Franz Cee


Pequenos Monstros
Director of Photography
Conheça as mais estranhas estratégias de sobrevivência do mundo animal. As estrelas não são os animais grandes, como leões ou ursos polares, mas sim as menores criaturas da natureza, como sapos com dardos envenenados, camaleões, louva-deus.
Pequenos Monstros
Conheça as mais estranhas estratégias de sobrevivência do mundo animal. As estrelas não são os animais grandes, como leões ou ursos polares, mas sim as menores criaturas da natureza, como sapos com dardos envenenados, camaleões, louva-deus.
Pequenos Monstros
Sound Editor
Conheça as mais estranhas estratégias de sobrevivência do mundo animal. As estrelas não são os animais grandes, como leões ou ursos polares, mas sim as menores criaturas da natureza, como sapos com dardos envenenados, camaleões, louva-deus.
Sisi... und ich erzähle euch die Wahrheit
Director of Photography
September 11, 1898: The imperial family’s personal physician, Dr. Herman Widerhofer, is deeply shocked by the news that an anarchist has assassinated Empress Elisabeth in Geneva. He then shuts himself up in his private rooms and recalls the empress’ fateful life. We learn the truth about Elisabeth, as the doctor knew more about her than anyone else.
Der Ötztalmann und seine Welt. Das Jahr bevor er schlief
A severely injured man lies in the snow-capped mountains; the next settlement which could offer warmth and shelter from the wind and snow is too far to reach on foot. In a flashback, the dying man relives the last year of his life - a life full of adventure, danger and his daily struggle to survive in a harsh and frightening world.
Der Ötztalmann und seine Welt. Das Jahr bevor er schlief
Director of Photography
A severely injured man lies in the snow-capped mountains; the next settlement which could offer warmth and shelter from the wind and snow is too far to reach on foot. In a flashback, the dying man relives the last year of his life - a life full of adventure, danger and his daily struggle to survive in a harsh and frightening world.