Janez Jerman


A melodramatic story of Lucia, who serves as a charwoman on the Podlogar family's rich farm, and makes a fuss among householder's sons, as she becomes pregnant with one of them. A decision on whether one should be forced into marriage with the pregnant charwoman and her child, ends tragically. Will Lucia be able to sustain psychological pressure, contempt and pity of the Podlogar brothers?
Wild Growth
Slovenian countryside in the 18th century. The future lord of the manor, Ožbej, falls in love with the new maid, Meta. His family, however, is opposed to the match and successfully plots to keep the young couple apart. Although Meta must endure scorn and degradation at the hands of the villagers, Ožbej still cannot tear himself away from her. Five children are born of their union, all of whom are looked upon as bastards by the manor folk. Although driven by desperation to return to the manor, Ožbej still harbours the hope that he will one day be able to live together with his love. Can he survive without the woman he loves and without his children? Will he be able to survive at all?
Dançando à Chuva
Direktor gledališča
Peter é o típico sombrio deprimido. Levando uma vida vazia, sem forma, ele anseia pela mulher ideal, enquanto, ao mesmo tempo, continuando sem entusiasmo com a sua namorada habitual, Marusa, que é consideravelmente mais velha, facto que Pedro é rápido em apontar. Como atriz em envelhecimento, lutando por papéis no teatro local, ela transpira insegurança e respira incerteza. Juntos, eles passam o tempo no restaurante local a fumar, beber e trocar insultos verbais. "Aposto que vais acabar um bêbado", diz ela a Peter a cada vez. Peter apenas sorri e lhe diz.quantos anos aparenta. Agravado por um diretor ingrato que logo lhe mostra a porta de saída, Marusa descobre que a sua identidade está a ser apertada cada vez mais contra a parede. Para escapar, Peter e Marusa sonham...
The only true friend he had was an wolf. Or was it a dog?
Three Stories
Three stories connected by the motifs of water and death told in neorealist style.