Garry Schyman


Itsy Bitsy
Kara, uma enfermeira particular e mãe solteira, se muda para uma casa afastada do conturbado centro para cuidar de um idoso que sofre com esclerose múltipla. As coisas parecem normais até Jesse descobrir uma antiga relíquia na casa, o que se torna o começo de um pesadelo sem fim...
Original Music Composer
Drew is a young woman who drives to a small town she has never been to while in a trance. A year ago in this town Laura, who looked just like Drew, was murdered. Everyone assumed that Laura's boyfriend Teddie who went missing at the same time as the murder had done it, but Drew starts having dream sequences and trances that imply otherwise. Gradually through investigation and with the guidance of more visions from Laura, Drew uncovers the story behind the murders.
Invasão Mortal
Pequena cidade americana é invadida por enxame de abelhas assassinas. Médico local lidera a corrida para encontrar a rainha mãe e exterminá-la, antes que suas comandadas destruam o lugar.
Mortal Fear
Original Music Composer
um cientista brilhante encontra o elo oculto que pode salvar inúmeras vidas, mas quando um assassino enlouquecido usa a mesma informação para brincar de Deus, milhões estão em risco. A Dra. Jennifer Kessler é a única pessoa que está no caminho do derradeiro desastre médico. Depois de testemunhar uma, dezenas de pacientes em seu hospital misteriosamente e inesperadamente morrem, sua busca pela verdade a leva através de um mundo bizarro de intrigas, paixão e controversas pesquisas médicas secretas. Enquanto o Dr. Kessler corre contra o relógio para encontrar uma maneira de parar a catástrofe, ela se depara com uma conspiração imponente e aterrorizante que implica todo o sistema médico e de seguros dos EUA no processo.
Day of Reckoning
Action-adventure following a onetime Special Forces Captain in Vietnam turned tour guide in remote parts of Asia, who, while on a trek with two researchers in the Burmese jungle, meets up with a wartime enemy intent on settling an old score.
Lost in Africa
A young American and a young English woman are kidnapped by a tribe in Africa. They manage to escape but the leader of the tribe is killed in the process. There's a whole jungle between them and civilization and chief's son wants revenge.
The Last Hour
A former cop's ex-wife marries a stockbroker, who it turns out has cheated the Mafia out of a large sum of money. They kidnap the wife to force the husband to pay the money back. The ex-cop has to rescue her.
Original Music Composer
A blonde seduces a quirky liquor-store worker as inspiration for her artist boyfriend.
Hit List
Original Music Composer
A family man and a mob witness hunt for a hit-man who has mistakenly kidnapped the family man's son.
Penitentiary III
Original Music Composer
A man is framed for murder and sent to prison. He is beaten and tortured, then forced to fight the prison's worst killer, a martial-arts fighting midget called Thud.