.
Heebie Jeebies
Executive Producer
A woman gathers her friends together in a cabin to try and protect them from a killer after she dreams each of their deaths. This, however, just puts them all in one spot making for easy pickings for the slasher.
Net Worth
Net Worth details the serio-comic story of four friends who learn the value of friendship as they embark on a thirty day contest to achieve the highest net worth in a new city with no cash and no connections.
Newton Boys: Os Irmãos Fora-da-Lei
Cigarette Girl (uncredited)
Em 1919 quatro irmãos texanos, Willis, Jess (Ethan Hawke), Joe e Dock, liderados por Willis, começam a se tornar, com a ajuda do especialista em nitroglicerina Brentwood Glasscock, a mais bem sucedida quadrilha de assaltantes de bancos de sua época. Quando as portas dos cofres dos bancos se tornam mais seguras eles tentam diversificar assaltando um trem, que transporta milhões de dólares.