Chan Chi-Fai
Nascimento : , Hong Kong, China
Mang Fai (Morpheus's thug)
Inferior gangster Flying Dragon has a bad habit of gambling, he thus offends the three great gamble deceivers. Luckily his younger cousin, Roy, who comes back from America is extraordinarily lucky, he can win every round of the game and saves Flying Dragon. Flying Dragon hence brings Roy to Mahjong casino to earn money for him. Roy observes the rivalry between two Mahjong geniuses Hua San Yuan and Ge He Qing by chance, he witnesses the fate of them - one turns to be insane and one becomes bankrupt, and decides not to snatch the reputation of "The King of Mahjong". Though Roy has no desire to seize the fame, his good luck elicits the worry of aggressive Mie Luo who then plans to harm Roy.
Arms dealer
A man becomes a cop in order to take down the police superintendent who may have killed his father, and that of a vengeful Triad boss.
David infiltrates a gang to take revenge on a triad kingpin. Two of David's good friends die in David's search for revenge. David is captured by the kingpin to face the punishment of the triad society.
Ko Sheung-Wai
Agente da CIA que se tornou predador sexual HIV positivo Daniel (Ben Ng) usa sua riqueza e coleção de dispositivos de alta tecnologia para atacar mulheres desavisadas. Depois de providenciar a fuga dos notórios estupradores "Rain Killer" Chan Kok-Wan (Ankee Leung) e "Tuen Mun Estuprador" Ko Sheung-wai (Chan Chi-Fai), Daniel convida os homens a saquearem as duas mulheres que acorrentou no porão. Em seguida, ele fixa seus olhos em Kwan Shi-han (Suki Kwan), a romancista vizinha, mas, primeiro, ataca sua amiga estrela de cinema, Icy (Yeung Fan). Desesperada por uma pista, a polícia consulta um desviante semi-reformado conhecido como "O Médico Bebedor de Leite Humano" (Anthony Wong), que costumava atacar mulheres que amamentavam e agora controla seus impulsos sexuais trabalhando como projecionista de teatro pornô.
Bill's man
The "walk in" of the title refers to one person allowing another's soul to take possession of his body at the time of death.
When the branch leader position is open for Tuen Mun, Chicken decides to run for it and is up against fellow Hung Hing member "Barbarian", who resorts to ruthless Tung Sing member "Thunder Tiger" (Roy Cheung) for help in his candidacy. The triad also has to deal with finding a new chairman to the Hung Hing Society, Chiang Tin Yeung (Alex Man), Chiang Tin Sang's older brother, who resides in Thailand. Young and Dangerous 4 also brings in new characters first appearing among the Hung Hing ranks, such as Ben Hon (Wan Yeung Ming), "Sister 13" (Sandra Ng) and "Prince".
Knife seller
A young man adopted by a renowned swordsmith, discovers that his real father was killed by a powerful bandit called Lung. Leaving to seek revenge, he runs foul of a group of vicious desert scum, losing his right arm in the process. After being nursed back to health, he eventually learns to compensate for his loss and returns to confront the man who murdered his father.
Gangster injured by saw
When an honest company employee is falsely accused of being an accomplice to a robbery, and his wife dies through police incompetence, he seeks revenge by launching a one-man crime spree, starting with the abduction of his former boss's spoiled daughter. But she soon begins to understand his motives, and becomes his lover and willing accomplice.
After mobsters blow him up, a rich, arrogant prankster is resurrected as a cyborg with unique skills, a real job and a new love interest.
Brother Fai
A group of women are sucked into a drug transfer gone wrong.
Lieutenant Bo
Chow returns to play Ko Chun, a skilled gambler who now lives in retirement in France. Wu Xingguo plays an evil gangster who forces Ko out of retirement by killing his pregnant wife. Ko is forced to team up with a variety of other people to win out in the end. Wu Chien-lien plays Chow's romantic interest, Chingmy Yau plays a Taiwanese femme fatale, and Tony Leung provides much of the laughs.
An adventure that delves into the dark caverns of the underworld and tells the tale of three chivalrous gangsters who attempt to escape the powerful clutch of their gang leader.
Elaine's new boyfriend
A cop turns fugitive when he is framed for the murder of a keywitness in a weapons smuggling investigation. On the run the cop befriends a psychic who helps him to capture the real killer.
Mindy Chan (Andy Lau) is a top-notched gambler/swindler. His girlfriend Lily (Christy Chung) and friend Ah Chi are card dealers at the casino where bad guy Lau and his mistress Mona (Anita Lee) frequent. Chor Hung (Tony Leung Ka-Fai), a play on the Chinese name for famed retired actress Cherie Chung, is a senior security guard at the local prison. During a card game, Ah Chi and Mindy swindle millions of dollars from Lau, but they are caught. Lau makes a deal with Mindy - in exchange for Ah Chi (who had been kidnapped), Mindy needs to go to prison and find out where a guy named Robinson (Kwan Hoi-San) has hidden $3 billion dollars worth of bonds.
Rookie PTU officers Fan and Fat manages to find themselves in a shootout with fugitives but ends up in a favorable light afterwards, earning promotions to CID officers.
Two losers who'll do anything to try and be successful in the Triad world, but all they've accomplished is having a bad luck reputation.
Based on the popular Japanese series of novels, The Wicked City is about a futuristic Hong Kong on the verge of a take over by the Reptoids—ruthless monsters disguised as humans. They work amongst us, they live within us, and their destiny is our demise. Packed with non-stop action and special effects, The Wicked City will glue you to the screen until the astonishing end.
Yeung Kun
A well-known gangster is released from prison, and decides look for his daughter with the help of a troubled young woman.
Loan Shark
Jane is unknowingly being blackmailed by her co-worker May. When May's roommate Queenie needs a large amount of money to bail her twin sister out, May suggests stealing the blackmail money Jane is keeping locked away in her mansion for now.
Interior designer Dodo and lawyer Michael have been in love for years with no plans of marriage. Because of the intervention by the colleagues, Dodo resigns in anger and leaves for New York with Michael. She is heart-broken to catch Michael in a passionate scene with her close friend at the airport. After that, Dodo gets stuck with her first assignment of her own company. She has no resources but to seek help of Jacky, a worker from former design company, but misunderstanding arises between them due to difference in rank. But as they get on more, they begin to admire each other. Meantime, Michael, who tries to win back Dodo's heart. What would Dodo decide between her two admirers?
A young gang member, discontented with his life, but not knowing how to sever ties with the gang he has grown up with is told he can only leave the gang by death. Starring and Directed by Lau Ga Yung of the Lau Brothers action family.
Ted's Thug
Two cops--both partners and best friends--find their friendship and their lives at stake when they try to take down a ruthless drug dealer.
Alex Man leads a cast of Mainland Chinese characters having survived political turmoil but still gets on the criminal path in Hong Kong in order to make a living.
Nunca a lei viu algo assim: um esquadrão de agentes super treinados em artes marciais e armas, com sangue frio para as mais perigosas missões e composto unicamente por mulheres. Além do contato constante com o perigo, elas têm que usar todas as suas habilidades para combater o inimigo, onde quer que ele esteja!
Brother of student at police station
A young schoolgirl, Yuen Fong becomes caught in a tragic stranglehold of triad activity after she testifies in court over a triad beating. When this news reaches the triad leader Brother Smart, Yuen Fong must pay him protection money for what she has done as events begin to escalate.
Billiard Parlor Thug
Wah acaba de receber uma visista inesperada. Sua prima Ngor, uma delicada garota que chega para mudar sua rotina de líder de gangue, cuja maior preocupação é salvar o amigo, e quase irmão, Mosca, sempre endividado e fugindo de agiotas. Wah se apaixona por Ngor e resolve largar as ruas e mudar de cidade. Mas os rolos armados por Mosca levam Wah a topar de frente com o poderoso chefe de uma gangue rival. Violentos e sem piedade, eles batem com prazer de machucar. Agora Wah está em um dilema: viver em paz ao lado de Ngor ou arriscar sua vida.
Yin's thug
Lo Tien Pei has retired as the king of gambling. But Yen Li Shan, who was humiliated by Lo years ago, is coming to town with fiery vengeance in his heart. Yen manages to buy the Endless Night, the top casino night club in Shanghai. Lo's son, Chi Feng, sees his father being forced by Yen to fall to his death. Chi Feng, trying to get revenge against Yen is badly beaten up. Chi Feng escapes and eventually leaves Shanghai. He takes on the meanest jobs, including boxing against a kangaroo, to eke out a living. Chi Feng eventually comes back to Shanghai for revenge...
Peritos em alta tecnologia e artes marciais, enfrentam a perigosa Madame Sue, Rainha do Submundo, que lança uma ofensiva para controlar a produção e o tráfico mundial de heroína.
Chen Ching / Tai Song
A morte de um agente faz a polícia perder a última pista que levaria ao comando de um sindicato especializado em roubo de jóias. Koo Chow, designado por Lau, responsável pelo caso, infiltra-se no sindicato de chega a Foo, cabeça da organização que, antes de aceitá-lo no grupo, o submete a situações muito perigosas. A cada investida mal sucedida, a polícia vai fechando o cerco e chega cada vez mais próxima da linha de fogo.
Boss Wang's Nephew
Dois irmãos, um policial e outro marginal, se envolvem com o violento submundo do Hong Kong. Apesar das diferenças, ambos são muitos unidos. Kit é um jovem idealista que tenta fazer carreira na polícia, sem jamais imaginar que seu irmão mais velho, Ho, trabalha para o sindicato do crime. Ho decide mudar de vida assim que finalizar seu último serviço: mediar um carregamento de dinheiro falso para Taipei. Infelizmente, seus planos fracassam quando um de seus encarregados o trapaceia, colocando-o na prisão. Após cumprir pena, ele procura imediatamente pelo irmão policial, que está totalmente engajado na luta contra a máfia chinesa. Este o rejeita e o acusa da morte do pai. Ho tenta, então, levar uma vida honesta como motorista de táxi, mas seus antigos comparsas não estão disposto a perder o preciso colaborador. Para acabar com o inimigo comum, a única saída para Ho e Kit é terminar com a rivalidade e lutar juntos por suas próprias vidas.
Midnight Girls is the story of two women, Blackie (Kitty Chan) and Ling (Ng Man-Ling), who are trying to make a living for themselves so that they can escape the hard-knock existence of Hong Kong’s slums.
Pool Hall Thug
A Inspetora Ng se une à Inspetora Carrie Morris em busca de um micro-filme com provas criminosas. Porém, dois ladrões azarados acabam encontrando o micro-filme antes.
Stunt Driver
The Occupant is about a young woman (Sally Yeh) who is trying to write a book/thesis on chinese superstitions. So she arrives in HK and rents a really cheap apartment. In the meantime, she befriends Raymond Wong's shady salesman desperate for a little R&R and Chow Yun Fatt's cop. Well, her apartment is haunted by the spirit of a deceased singer, hence the cheap rent.
Hung Tai-Kong aka Rice Pot and Chan Yin-Tung aka Chimney are two friends who work with their master Kam Ming and his daughter Ann as a team of pickpockets.
A Hong Kong action film about stuntmen