Nascimento : 1978-10-21, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
A história acompanha Aoi, Tomoya e Ryou, um trio de jovens que se conheceram online. Aoi não consegue encontrar seu lugar no mundo, Tomoya não pode viver a vida que sonhava e Ryou teve seu futuro brilhante interrompido após um acidente. Os três ouvem falar de uma lenda urbana conhecida com “o fantasma do verão(summer ghost)”, onde o espírito de uma garota aparece durante os fogos de artifício do festival. Durante uma noite em que a vida e a morte se cruzam, os três jovens buscam encontrar o fantasma do verão, acreditando ser a oportunidade para corrigir suas vidas.
Dead bodies with eyeballs ruptured are continuously found. Their direct causes of death are heart attacks and they acted like they were possessed right before their deaths. Mizuki is a university student. Her friend dies in front of her. Meanwhile, Haruo’s younger brother dies. Mizuki and Haruo begin to investigate together. They learn that Eiko holds a key to the mystery. Soon, Eiko's eyeballs rupture and she dies by a heart attack. Before she dies, she mentions the word "Shirai-san.”
Dead bodies with eyeballs ruptured are continuously found. Their direct causes of death are heart attacks and they acted like they were possessed right before their deaths. Mizuki is a university student. Her friend dies in front of her. Meanwhile, Haruo’s younger brother dies. Mizuki and Haruo begin to investigate together. They learn that Eiko holds a key to the mystery. Soon, Eiko's eyeballs rupture and she dies by a heart attack. Before she dies, she mentions the word "Shirai-san.”
Okinawa, Japão. A Terra está mais uma vez em perigo, sendo agora atacada por Gilvallis, um planeta tecnológico cujo objetivo é desmaterializar toda a espécie humana. Para enfrentá-lo, Ultraman Geed e sua equipe contam com a ajuda de vários Ultramen de outras Terras, que vêm a esta realidade para socorrê-lo.
Yuri Kashiwaga was once known as a genius pianist. One day, she returns to her hometown in Goto Islands from Tokyo. There, she begins to work as a temporary teacher at a middle school and advisor for the school chorus. The chorus aims to take part at a competition. Yuri gives the members of the chorus members an assignment. She instructs them to write a letter with the title of “To myself 15 years later.” The 15-year-old boys and girls write about their secrets and worries.
Noboru is a high school student who isn't popular at all. He looks up to senior student Miyazaki who is one of the most popular guys at school. Miyazaki has two girlfriends: Momose and Tetsuko. Momose and Tetsuko have totally different personalities. Momose is bright and Tetsuko is a popular student from a wealthy family. One day, Miyazaki is caught with Momose. To keep his relationship with Tetsuko, Miyazaki asks Noboru and Momose to pretend they are dating. They both agree due to their affections for Miyazaki. Noboru and Momose begin to act like a couple in front others and soon Noboru begins to develop feelings for Momose, who is still in love with Miyazaki.
Seu ursinho de pelúcia favorito. Aquele kit de modelo que você levou tanto tempo para completar. Aquele álbum que você revia de novo e de novo. A pedra brilhante que você encontrou naquele dia no parque. Para onde vão todos os seus tesouros de infância quando você cresce? Nesta história, conhecemos criaturas fantásticas que coletam esses pequenos objetos que caem no esquecimento à medida que seus donos entram na fase adulta. Essas criaturas se esgueiram pelo nosso mundo vindos de outra dimensão e, sem serem vistos pelos humanos, levam todos esses empoeirados e esquecidos “tesouros” para o seu mundo. Lá, elas usam seus espólios para construir sua cidade, um lugar como um conto de fadas chamado… Ilha das Lembranças Perdidas.
Itsuki and Yoru share a passion for the dark and death, making them the perfect choice to track down a serial killer who is roaming the streets.
Michiru has lost her eyesight, and to make matters worse, her father dies shortly afterwards. She is now all alone and spends most of her day isolated in her home. Akihiro is a Chinese-Japanese immigrant, that has had to deal with racism all throughout his life. He is now tormented at work by one of his older co-workers named Toshio. One day at a train station in front of Michiru's house, Toshio is thrown into the path of an oncoming train. The only person seen at the train stop was Akihiro. Akihiro frantically flees from the scene and manages to enter Michiru's house without her knowledge. After a few days, Michiru starts to sense the presence of another person in her home.
Comic Book
Five different directors adapt the works of Japanese author Otsuichi in this collection of unconventional live-action and animated shorts. A woman is murdered under odd circumstances in the title film, "Zoo"; twin sisters are treated differently in "Kazari and Yoko"; two siblings find themselves trapped in "Seven Rooms"; a survivor learns about life and death in "When the Sun Shines"; and parents lose the ability to see each other in "So Far."