Andrew Solomon


Africa's Wild West
Some 150 wild horses live in an expanse of desert, grassland and rock along Namibia’s west coast - a ‘Forbidden Zone’ rife with ghost towns.
The Real Beauty and the Beast
Executive Producer
It's a condition known as "hypertrichosis" or "Ambras Syndrome," but in the 1500s it would transform one man into a national sensation and iconic fairy-tale character. His name: Petrus Gonsalvus, more commonly known today as the hairy hero of Beauty and the Beast.
Pequenos Monstros
Executive Producer
Conheça as mais estranhas estratégias de sobrevivência do mundo animal. As estrelas não são os animais grandes, como leões ou ursos polares, mas sim as menores criaturas da natureza, como sapos com dardos envenenados, camaleões, louva-deus.
Pequenos Monstros
Conheça as mais estranhas estratégias de sobrevivência do mundo animal. As estrelas não são os animais grandes, como leões ou ursos polares, mas sim as menores criaturas da natureza, como sapos com dardos envenenados, camaleões, louva-deus.
Hitler's Lost Battleship
The small but immensely powerful Admiral Graf Spee was the pride of Hitler's naval fleet. Restricted to a limited size due to the impositions of the Treaty of Versailles, this 'pocket battleship' was still a formidable fighting force. It was faster than a battleship, and had firepower far beyond other ships of this size. It was responsible for the sinking of as many as nine Allied merchant vessels in the autumn of 1939 in the space of three months. Then, late in the year, the ship was ambushed off the coast of Uruguay by British cruisers determined to sink her. Faced with insurmountable odds, the ship's captain, Hans Langsdorff, opted to destroy his own vessel rather than capitulate to the enemy. Hitler's Lost Battleship retraces the events leading up to the ship's destruction. With high-end re-enactments, CGI reconstructions, and surprising revelations from naval researchers - all add up to shed new light on this fascinating episode in wartime history.
Os Segredos do Taj Mahal
O Taj Mahal é um dos símbolos da Índia, uma jóia arquitectónica e um monumento a um grande amor. O responsável foi o grande Mongol Shah Jahan que, no século XVII, o mandou edificar em homenagem a Mumtaz Mahal, o amor da sua vida. Segundo reza a lenda, antes de morrer, Mumtaz Mahal terá expresso o seu desejo de descansar no mausoléu mais sublime de que havia memória. Erigido à margem do rio Yamuna, em Agra, diz-se que na sua construção estiveram envolvidas mas de 20 mil pessoas, entre elas os melhores artesãos do Império. Milhões de ladrilhos foram cozidos no local para ficarem sepultados para sempre debaixo de um mármore branco e imaculado. Um memorial celestial para a Rainha do Mundo ou, como um poeta o descreveu: "uma lágrima na face do tempo". Um poema de amor talhado em pedra e o edifício mais perfeito do mundo.
The Battle Against Rome
Arminius – born as the son of a Cheruscan, abducted as a pawn of the Romans, and raised as a soldier, he returns to subdued Germania under Emperor Augustus. He makes himself the leader of the revolt against Rome, resulting in the destruction of the legions of Varus' in the year 9 AD. On the side of Arminius', the audience will experience the "clash of cultures" between the Romans and Germania. In a memorable television event, we accompany him from the simple mud hut of his father to ancient Rome, from the plains of Pannonia to battlefields in the gorges of the Teutoburg Forest.