Lieutenant of the French forces engaged in Mali, David Faber is seriously burned during the explosion of his armored vehicle. Repatriated to France for intensive care, he must begin a long convalescence, under the worried but devoted gaze of his sister Jeanne. They meet again in the family house in the Alps, between mountains, lake and forests. Jeanne tries to reconnect her brother with the past, but David, who suffers from amnesia after the accident, does not seem to be interested in reconciling with the man he used to be.
Thirty-year-old Thomas has to face facts and accept to forget about his dreams of becoming a film director. But this weekend, his short film is selected in a small, country festival. His last festival before letting it all go. He hopes, for once, to win the prize.He will return from the event with much more.
White policeman
Na França, um casal consegue a adoção de uma criança. Com um pequeno detalhe, enquanto eles são negros a criança é loira de olhos azuis. Juntos ele tem de vencer o preconceito do família dela e a desconfiança da assistente social que cuida do caso.
Alexandre, a somewhat lost thirty-something, decides to start out in the professional world. Loris, his misanthropic roommate, works on a universal method to succeed in life, and Patrick, Alexandre's father, decides to stop his chemotherapy. Everything is on track, until Manon shows up in their lives.
A história é sobre Damien, o filho de um soldado, que vive no sudoeste da França com sua mãe médica, enquanto o pai está em missão na África Central. Damien é gay e sofre abuso de um menino em sua escola, Tom, cuja mãe adotiva está doente. O quadro vai tornar-se ainda mais problemático quando a mãe de Damien decide acolher Tom sob seu teto...
Le soldat
An old man, almost deaf, observing and listening to hospital patients. A 12-year old boy, with a pain-insensitive disorder, feeling like a super hero. A nurse, who lost all sense of smell, treating wounded soldiers during WWII. A mute man about to become a father. And a young lad into a coma surrounded by his owns. Five stories in one film, five characters facing their disabilities.
Fiction and reality dodge and weave in this clever story loop of Lucie, who is either a talented actress or a director.
An anonymous hacker has hacked all of Paris' cameras and observes the city unbeknownst to its inhabitants. Petty crimes and moments of stolen intimacy, he sees everything. Until the day that an explosion lays waste to the Gare d'Austerlitz. The police starts tracking down an Al Queda satellite group. The hacker succeeds in finding images of the explosion and discovers that it was a young couple who planted the bomb. Using the city's cameras, he decides to hunt down the criminals.
O filme mostra a vida dos policiais da Brigada de Protecção de Menores, que devem lidar diariamente com assuntos sérios, como fome e pedofilia. Além de cuidar desses assuntos terão de lidar com Melissa, jornalista enviada pelo Ministério do Interior para realizar um livro de fotos sobre seu trabalho.
Junho de 1940. Os alemães se preparam para invadir Paris. Odile (Emmanuelle Béart) obedece ao pânico geral e abandona a cidade junto com seus dois filhos, Philippe (Grégoire Leprince-Ringuet) e Cathy (Clémence Meyer). Mas, logo no início da peregrinação, os alemães bombardeiam e metralham o campo de refugiados. Um rapaz enfeitado e de cabeça raspada (Gaspard Ulliel) aparece de uma vala para salvá-los. Seu nome é Yvan, e ele tem apenas 16 anos. Eles vão para o campo e descobrem uma grande casa abandonada por seus proprietários. Yvan permanece um mistério: da mesma forma que mente a Odile e a seus filhos, tem um grande cuidado em protegê-los. Resta aos quatro saber conviver com a desconfiança para conseguir sobreviver.
During the Christmas Eve that he spends every year with his family, Antoine, a young provincial of twenty years, is caught between the desire to find the young man he loves and his family duty.