Duša Počkaj

Duša Počkaj

Nascimento : 1924-11-16, Lendava, Slovenia

Morte : 1982-06-24


Duša Počkaj


Kill Me Softly
An old house by the sea is the scene of a number of puzzling crimes and deaths.
The Fugitive
WWII - Slovenia under Italian fascist occupation. Two friends separated by a woman they both loved, and then by war as well: one of them joins partisans, the other Italian occupying forces.
Blossoms in Autumn
Luca Skalar
Doctor Janez, a somewhat elderly lawyer, tired of urban life, pays a few week's visit to his relative Presecnik, a well-off farmer living in highland village. Farm life holds a great attraction for him, particularly because a deep and secret love develops between himself and Presecnik's daughter Meta. After a few serene and cheerful days spent on the farm, filled with pleasant labor and walks together with Meta in the unspoilt surroundings, he has to return to Ljubljana to resume his office work. But he cannot forget Meta and he makes his mind to buy a property not far from the Presecnik home and and to become a farmer. He does indeed buy a farm and sets out again to the Presecnik home to ask Meta to be his wife.
Ninth Miracle on the East
Valentina Primorac
Perpetual wandering of a man who searches for his own identity, never reaching the final destination.
Wild Angels
Fredova majka
A group of juvenile delinquents go to a coastal resort town after successful robbery.
Funeral Feast
The first days of war in Ljubljana. The young hero Niko experiences the bloody and violent transition from childhood to manhood. Based on the novel by Beno Zupancic.
Stronghold of Toughs
Francijeva mama
War orphans rebel against teachers and authority figures in their reform school in this somber social drama. Danny is a teen punk who organizes a breakout, only to become a victim of the code of toughness by which he lives.
The Climber
Kaća Radak
A young, ambitious man employs every means necessary in order to climb to the top of the social ladder. But the whirlpool of compromises and corruption eventually threatens to render his life meaningless.
First beggar
The film is based on a novel by Ivan Tavcar and was adapted for the screen by Andrej Hieng. It is set at the end of the 17th century in the area that is now Slovenia at a time of religious intolerance with Amandus, a Catholic priest, determined to persecute local Protestants.
State Security Administration agent tries to sabotage a critical report filed to the national assembly on the state energy system.
A Minute for Murder
An emigrant returning after many years, is killed while trying to clear his name of treason. Investigation produces several skeletons.
One Fine Day
A story set in a Slovenian village during Italian occupation. Stefuc, a man who has been widowed twice and has four daughters, wants to get married for the third time with Zana, who's already engaged and pregnant with Ludvik. Stefuc tries to separate them away, but realizes that he'll have to marry Hedvika, a nice looking girl who has just returned from Milan. In the meantime, Italian fascist authorities decide to eradicate five Slovenian songs with the help of local traitors.
Dançando à Chuva
Peter é o típico sombrio deprimido. Levando uma vida vazia, sem forma, ele anseia pela mulher ideal, enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, continuando sem entusiasmo com a sua namorada habitual, Marusa, que é consideravelmente mais velha, facto que Pedro é rápido em apontar. Como atriz em envelhecimento, lutando por papéis no teatro local, ela transpira insegurança e respira incerteza. Juntos, eles passam o tempo no restaurante local a fumar, beber e trocar insultos verbais. "Aposto que vais acabar um bêbado", diz ela a Peter a cada vez. Peter apenas sorri e lhe diz.quantos anos aparenta. Agravado por um diretor ingrato que logo lhe mostra a porta de saída, Marusa descobre que a sua identidade está a ser apertada cada vez mais contra a parede. Para escapar, Peter e Marusa sonham...