Charles Thurston


Vinhas da Ira
Migrant (uncredited)
Tom, filho mais velho de uma pobre família de trabalhadores rurais, retorna para casa após cumprir pena por homicídio involuntário. Ele planeja levar os parentes até a Califórnia, onde dizem que trabalho não falta. Durante a viagem eles passam por diversos tipos de provações e quando finalmente chegam na "Terra Prometida" descobrem que é um lugar bem pior do que aquele que deixaram.
The Big Shot
Town Marshal
A young man runs into trouble when he buys an auto court, only to find out that its located next to a swamp that drives away all potential customers.
The Girl in the Show
Bit Role
In this drama, a traveling troupe of actors find themselves in danger of becoming unemployed when their manager up and leaves. Two of the actors decide to marry and settle down. The lead actor helps set up the rest of the troupe with some performances. He then destroys the new marriage. Later the woman and the head actor fall in love. He then gives her the lead role in his newest show.
The Chaser
The Judge
A wife, tired of her husband's non-stop carousing, sues him for divorce. The judge, however, comes up with a novel solution--he makes the husband take his wife's place in the household--including dressing like her--for 30 days to see what it's like to be his wife.
Spoilers of the West
General Sherman
A soldier falls in love with a beautiful settler who has refused his order to leave American Indian land.
The Broken Gate
Constable Joe Tarbush
In the small farming community of Spring Valley, young Aurora Lane has caused a scandal by bearing a son by townsman Lucius Henderson, who refuses to marry her or even admit that he's the father. Shunned as a "sinful" woman by most of the town, she turns over her son, Don, to be raised by Miss Julia, the town librarian, who tells the boy that she's his "aunt". Don grows up and goes to college, and when he comes back home the town gossips begin a rumor-mongering campaign. When the town policeman tries to drive Aurora out of town he is found murdered, and Don is arrested for the crime.
Rolling Home
Sheriff (as C.E. Thurston)
Nat Alden, a promoter, has had bad luck on his deal and is broke. He meets an old army pal who is now a chauffeur of the businessman who threw the luckless Nat out of his office. Nat is on his way back to his small hometown, where he is believed to be a millionaire. To keep the belief alive he has his pal drive him there in the businessman's automobile. Complications arise quickly.
Doubling for Romeo
Duffy Saunders / Benvolio
Slim Cody works in the movie industry, doubling for the performers. He has a dream in which he portrays Romeo in a movie version of "Romeo and Juliet," and arranges for someone to double for him when the fight scenes get scary. ....
Boys Will Be Boys
Sheriff Breck
Peep O'Day, an orphan in a small Kentucky town, falls heir to a small fortune and begins to make up for all the lost pleasure of childhood, but Sublette, a crooked attorney, arranges for an eastern belle to show up as Peep's "niece" to steal his fortune.