Vladimir Chuprikov

Vladimir Chuprikov

Nascimento : 1964-07-24, Moscow, RSFSR, USSR

Morte : 2020-09-19


Vladimir Chuprikov
Vladimir Chuprikov
Vladimir Chuprikov
Vladimir Chuprikov


Missão: Rússia
head of the MOP
O ex-militar Nikita é contratado para neutralizar uma grande força de segurança privada em uma fábrica local, para que seu obscuro empregador possa realizar mais uma extorsão. Mas Nikita e seu grupo de mercenários conseguem mais do que esperavam quando descobrem que a fábrica pertence, na verdade, a um perigoso mafioso ligado aos militares russos. No momento em que a 'aquisição hostil' é concluída, Nikita revela que ele orquestrou sua própria missão secreta para se vingar pessoalmente do homem mais perigoso da Rússia.
It's Not My Freaking Business
A story about a guy who's working in the Zoo and his adventures.
O Espião Inglês
Nikita Khrushchev
Durante a Guerra Fria, diversos civis atuaram como espiões para impedir o avanço soviético no mundo. Greville Wynne, um engenheiro elétrico britânico, foi um desses homens recrutados pelo Serviço de Inteligência Militar Britânico, O MI5. Através de informações cruciais obtidas por uma de suas fontes, Wynne conseguiu determinar o fim da Crise dos Mísseis de Cuba, em 1962.
Crew 3,14
Misadventures of a police crew in the snowy Russian province. There is a folk superstition - "if a chill runs over the body then the death passed by....". Will the policemen deceive the destiny? Is it worth believing in superstitions?
Lev Yashin. The Dream Goalkeeper
An ordinary working class boy, like all his peers, he played football day and night and dreamed of being a striker. But no matter which team he played for - in the yard, at the factory, or in the army - he was inevitably put in goal.
The Last Days of the Soviet Union. A half-empty plane leaves for the night flight. The commander of the ship learns that his wife, flight attendants Tatiana, have an affair with the co-pilot. At this time, Tatiana discovers that one of the passengers of the ship is preparing to detonate a bomb in order to send a message to Gorbachev.
Delicate Condition
Lena is an ordinary servant in the regional administration. She is 7 months pregnant. And all this time she suffers from the most severe toxicosis. Unexpectedly, she discovers an irresistible passion for official documents ...
Портрет любимого
начальник УВД
The Hour
Mark Anatolyevich / Ilychenko
The movie tells about the young woman in modern Moscow which is compelled to survive in the conditions of the rigid competition not only at work, but also in private life. The heroine doesn't manage to hear the desires in continuous vanity and diligence to keep in the megalopolis. Hurrying on protection of the project on which its future career depends, it nearly doesn't force down the small child who oddly has appeared on the carriageway. In attempt to find his parents, the heroine encounters a number of mystical coincidence, which lead to irreparable consequences. She gets up before a choice to live further or to lose everything and to remain the human.
Gagarin: O Primeiro no Espaço
Nikita Khrushchev
O filme é dedicado á vida de Yuri Gagarin, a infância, a preparação para o vôo e a luta pela supremacia no corpo de cosmonautas. Exibindo relacionamento com sua esposa e Sergei Korolev. O filme mostra antes e durante seu voo espacial,no qual ele se lembra de vários momentos importantes de sua vida.
Васильки для Василисы
Romance, in Russian
Michal Michalych who almost felt like "had it all" suddenly meets a young girl who never ate "crawfishlike"...
Lovey-Dovey 2
In this sequel of Lovey-Dovey Andrey and Marina are exchanging bodies again - but this time with their children.
Bride to order
Oleg has long understood that it is impossible to meet the girl of his dreams in this crazy world, but the hope for a miracle still glows in his heart. After numerous unsuccessful attempts to arrange his personal life, the young man turns to a marriage agency
Guilty Without Guilt
In a small provincial town, a famous actress comes on tour, who once fled from here from the shame of unhappy love. Many years ago, she was forced to leave her illegitimate son to raise strangers. Therefore, when a talented and reckless young actor appears on the way of a now rich and famous woman, she certainly wants to help him. The actress begins to take an active part in the fate of the young man.
Almirante Kolchak é um verdadeiro herói de guerra e também um pai de família. Um dia ele conhece Anna, o amor de sua vida que se torna sua esposa e também sua melhor amiga. A revolução em seu coração enfrenta a revolução em seu próprio país… Seu destino se tornou o Supremacia da Rússia.
There will be an explosion exactly in 48 hours in Moscow. The information was provided by an agent who was killed this very second. All departments of special ops work on it, but the only hope is for recently organized independent team. They are a hacker girl who once broke thru Pentagon servers, a former special ops officer who enjoys speed and adrenalin, psychologist, a lady whose beauty outshines her intelligence and her rank of major, and a blind field engineer whose sense of smell and intuition substitute for his eye sight... And the Chief who got them all together and learned how to control them. Only this team is able to figure it out WHO, and most importantly WHERE, by knowing just WHEN...
sound director
A few summer days of three ordinary Moscow girls on the threshold of adulthood. Farewell to childhood in schoolyards and entrances of sleeping areas, where everything is for the first time and the world is just beginning - from secretly purchased cigarettes and cans with gin and tonic to an adult passport, first love and almost real tragedies.