Sture Baude

Sture Baude


Sture Baude


Vi behöver varann
A female reporter invents a story about a man who threatens to take his life to protest the injustices of society. But the scam is about to be revealed. She is forced to persuade a tramp to play the fictional man.
Hon trodde det var han
The famous author Mark Storm's publisher is unhappy with his books and asks him to write books in a more popular genre, crime for example. When Mark Storm comes to his apartment, he finds a burglar, Kurre. He notices that they have a physical similarity and they change identity, which makes it possible for Storm to make empirical studies in the world of crime.
Father and Son
Carl-Magnus de Lorche
About the wealthy Mr Markurell and his son, Johan, who is closing in on his graduation, and their life in the city of Wadköping. Swedish language version.
Gustaf Wasa, Part One
Archbishop Gustaf Trolle
The story takes its beginning in 1518 , the Danish King Christian II has taken Sweden. Sten Sture the younger appeal to all loyal subjects to resist. The offer reaches the farmer Mats Waltersson in Dalarna , Sweden's heart and he gathers his men. Dalmas were going from house to house, they do not want a Dane on the throne. At Brännkyrka outside Stockholm is a battle between the Danes and Swedes. Swedes win and the Swedish riksbaneret out during the Battle of Gustav Eriksson Vasa.
A Perfect Gentleman
Social comedy-drama. Aristocrat's boredom in marriage of convenience and sacrif ice of self on behalf of wife's lover.
Hon, han och Andersson
Two Kings
The young adventurer Signature Hjelm meets one day a runaway carriage, and succeeds by a resourceful and daring intervention to avert an accident. The rig belongs to Gustav III's favorite, Baron Armfelt, and as a reward for his feat will Ture service of the king's guard. Conspirators trying maple certainly entice him over to the king's enemies, but Ture reports Gustaf receiving a grim and determined expression on his face: "Spies even here!" His confidence Signature increases.
Flygande holländaren
His Lord's Will
Roger Hyltenius
A series of family entanglements develop around the changing will of Roger Bernhuses de Sars (Karl Mantzius), who wants his heritage to go to his illegitimate daughter Blenda (Greta Almroth). But love and fate also plays their cards. One of the most surprising films of Sjöström, close to Stroheim and some of the silent comedies of Lubitsch. Belonging to the golden age of Swedish film, this comedy offers one of the earliest explorations of the relationship between masters and servants on the screen, later developed by French masters like Renoir and Guitry. After acting in the diptych of Thomas Graal, Sjöström shows that he also dominates the “light genre” as director.
"The Nobel Prize Winner" - Dr. Henry Arel and his fiancee, Violet Starford, joins the war as paramedics. During a flight attack, Violet is badly hurt. The doctor makes a very bold intervention in the hope that Violet will survive.
Night Music
The actor
The rich Baron Von Meislingen dreams of being a poet-- Unfortunately, he has no talent what so ever. In one of his apartments lives the talented but poor poet Peter Långhår. Von Meislingen steals his latest work from him and publishes it under his own name. 'His' poems becomes a success and Von Meislingen becomes regarded as one of the greatest living poets.
The Lighthouse-Keeper's Daughter
Dinner Guest
"The Lighthouse-Keeper's Daughter". The film premiered on April 2 1918 at Brunkeberg Theatre in Stockholm . The film was to be the last feature film that was released from Hasselblad film before it went up in the newly founded Film Industry Skandia. Filming took place at the Hasselblad Studio in Otterhällan with exteriors from Böttö lighthouse outside Gothenburg by Gösta Stäring.
Tom Hubert
"Big City Dangers" - About two orphanages children's upbringing in the countryside. Brynolf travels to his father in America. Inga moves to Stockholm for work. In the city lurks many dangers.
Löjtnant Galenpanna
Juncker's Companion
At a restaurant visit happens to the distracted professor and flea animal expert Loris get his overcoat replaced by Lieutenant Juncker. Lt. discovers the mistake at a night grog with two joke hungry friends. In the professor's coat he finds the professor's notes for the next day, and Lieutenant Juncker bet with his cronies that he should be able to carry out the professor's daily program without being exposed.
Wedding guest
Countess Hedvig von Wärnfelt (born Wärnfelt), receives her orphan's granddaughter Marianne to educate her in tukt and her reverence. Marianne is an iron and vibrant young girl, who also carries theater grills. The Countess is staggered over her uneducated facials and treats her severely, hard and joyless.
The Prisoner of Karl's Fortress
Count de Faber is working on a new type of explosives, but reads in a newspaper that the Swedish professor Plussman beat him to it.