Sang Weilin


Legend of Chenzhen
The unrelenting reality of the homeland awakens Chen Zhen's fearless spirit.
Warriors of the Nation
At the end of the Chino-Japanese War, a top military officer, Zhang Zhidong, is kidnapped in the middle of the night by a militant organisation called the White Lotus Society. When he overhears a sinister plot to overthrow the central government by China s own military officials, Wong Fei Hung knows he must rescue Zhang to protect China and prevent another war from happening.
Yan Cheng
A China esta mergulhada em lutas de senhores da guerra, rivais tentam expandir seu poder sobre as terras vizinhas. Impulsionado pro seu sucesso no campo de batalha, o jovem e arrogante zomba Jie Hao um mestre de Shaolin quando ele bate em um deles em um duelo. Mas o orgulho vem antes da queda. Quando sua familia é exterminada por um caudilho rival, Hao é obrigado a refugiar-se.
Fire Boy: Super Hero
Shi Peng
Rural kung fu whiz Qiang travels to the big city to visit his friend Lung, who's taken up Xanda, a new martial art that fuses multiple styles. When Lung is grievously wounded by the Xanda champ, Qiang trains in the sport to seek revenge in the ring.
石 鹏