Liv Ullmann

Liv Ullmann

Nascimento : 1938-12-16, Tokyo, Japan


Liv Johanne Ullmann (Tóquio, Japão, 16 de Dezembro de 1938) é uma atriz, diretora de cinema e escritora noruegesa, filha de Viggo Ullmann, um engenheiro aeronáutico norueguês e de Janna (nascida Lund), também norueguesa. Nascida no Japão, onde seus pais estavam a trabalhar e recebeu duas nacionalidades, japonesa e norueguesa. Começou a fazer teatro na escola, estudou no Teatro Nacional de Oslo, e seu primeiro trabalho profissional foi a representação de Anne Frank, aos dezoito anos de idade. Viveu com Ingmar Bergman entre 1966 e 1971, com quem fez dez filmes e com quem tem uma filha, a escritora Linn Ullmann.


Liv Ullmann
Liv Ullmann
Liv Ullmann
Liv Ullmann
Liv Ullmann
Liv Ullmann


Prejudice and Pride: Swedish Film Queer
A journey through Swedish film history by the depictions of the dykes, gays and transgender people for 100 years. From Stiller via Bergman and Zetterling to the present day, they queer their rightful place.
Forever as the End – Fate
Following Kristallnacht in 1938, Ulrich Ollendorff’s family flees Berlin as to avoid the horrific destiny shared by six and a half million Jews who were killed in the Holocaust. Within only a few years, he becomes one of the most well respected and famous ophthalmologists in New York City.
Wars Don't End
Narrator (voice)
During World War II, 12 000 children were born to Norwegian mothers and German soldiers. In WARS DON’T END five of these children tell their stories about lives of discrimination and abuse stemming from the choices of their mothers and the actions of their fathers.
Procurando por Ingmar Bergman
Herself - Actress
Ele é considerado o cineasta mais importante de todos os tempos. Em 2018, Ingmar Bergman teria completado 100 anos de idade. Nesta ocasião, a diretora alemã internacionalmente conhecida e respeitada Margarethe von Trotta aborda o trabalho e a pessoa de Ingmar Bergman, sob cuja herança cinematográfica se fala de uma nova geração de cineastas.
Bergman - 100 Anos
Durante um período de 6 anos, no meio do século 20, algo insuperável aconteceu. Um sueco magro, por volta dos 40 anos, entra em um período de produção cinematográfica sem precedentes. Entre 1957 e 1963 ele dirigiu alguns dos maiores clássicos da história do cinema, produziu uma série de espetáculos para teatro e rádio, e dirigiu 6 filmes de TV. Em termos de cineastas contemporâneos, Ingmar Bergman permanece em grande parte inigualável, e sua vida está prestes a se revelada nesse documentário que celebra o seu centenário.
Home Town
Herself (voice)
Who are we? Where do we come from? With private recordings, unique archive footage and stories from famous and unknown people, Trondheimsreisen takes a close and personal look at the history of Trondheim.
Persona: The Film That Saved Ingmar Bergman
In 1965 Ingmar Bergman filmed “Persona”, the cult film that brought together all of the Swedish filmmaker’s obsessions and became a turning point in his career.
Citizen Schein
Harry Schein was an anomaly in Swedish cultural society. Equal parts playboy, intellectual, and political visionary, his life story could very well be the foundation of a Hollywood film. Citizen Schein is a film about a refugee who refused to look back, a film about powerful men, and the myths that fuel them.
Eu Sou Ingrid Bergman
Um relato pessoal e cativante da extraordinária vida e obra de Ingrid Bergman (1915-82), uma jovem sueca que se tornou uma das atrizes mais célebres do cinema mundial.
Miss Julie
Em 1890, a filha instável de um aristocrata incentiva John, um empregado de seu pai, a seduzi-la, no que se transforma em um jogo psicológico contra a luta de classes.
Miss Julie
Em 1890, a filha instável de um aristocrata incentiva John, um empregado de seu pai, a seduzi-la, no que se transforma em um jogo psicológico contra a luta de classes.
And the Oscar Goes To...
Self (archive footage)
The story of the gold-plated statuette that became the film industry's most coveted prize, AND THE OSCAR GOES TO... traces the history of the Academy itself, which began in 1927 when Louis B. Mayer, then head of MGM, led other prominent members of the industry in forming this professional honorary organization. Two years later the Academy began bestowing awards, which were nicknamed "Oscar," and quickly came to represent the pinnacle of cinematic achievement.
Liv Ullmann - Eine Nahaufnahme
Duas Vidas
Ase Evensen
Há muitos anos, a alemã Katrine mora na Noruega. Ela é filha de uma mulher norueguesa e de um soldado alemão, que se conheceram durante a ocupação germânica da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Um dia, Katrine é chamada por um advogado para testemunhar em um processo judicial contra o Estado norueguês, na condição de "filha da guerra". Ela recusa a solicitação, mas a lembrança deste episódio leva Katrine a revelar ao marido e aos filhos uma série de segredos que mantinha escondidos em seu passado.
Liv & Ingmar
The 42 year long relationship between legendary actress Liv Ullmann and master filmmaker Ingmar Bergman.
Viaggio in Bergmania
This is a cinematic pilgrimage by two young Turkish directors to their biggest source of inspiration, Ingmar Bergman. Their desire to approach even further to Bergman and to his work leads them to make this journey from their hometown Istanbul to Sweden, the land of Bergman. Their journey passes through not only to Stockholm, Uppsala, Dalarna, Gotland and of course Faro, but will also be an inner journey to their own selves.
Reel Injun
Herself (archive footage)
The evolution of the depiction of Native Americans in film, from the silent era until today, featuring clips from hundreds of movies and candid interviews with famous directors, writers and actors, Native and non-Native: how their image on the screen transforms the way to understand their history and culture.
… But Film Is My Mistress
Guided by Liv Ullmann and with commentaries from a number of prominent filmmakers for whom Bergman is and remains an important influence - such as Woody Allen, Olivier Assayas, Bernardo Bertolucci, Arnaud Desplechin, John Sayles, Martin Scorsese and Lars von Trier, the film provides a vivid portrait of the artist who in each new project found a challenge for himself and for the people he worked with - both actors and colleagues behind the camera.
Angry Man
Mother (English Speaking Version) (voice)
A film about secrets that shouldn't be secret. When the mommy-fish dies, Boj has had enough, and gets power from his own fantasy to go further.
Through a Glass, Darkly
A moving, magic and playful story about a young girl who, at the end of her life, learns to accept death and understands how wonderful life really is. The script is based on the novel by Jostein Gaarder.
Norwegian Seamen
The history of Norwegian seamen goes from the Viking Age, and over to the present time when young people want to go to the sea.
Norwegian Seamen
The history of Norwegian seamen goes from the Viking Age, and over to the present time when young people want to go to the sea.
Løven - Henrik Ibsen
We follow Henrik Ibsen throughout his life. From early shame over his father's bankruptcy, via bitterness over the then conservative public life, to his older years as a national institution that tourists gathered to watch on their way to their very punctual, daily lunch at the Grand Café in Oslo.
The Danish Poet
Narrator (voice)
A woman ponders over the strange coincidences that made her forefathers and -mothers meet and create the premises for her becoming the person that she is.
Filmmakers vs. Tycoons
How the cinema industry does not respect the author's work as it was conceived, how manipulates the motion pictures in order to make them easier to watch by an undemanding audience or even how mutilates them to adapt the original formats and runtimes to the restrictive frame of the television screen and the abusive requirements of advertising. (Followed by “Filmmakers in Action.”)
To Paint With Pictures
Documentary about the making of Swedish film director Jan Troell's "The New Land" (1971) and "The Emigrants" (1972).
The Search for Sanity
A short documentary about Hour of the Wolf.
Away from Home
A documentary about the making of Ingmar Bergman's 1977 film "The Serpent's Egg."
Passion of Anna: Disintegration of Passion
A documentary about En Passion
Directed by Bergman (The Making of Saraband)
A documentary about the production of Ingmar Bergman's TV film "Saraband."
Trinta anos após o divorcio, Marianne decide visitar John no seu isolado retiro no interior e testemunha o relacionamento atormentado entre seu amargo ex-marido, seu filho, Henrik e uma neta de 19 anos. Ignorando os protestos do seu filho Johan oferece mandar a garota para um prestigiado conservatório de música, forçando-a escolher entre seu futuro promissor como uma violoncelista ou ficar com seu atormentado pai.
Chaplin Today: 'A Woman of Paris'
"A Woman of Paris" (1923) was the first film Chaplin made for United Artists Film Corporation, which he founded with his friends Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and D. W. Griffith. Chaplin had long considered making a dramatic feature. For the first time, he decided to direct. Actress and filmmaker Liv Ullmann analyses the film. She talks about the acting, the originality of the characterizations, as well as the "feminine" viewpoint Chaplin adopted for the first time in his films.
Did you leave us, Blake?
Short documentary
Um drama sobre um triângulo amoroso, a deslealdade consciente e suas conseqüências. Marianne (Lena Endre) é casada com o regente Markus (Thomas Hanzon), com quem tem uma filha. Tudo vai bem no casamento até que numa noite, David (Krister Henriksson), o melhor amigo do marido, faz uma visita. A partir desse encontro, ela o vê de forma diferente e fica atraída por David. Assim que surge a oportunidade, a paixão desata e os dois começam a ter um caso. Mas Markus descobre, iniciando um jogo de trágicas e inesperadas conseqüências. Os segredos são revelados, mostrando que todos são infiéis. Ingmar Bergman se inspirou em uma experiência própria para escrever o roteiro.
Light Keeps Me Company
Carl-Gustaf Nykvist's documentary about his father, Sven Nykvist. The film is based on Sven's memoirs with Sven himself as narrator. A journey to the place of birth, Moheda, constitutes the hub of the film and during the journey friends and memories emerge. Written by Fredrik Klasson
Arne Skouen - en mann for sin tid
Liv Ullmann Scener Fra Et Liv
The film is a portrait of Liv Ullmann as an actress, director, human rights activist and a private person. The shows include Liv Ullmann directed work Enskilda samtal (1987) which had a screenplay by Ingmar Bergman and acted on his parents. This forms the starting point for a portrait of her previous relationships and cooperation with the Bergmann. There are also interviews with people who worked with Liv Ullmann on Broadway and clips from some of the older movies she played in. At the end, the film shows Liv Ullmann in Bosnia where she worked for UNICEF.
Private Confessions
Five conversations frame a flawed marriage in this film written by Ingmar Bergman about his parents. Guilt-ridden wife Anna (Pernilla August) divulges an extramarital affair to a priest, her uncle Jacob (Max von Sydow). He presses her to confess her sins to her husband, Henrik. As the film moves back and forth in time, the notion of truth is tested. Tomas, the lover, and Henrik will find that Anna's confessions do not absolve anyone, and have the power to inflict more pain.
Ingrid Bergman Remembered
Self (archive footage)
Her name conjures up beauty, grace, talent and style. One of the greatest actresses of her time, she is best remembered for a natural and vulnerable persona which was so genuine and alluring. Her cinematic contributions produced such classics as Casablanca, Gaslight, and Anastasia. But Ingrid's story goes deeper than the triumphs of her movie career. Ingrid Bergman Remembered is a loving retrospective of a woman who lived a remarkable life. Ingrid's daughters Pia Lindström and Isabella Rossellini take a personal look back at the life of their mother. Seen from their perspective, this profile of Ingrid goes beyond the acting career and tells the story of her life from her childhood in Sweden to her premature death at age 67 from breast cancer.
Lumière e Companhia
40 international directors were asked to make a short film using the original Cinematographe invented by the Lumière Brothers, working under conditions similar to those of 1895. There were three rules: (1) The film could be no longer than 52 seconds, (2) no synchronized sound was permitted, and (3) no more than three takes.
I Am Curious, Film
The Scandinavian entry in the BFI's Century of Cinema series of documentaries
A tribute to Swedish film, which was made to celebrate the 100th anniversary of film in 1995 and consists of about a hundred clips from Swedish film history with many of its stars.
Kristin Lavransdatter
Kristin Lavransdatter is a 1995 Norwegian film directed by Liv Ullman, featuring Elisabeth Matheson, Bjørn Skagestad, Jørgen Langhelle, Lena Endre and Sverre Anker Ousdal, based on Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset. It was the Norwegian entry to the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1996.
Kristin Lavransdatter
Kristin Lavransdatter is a 1995 Norwegian film directed by Liv Ullman, featuring Elisabeth Matheson, Bjørn Skagestad, Jørgen Langhelle, Lena Endre and Sverre Anker Ousdal, based on Kristin Lavransdatter by Sigrid Undset. It was the Norwegian entry to the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1996.
Emma Zorn
Swedish painter Anders Zorn gained notoriety for his nudes. His works are currently worth millions. The film is set in the time when Zorn, already respected for his art, was commissioned to paint a portrait of the Swedish king. Though an excellent painter, Zorn's personal life is dreadful. A boozer and a womanizer who frequently cheats on his wife, Zorn constantly seeks approval for his art. When he travels to the U.S. for a tour he meets Emilie Bartlett the wife of sculptor Paul W. Bartlett with whom he begins a sporadic affair. After Paul commits suicide, Zorn and Emilie move to Sweden. Zorn disregards his wife's feelings and openly displays his affections for Emilie.
Ticket Seller
Hindu god Indra has a daughter Agnes, who visits Earth to find out if people have legitimate complaints. She marries a lawyer from Bergen and has children, but is disillusioned by marriage and embarks on a journey among men.
Minns ni?
A quick overview of Swedish film history, featuring a breathtaking cavalry of scenes from about 170 films.
Die Frauen in Ingmar Bergmans Filmen
Documentary about the Woman in Ingmar Bergman's Movies
Liv Ulmann's directorial debut also had her co-authoring the screenplay (with poet Peter Poulsen) as based on a Henri Nathansen's 1932 novel about an affluent late 19th century Jewish merchant family in Copenhagen. Ulmann focuses on strong-willed daughter Sofie's progress through life: a love affair with a gentile painter, an arranged marriage , childbirth and ever more fateful challenges.
Liv Ulmann's directorial debut also had her co-authoring the screenplay (with poet Peter Poulsen) as based on a Henri Nathansen's 1932 novel about an affluent late 19th century Jewish merchant family in Copenhagen. Ulmann focuses on strong-willed daughter Sofie's progress through life: a love affair with a gentile painter, an arranged marriage , childbirth and ever more fateful challenges.
The Long Shadow
O Boi
In desperation brought on by near-starvation, Helge Roos kills his master's ox to feed his wife and baby daughter, setting off a devastating and unexpected chain of events.
Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Narrator (voice)
True story (based on the book by Eleanor Coerr) about a Japanese girl named Sadako Sasaki, who was two years old when the atom bomb fell on her city of Hiroshima. Like so many other survivors of that horrific day, she subsequently developed leukemia. To keep herself occupied during her illness, she begins the monumental task of folding a thousand origami cranes--in the hopes that it will save her life.
Ponto de Mutação
Sonia Hoffman
Uma cientista desencantada com o projeto Guerra nas Estrelas, um candidato à presidência dos Estados Unidos e um dramaturgo em crise, irão dialogar conosco, num cenário de um castelo medieval, no litoral da França, temas como: os Caminhos da Ciência, a Natureza e o Homem, Descartes, Einstein, Ecologia, Política, Física Quântica, Trazendo a expressão de um novo paradigma, uma nova visão de mundo que pode mudar nossa forma de pensar e agir. A ciência, a natureza e o homem. Descartes, Einsten, Ecologia, Política, Física Quântica e os novos paradigmas....onde tudo isso se encaixa?
Night Of 100 Stars III
A celebrity benefit for The Actors' Fund of America, featuring music, songs, dance and comedy.
The Rose Garden
In Germany, an old man attacks another old man and is arrested. The attacker refuses to speak. A female lawyer is appointed to him. She discovers that the attacker has numbers tattooed on his arm and the attacked man was a German officer.
The Girlfriend
Since childhood, Raquel and Maria have been close friends. Now all grown-up, Raquel has fulfilled her dream of becoming an actress, while Maria has married a handyman, given birth to three children and runs the family household. In the wake of the Argentine military coup of 1976, Maria's oldest son Carlos is abducted. Desperate, Maria turns to her prominent friend for help. Yet the more Raquel gets involved in the search for Carlos, the more she becomes herself a target of the junta. Finally, she flees from Argentina to Berlin. Meanwhile Maria joins a group of women who investigate the fate of their disappeared relatives. In 1983, after the fall of the dictatorship, the two friends meet again.
Time of Indifference
Maria Grazia
A penniless countess falls in love with a cad, unaware that he is also involved on the side with her beautiful daughter.
Gaby - Uma História Verdadeira
Filha de refugiados europeus no México nascida com paralisia cerebral que afetou o corpo, mas não a mente, Gaby é encorajada pelos pais e pela babá a jamais desanimar com a deficiência. Ela vai à universidade e se torna uma aclamada escritora.
Farewell Moscow
Ida Nudel
Let's Hope It's a Girl
Let's Hope It's a Girl is a multifaceted exploration of the pointlessness of sexual stereotypes. Liv Ullmann is a countess who, after her divorce, takes over the family farm. Realizing that she can't rely on the patriarchal society structure for assistance, Ullmann runs the farm herself with the help of her female servants and relatives. When the Count (Philipe Noiret) comes back into her life, he and his male buddies find themselves outclassed by the expertise of the ladies.
Quando Chega o Amor
Jenny Campbell
A Roman Catholic teenage boy in Glace Bay, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia during the 1930s faces various growing-up problems: Should be become a priest? What should he do about the murder he witnessed, committed by a local cop and upstanding parishioner? And how far should he go with his girl friend, who happens to be the murderer's daughter?
Dangerous Moves
Marina Fromm
World Chess Champion Akiva Liebskind (Michel Piccoli) faces his former pupil Pavius Fromm (Alexandre Arbatt), who defected to the West from the Soviet Union five years earlier, for the World Chess Championship in Geneva, Switzerland. The tension and strategies between the players draw parallels to the political conflicts and ideologies between East and West during the Cold War.
O Pato Selvagem
The Wild Duck is a 1983 Australian film adapted from the play by Ibsen
Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number
Mrs. Timerman
An Argentinian newspaper publisher is imprisoned by his government for dissent.
A unique anthology of six short vignettes on the subject of love, all of them written, directed and produced by women.
A unique anthology of six short vignettes on the subject of love, all of them written, directed and produced by women.
Night of 100 Stars
The most glittering, expensive, and exhausting videotaping session in television history took place Friday February 19, 1982 at New York's Radio City Music Hall. The event, for which ticket-buyers payed up to $1,000 a seat (tax-deductible as a contribution to the Actors' Fund) was billed as "The Night of 100 Stars" but, actually, around 230 stars took part. And most of the audience of 5,800 had no idea in advance that they were paying to see a TV taping, complete with long waits for set and costume changes, tape rewinding, and the like. Executive producer Alexander Cohen estimated that the 5,800 Radio City Music Hall seats sold out at prices ranging from $25 to $1,000. The show itself cost about $4 million to produce and was expected to yield around $2 million for the new addition to the Actors Fund retirement home in Englewood, N. J. ABC is reputed to have paid more than $5 million for the television rights.
Richard's Things
Kate Morris
Following her husband's death, a wife discovers and confronts her husband's lover. Their mutual pain, love, envy and jealousy bring them together in an unexpected emotional and physical relationship.
The Human Voice
After “five years of happiness,” a love affair is ending. The woman uses the telephone as the last remaining connection with the man, who is now planning to marry someone else.
Fruen fra havet
Norwegian TV-Drama based on Henrik Ibsen's play
A Look at Liv
Using original footage and interviews, family photos, and excepts from many of the actress's screen and stage performances, the film explores sources of Liv Ullman's creativity, the influence of her Norwegian heritage, her relationship with Ingmar Bergman, her views on being a woman and mother in contemporary society, and the writing of her autobiography,
Sonata de Outono
Após ter sido uma mãe ausente por anos, Charlotte (Ingrid Bergman), uma renomada pianista, vai até a casa de sua filha Eva (Liv Ullmann) para lhe fazer uma visita. Ela se surpreende ao encontrar sua outra filha, Helena (Lena Nyman), que tem problemas mentais. Eva tirou Helena da instituição que Charlotte a havia internado para cuidar dela em casa. A tensão entre mãe e filha começa a crescer devagar até elas colocarem tudo em panos limpos, dizendo tudo que sempre gostariam de dizer.
The Making of 'Autumn Sonata'
On-set documentary of the making of Ingmar Bergman's 1977 film Autumn Sonata starring Ingrid Bergman and Liv Ullman, examining every aspect of the production. Unusual for this kind of documentary, there is no post-production commentary or interviews.
O Ovo da Serpente
Manuela Rosenberg
Uma semana na vida de Abel Rosenberg, acrobata de circo americano desempregado que vive em Berlim após a derrota da Alemanha na Primeira Guerra Mundial. Ingmar Bergman analisa a gênese do nazismo: a decadência econômica e a consequente degradação social são os ingredientes básicos do desespero, matéria-prima com a qual líderes carismáticos moldam o ódio racial.
Uma Ponte Longe Demais
Kate ter Horst - "the Angel of Arnhem"
Setembro de 1944, os Aliados confidencialmente mandam para a Normandia um grande grupo de soldados para a operação Market Garden, cuja intenção era dar um fim para a Segunda Guerra Mundial, invadindo a Alemanha e destruindo as indústrias de guerra do 3º Reich. Durante a operação, disparidades políticas no campo de batalha, mó sorte nas condições meteorológicas e falhas na inteligência levam ao desastre da missão. A história do mais trágico erro tático da Segunda Guerra Mundial, que custou a vida de muitos soldados.
Face a Face
Dr. Jenny Isaksson
A psiquiatra Jenny Isaksson tem o casamento e a saúde mental abalados por visões de uma mulher idosa. Para tentar fugir das alucinações, ela começa um caso com o médico Tomas. Ainda atormentada, porém, a mulher entra em uma jornada de autoconhecimento enquanto sua sanidade deteriora.
A Flauta Mágica
Woman in Audience (uncredited)
Neste filme mágico, Bergman filma a ópera "A Flauta Mágica" de Mozart em Estocolmo, no belo teatro de Drottningholm do século XVIII numa conjugação perfeita entre drama, música e cinema. O olhar de Bergman transforma "A Flauta Mágica" num espetáculo completo com uma simbologia sutil mas poderosa, tornando a ópera de Mozart, se é que isso é possível, numa obra ainda mais bela.
Richard is a medieval nobleman. After his first wife dies in an accident and is buried in the family vault, he remarries and has children by his second wife. A mad longing for his first wife Leonor comes over him, and he sells his soul to the devil for a chance to get her back. But when she returns, she is a murderous vampire.
A Abdicação de uma Rainha
Queen Kristina
A Rainha Cristina da Suécia abdica e viaja para Roma para abraçar a Igreja Católica.
Cenas de um Casamento
Cenas de um Casamento é o retrato de dez anos conturbados da vida de um casal. No aniversário de dez anos juntos eles acreditam que tem o relacionamento perfeito, mas as rotinas do dia-a-dia e suas emoções começam a criar complicações.
Hannah - A Esposa Comprada
Hanna Lund
Zandy Allan purchases a mail-order bride, Hannah Lund. He treats her as a possession, without respect or humanity, until their shared ordeal as they struggle to survive develops in him a growing love.
The Vocation
Sven Nykvist, best known as Ingmar Bergman cinematographer, made this film as a tribute to his father who was a missionary in Kongo in the early 20th century. The story of his father Gustav Natanael Nykvist is told through his own photos, letters, and films. Director & cinematographer: Sven Nykvist. Narrators: Liv Ullmann & Sean Connery Produced by Ingmar Bergman (Cinematograph AB). Digitally restored in 2022.
Foto: Sven Nykvist
A short documentary about the work of Swedish cinematographer and Ingmar Bergman collaborator, Sven Nykvist,, emphasizing his style of lighting and sense of humanity through interviews and film clips from key Bergman and Nykvist productions.
40 Quilates
Ann Stanley
After an overnight fling with a man nearly 20 years her junior while vacationing in Greece, Ann Stanley returns to New York assuming she'll never see Peter Latham again. Until, that is, he shows up on her doorstep to take her daughter to a party. Despite her yearning for Peter and the encouragement of her friends and family, Ann initially rebuffs him when he pursues her, but slowly she yields to his charm and her own stifled emotions.
Horizonte Perdido
Durante uma tempestade, um avião cai em algum lugar do Himalaia. Em busca de ajuda, os sobreviventes acabam encontrando um mundo estranho e maravilhoso chamado Shangri-la, onde existe a eterna juventude e a felicidade plena.
Gritos e Sussurros
Em uma casa no campo uma mulher está bastante enferma e recebe cuidados de suas duas irmãs e de uma empregada da família, que precocemente perdeu sua filha e por isso extravaza seu amor de mãe dando o maior carinho possível para aquela moça tão debilitada. Dentro deste contexto lembranças, frustrações e imaginações em um misto de amor e ódio surgem no interior de cada pessoa.
Joana, A Mulher Que Foi Papa
Pope Joan
Based on the medieval legend of Pope Joan, who was made Pope for a brief period around 855 A.D. The movie presents her existence as fact, though it is questionable that Pope Joan really did exist, and portrays her relationships with other notables of the time.
O Preço do Triunfo
A Swedish immigrant family struggles to adapt to their new life on the American frontier during the second half of the 19th century amidst civil war, native uprising and the lure of gold in California.
Os Emigrantes
A Swedish peasant family, ravaged by poverty, privation and misery in mid-19th century Sweden, set out on a perilous journey to America in hope of a better life.
O Visitante Noturno
Ester Jenks
An insane Swedish farmer escapes from an asylum to get revenge on his sister, her husband and others.
Os Visitantes da Noite
Fabienne Martin
Durante a Guerra da Coréia, Joe Martin (Charles Bronson) acaba preso por golpear um coronel. Em uma prisão alemã, ele reencontra seu ex-comandante de batalhão e juntos eles planejam uma fuga. Porém, as coisas dão errado e Joe escapa sozinho, deixando seus companheiros para trás. Anos depois morando na França, ele é obrigado a trabalhar para um chefão do tráfico com ligações ao seu passado, quando este sequestra sua esposa (Liv Ullmann) e a mantém como refém.
A Paixão de Anna
Anna Fromm
Andreas, um homem lutando contra o recente fim de seu casamento e seu próprio isolamento emocional, faz amizade com um casal também em meio a uma turbulência psicológica. Por sua vez, ele conhece Anna, que está de luto pelas recentes mortes de seu marido e filho. Ela parece zelosa em sua fé e firme em sua busca pela verdade, mas gradualmente suas ilusões vêm à tona. Andreas e Anna perseguem um caso de amor, mas ele não consegue superar seus sentimentos de profunda humilhação e permanece desconectado. Enquanto isso, a comunidade da ilha é vitimada por uma pessoa desconhecida cometendo atos de crueldade animal.
In Norway in the 1600s, An-Magritt is born as the result of a rape.
Eva Rosenberg
Durante uma guerra civil, dois músicos se retiram para uma fazenda numa ilha. Eles são apolíticos. Às vezes um vizinho lhes dá um peixe; ou um vinho que é um luxo. Eles se amam, mas há problemas: a guerra perturba Jan, ele ficou triste, muito sensível; Eva quer filhos, ele não. A guerra de repente chega: rebeldes atacam, vizinhos morrem. Quando o outro lado restabelece a ordem, Jan e Eva são presos como colaboradores. Depois de amedronta-los e domina-los o coronel local os libera. Em seguida, ele começa a aparecer em sua fazenda. Para falar ou para perseguir Eva? Ele lhes dá dinheiro. Os rebeldes retornam e o caos se instala. Jan se torna violento e assassino. Então eles fogem. Será que eles conseguirão escapar? Se assim for, para quê? Estudo psicológico de Ingmar Bergman de como os seres humanos reagem em uma situação de guerra. O filme se passa em Gotland, onde as forças de invasão chegam.
An Introduction to Ingmar Bergman
Self - Interviewee
Produced in 1968 for New York's WNET public television station and filmed by Gunnar Fischer, host Lewis Freedman visits director Ingmar Bergman during the production of SHAME. They discuss some of Bergman's major works leading up to SHAME as well as the just-released HOUR OF THE WOLF.
A Hora do Lobo
Alma Borg
Um pintor e sua esposa vão morar em uma ilha afastada de tudo e conhecem um misterioso grupo de pessoas que passam a trazer angústias ainda maiores à vida do casal, que já estava atormentado pelos pesadelos do pintor e por conflitos psicológicos. Durante a hora do lobo, entre a meia-noite e a aurora, ele conta para sua esposa suas memórias mais dolorosas, e começa a questionar a própria lucidez.
Quando Duas Mulheres Pecam
Elisabet Vogler
Uma atriz teatral de sucesso sofre uma crise emocional e para de falar. Uma enfermeira é designada a cuidar dela em uma casa reclusa, perto da praia, onde as duas permanecem sozinhas. Para quebrar o silêncio, a enfermeira começa a falar incessantemente, narrando diversos episódios relevantes de sua vida, mas quando descobre que a atriz usa seus depoimentos como fonte de análise, a cumplicidade entre as duas se transforma em embate.
De kalte ham Skarven
About a fisherman who has to face judgement on his life after an accident.
Kort är sommaren
Lieutenant Glahn arrives in a small village in northern Norway. He wants to live in peace in the company of his dog. The young Edvarda stirs emotions in the lieutenant.
Tonny is a school boy in foster care who serves his first sentence in jail. We follow him 24 hours before his parole and 48 hours after his release. We get to see his experiences in prison and his relationship with his mother, friends and girlfriend Kari.
The Wayward Girl
Gerd, considerado uma mulher de moral duvidosa, se apaixona por um rapaz cuja família não aceita seu relacionamento, então os dois fogem e se instalam em uma cabana na floresta onde encontram um homem amuado que põe seu amor à prova.
Fools in the Mountains
Hotel Guest (uncredited)
At a high mountain hotel in Norway, porter Poppe tries to do the best he can for the guests with an often unhelpful piccolo Rudolf. This, however, leads to a lot of problems, and Poppe thinks some of the guests behave inappropriate.
The Nix
Set in the mountains of Northern Sweden, The Nix is a nightmarish fable about a family of three women, Frida, Freja, and Flora, their struggle for survival in the year of famine, 1868, and encounters with the unknown.
Shame: The Search for Humanity
A short documentary about Skammen