Carmi Gallo


Final Frequency
Production Design
Um estudante de PhD relaciona tremores incomuns em Los Angeles a cientistas desonestos, que transformarão os segredos de Nikola Tesla em uma arma e causarão terremotos massivos, se ao menos puderem encontrar seu caderno perdido.
Followed: Influência Maligna
Production Design
DropTheMike (Matthew Solomon) é um influenciador que se envolve em episódios bizarros para ganhar seguidores em sua página. Certa vez, ele decide se hospedar em um hotel conhecido por ser um dos mais mal-assombrados dos Estados Unidos. Disposto a compartilhar tudo ao vivo em suas redes, ele começa a perceber que pode ter ido longe demais ao ver que corre perigo. Baseado em fatos.
Am I a Serial Killer?
Production Design
A teenage girl visits her mom on death row and gets lured into a dangerous trap to take the fall for her mother's crimes.
Um Natal de Descobertas
Production Design
Uma médica aceita trabalhar em uma cidadezinha do Alasca, sem imaginar que o lugar esconde um segredo de Natal e que um dos moradores pode fazer sua vida mudar.
A Vila do Medo
Production Design
Sonny Blake é uma psiquiatra que volta à sua cidade natal. Logo que chega, ela é avisada sobre o comportamento violento e estranho do entregador de jornais. A partir daí, Sonny começa a observa-lo e suspeita que ele possa estar envolvido na morte de seu pai. Ela leva sua suspeita até a polícia, mas é ignorada, e agora precisa tomar cuidado para não sofrer em suas mãos.
Christmas Do-Over
Production Design
A ne'er do well father and ex-husband who always raced his way through the holidays is forced to relive Christmas Day time and again until he gets it right in this family oriented fantasy comedy starring Jay Mohr. It's Christmas time once again, and as usual Kevin (Moore) is scrambling to get his son Ben a last minute gift before stopping by his ex-wife Jill's house for a quick swig of eggnog. Ben can't stand Jill's impossibly perfect new boyfriend, and the prospect of spending the entire evening with his former inlaws is nearly too painful to ponder. But this Christmas things are going to be different, because this Christmas might just last forever. At first Kevin resists the curious development by simply reverting to his childish ways, though he is about to find out that sometimes in order to build a better future one must finally make amends with the past. ~ Jason Buchanan
Caçador de Demônios
Production Design
Jake é um ser meio-demônio, meio-homem que tem um único propósito na vida: exterminar demônios e proteger a raça humana. Seu último inimigo, Asmodeus, chegou à Terra com a intenção de povoar o mundo com seus seres demoníacos. A missão de Jake é perseguir e destruir Asmodeus. Mas o demônio também tem seus planos para fugir do guardião e usará de todas suas artimanhas para destruí-lo e transformar o mundo num inferno.
Bud 3: Jogando Futebol
Production Design
Josh e Buddy estão de volta em uma aventura hilária que os levam do campo de futebol direto para o campo de futebol! Desta vez Buddy se foi e entregou seu coração a amada Molly. Mas quando este dois cachorros apaixonados decidem ter alguns filhotes, Buddy aprende que há mais desafios na vida do que praticar esportes. Agora Buddy deve conciliar ser um cachorro de família como também um ótimo jogador que seu time precisa para vencer o campeonato estadual!
The Perfect Wife
Production Design
When Leah's brother dies in a car accident, she vows revenge on the doc who failed to save him.
Bad As I Wanna Be: The Dennis Rodman Story
Production Design
Biography of Chicago Bulls' basketball star Dennis Rodman, who is well known for his off-court and on-court shenanigans takes great effort to paint the calm, decent side of the athlete despite the film title. Dennis is shown to be pushed by his momma to play pro ball and to go to college where he would get the opportunity. Shipped to Oklahoma where he faces racism, he is taken in by a white family and coached by Lonn Reisman. The movie finally tracks Rodman into his wild, multi-haired current lifestyle. Written by John Sacksteder
When Innocence Is Lost
Production Design
When Erica French opts to keep the baby she conceived in high school, she never dreamed that one day she would be fighting for custody against the child's father, Scott Stone. Scott Stone initially fought for custody when Erica threatened to cut off his access to their daughter. Scott continues to try to be a part of his daughter's life, but when Molly first breaks her arm at the playground then Scott's mother finds mysterious bruises on her granddaughter, Scott again fights for custody of young Molly, and this time he wins because the court feels his family can provide a more stable environment for Molly than a public daycare can.
Lies He Told
Production Design
A charming military man arranges his own disappearance and death in order to begin a new life with a woman who is completely deceived by his lies. Bored by his military career and secure lifestyle with his wife, Cindy, and two children, Dave Bay falls in love with Alyson and plots a new existence. This new, deceptive life includes bank robberies committed as a desperate means to support his new family and hide his past. Inspired by actual events.
Buried Secrets
Production Design
A young woman moves with her mother to her mother's hometown and is haunted by the ghost of a dead teenager.
The Android Affair
Production Design
Karen Garrett, a promising young doctor, is assigned to perform a difficult operation on Teach, an advanced android who has never "blanked" (had his memory erased.) She soon realizes that Teach is much more than an assignment, and is drawn to his desire for a very human life. When Karen takes Teach into the outside world, they soon discover that there is something far more mysterious and dangerous than a medical experiment planned for them.
Deadly Vows
Production Design
Tom Weston is a short tempered truck driver who has always aspired to live big. He begins dating Bobbi Gilbert, who is half his age and plans on marrying her, which is a problem since he's already married to Nancy. Now to achieve the life he's always wanted, Tom begins to concoct a web of lies that lead to betrayal, deceit, arson and murder. Based on a shocking true story.
Production Design
Two men and a woman in the deep south of the 1950s plot to kidnap a child from a wealthy black family, mistakenly believing that no one will try to stop them.
The Ann Jillian Story
Production Design
Ann Jillian finds out she has cancer and the movie shows how she deals with that (the hospital treatments and impact on her life).
Mrs. Soffel
Assistant Art Director
História real de duas vidas, duas prisões. A primeira é do simpático Ed, que junto com seu irmão Jack espera por seu terrível destino. A outra é Kate, que além de conviver com as grades da prisão, também vive com as grades de sua própria vida. O amor entre eles transforma-se em poder para romper as barreiras da prisão — e surge uma esperança ruma à liberdade.
Uma História de Natal
Assistant Art Director
Nos anos 40, Ralphie é um garotinho que sonha em ganhar uma bela espingarda vermelha de presente de Natal. A todo custo, tenta convencer seus pais superprotetores que esse é o presente ideal, mas ninguém parece querer ouvi-lo, e por vários motivos a espingarda torna-se um presente cada vez mais distante para ele.
Art Direction
A gigantic serpent is captured on a remote island and shipped to an American college for experimentation.
If You Could See What I Hear
Art Direction
A light comedy/love story based on the life of blind musician Tom Sullivan.
Art Direction
A young wife becomes pregnant, but the child's father is not her husband. Afraid to tell him, she leaves home, and meets an outgoing, free-spirited woman on a bus. Although the two are polar opposites, the wife moves in with the young woman, and finds out that they have much more in common than she realized.