Vincent Albo


Vincent Albo


Jurassic Domination
Production Design
When two military-made, weaponized dinosaurs attack a small mountain town, it's up to the sheriff to figure out a way to stop the creatures before the dinos escape and wreak havoc nationwide.
Deadly Excursion: Kidnapped from the Beach
Production Design
Having survived a kidnapping attempt in an international bride slave trade scheme, restaurateur Samantha McCarthy and her husband David ignore FBI warnings and visit Ft.
Magic Max
Production Design
After a tragic loss of both parents, 11-year-old Tim Hart is forced to live with his immensely immature Uncle Max, a second rate magician. and who, with the help of his nephew, tries to cultivate his last hand at love.
Obsessed With the Babysitter
Production Design
Elaine, an injured dancer, catches the eye of a deranged psychologist who believes her to be the perfect woman. Realizing he is manipulating her mind and using her injury against her; Elaine must escape with the children before she becomes another casualty in his psychotic study.
Production Design
In the murky depths of Los Angeles' world-famous La Brea Tar Pits there lies an ancient secret - a creature that, awakened by underground construction, turns a night of somber packing for Barry Greenwood and his co-workers into a desperate fight for survival.
A Filha Errada
Production Design
Kate e Joe desejavam ser pais quando Danica, uma criança que Kate desistiu há 17 anos, aparece no Facebook. Danica vem morar com eles, mas ela não é filha de verdade. Ela é uma impostora.
Tomb Invader
Art Direction
Archaeologist Alabama Channing sets off to uncover the ancient tomb of Quin Shi Haung, which promises riches and answers to family mysteries.
12 Feet Deep
Production Design
Duas irmãs são esquecidas e ficam presas numa piscina olímpica de mais de 50m de comprimento, embaixo da lona de fibra de vidro. As duas se veem à mercê de uma faxineira noturna com segundas intenções.
Running Away
Production Design
Sisters Maggie and Lizzie move in with mom Peg's new husband. Secrets and lies start immediately. Maggie cannot handle what follows and recruits a friend to help her plan to get out of town with her step father's secrets. When Peg discovers that her daughter has run away, she now has to find Maggie fast but must come to terms with the dark secrets that led to Maggie's fleeing and the secrets about her new husband.
Tubarões de Gelo
Production Design
Uma nova raça de tubarões vorazes e agressivos surgem de uma fissura no Ártico, devorando todos os presentes em uma estação de pesquisa que decidirem se aproximar das águas frias. Quando a estação fica submersa, os sobreviventes devem se armar com o que estiver ao alcance para enfrentar as criaturas assassinas.
Production Design
After a devastating terrorist attack annihilates New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, the US government develops state-of-the-art drone patrols to counter terrorist activities and police the population. When Patterson Endcott, a scientist and drone controller, finds his name listed as a potential terrorist, he unites with a group of resistance fighters to spearhead the fight against the tyrannical government.
Merry Ex-Mas
Production Design
When misleading photos are published of security company chief Jessie Rogers purportedly caught in a love nest with his rock star client, his humiliated wife, Noëlle, swiftly files for divorce. Unable to convince her of his innocence, Jessie fights in vain to win Noëlle back when a Christmastime blizzard snowbounds the family.
Art Direction
Los Angeles está prestes a ser atingida por um terremoto devastador, e o tempo está se esgotando para salvar a cidade do perigo iminente.
O Fim Do Amanhã
Production Design
A humanidade deve lutar para sobreviver como a Terra é invadida por UFOs hostis empenhados em destruir o planeta. Como o salário de batalha épica, os astronautas a bordo da nave-mãe esgueirar onde eles descobrem um portal para o mundo de origem dos aliens. Eles conseguem alertar Terra antes de serem brutalmente assassinados. Sem outra escolha, a Terra envia uma equipe militar de elite da ciência e especialistas de combate através do portal onde eles tentam parar a invasão de dentro para fora. Mas é a batalha já perdida para a humanidade.
Terror no Triângulo das Bermudas
Production Design
O avião presidencial cai no Triângulo das Bermudas. Uma equipe da Marinha é enviada para o resgate, e acaba despertando um monstro submarino que ameaça destruir não só a frota, mas toda a costa leste.
Production Design
Kat receives a weekend at a couples retreat as a gift from her mother, even though she and her boyfriend had broken up six month prior. Kat's friend Samantha proposes that they pretend to be a couple and go there anyway.
Mega Shark Contra Mecha Shark
Production Design
Um tubarão gigante de origem pré-histórica causa desastres no litoral da Califórnia e, para enfrentar a criatura, as autoridades criam um tubarão mecânico.
Production Design
Um furacão estranho atinge Los Angeles, espalhando milhares de tubarões entre a população alagada. Os ventos viram tornados no deserto, levando as mortíferas criaturas pela água, terra e mar.
Age of Dinosaurs
Production Design
Uma empresa de biotecnologia consegue recriar dinossauros, mas as criaturas escapam do controle e aterrorizam Los Angeles. Em meio ao caos, um ex-bombeiro precisa salvar sua filha.
100 Degrees Below Zero
Art Direction
After freak climate and weather events destroy the world around them, a group of rogue scientists attempt to reverse the deadly new ice age.
40 Dias e Noites
Production Design
Após um desastre natural, bióloga reúne DNA de diferentes espécies para preservar a vida na Terra.
The Ghostmaker
Assistant Art Director
A group of college friends discover a 15th century coffin that allows them to experience the world as ghosts. While their first adventures in the spirit world are playful and innocent, the "Box of Shadows" soon brings out the group's most dangerous impulses and desires. The friends find themselves pulled into a world of evil where they learn the line between life and death is there for a reason.
Desire Street
Lucy's Filipino Client
A family (mother, daughter and son) tries to survive their loneliness and obsessions by going through different sexual experiences and relationships with a new neighbour, a prostitute.
Desire Street
Assistant Art Director
A family (mother, daughter and son) tries to survive their loneliness and obsessions by going through different sexual experiences and relationships with a new neighbour, a prostitute.
Night Club
Group Therapist
Three friends - aided by one of the residents - start a night club in a retirement home, after taking a job there working the night shift to put themselves through USC.
Orgy of the Damned
Fosco, a 300 year old vampire, lives in a beautiful mansion with his wife Sabina and their son Dimitri. Their lives are a non-stop lust orgy where anything goes and always does! Until, Fauna, a naive young woman, and her boyfriend, Micah, show up and turn the ecstasy-driven clan into murderous back-stabbers, hell-bent on revenge and power.