Carlos Fernando


Wallander 25 - The Collector
Ystads polis
A young woman is killed and robbed in her apartment. The trail leads to her indebted ex-boyfriend, a bouncer. In the investigation, the police officer Pontus notices that his colleague is nervous. Isabell carries around a dark secret: one of the suspects, in this case, has a means of pressure against her in her hand. Commissioner Wallander has a great deal on the capable young policewoman, whose loyalty to her fatherly superior is subjected to a hard test of endurance.
Pássaros de Asas Cortadas
After a fatal crash involving her brother, Elsa tries to escape her corrupt & prejudiced background, making Francisco (the victim’s dad) – a wealthy family’s driver – resign himself with the unavoidable so as not to compromise his employer’s son, thus trying to gain something from the tragedy.
Dom Roberto
A vida miserável de João Barbelas, um vagabundo sonhador, a quem os miúdos alcunham “Dom Roberto”, por exibir fantoches. Conhece Maria, rapariga com passado triste, julgando inocentemente ter arranjado habitação para ambos. O amor, a alegria de viver… Porém, a felicidade é traiçoeira: João e Maria perdem a casa que nunca fora deles, mas conservam a esperança e a ternura, embora a fome continue a persegui-los.