Ángel Illarramendi

Ángel Illarramendi

Nascimento : 1958-01-01, Zarautz, Gipuzkoa, Spain


Angel Illarramendi Larrañaga was born in Zarautz in April 1958. He compose both concert and cinema music.


Ángel Illarramendi


Original Music Composer
Twelve short films, twelve portraits of the city of San Sebastian.
Original Music Composer
Um suicídio em massa envolvendo membros de um culto tem lugar nas Ilhas Canárias. A irmã mais nova de Gabriel, Cordelia, que ele não vê há anos, foi uma dos seguidores do culto. Gabriel decide viajar para lá e descobrir o que aconteceu.
La conspiración
Original Music Composer
A film crew travels to the Valley of Baztan to make a film about certain events that occurred in the seventeenth century is the history of discrimination suffered by so-called "agotes", people who were forced to live apart from the rest almost to our days.
Original Music Composer
O filme conta a história de Anna, Russell e Bernardo, três personagens da classe média urbana carioca. Eles apostam tudo o que têm num arriscado jogo de paixões, que envolve a autoria de um livro de sucesso. Sua narrativa não-linear convida o espectador a montar um intrincado quebra-cabeças, cuja solução está tanto no presente quanto no passado dos personagens.
Perfect Happiness
Original Music Composer
Ainhoa's career as a pianist is put on hold when she's knocked down in the center of Barcelona. Her love life isn't exactly at its best either. Shortly before the accident she met Imanol, but had been incapable of sharing her life with him due to an inability to show her feelings. The origins of her fears lie in the ETA attack she witnessed at the age of 15.
La buena nueva
Original Music Composer
Miguel is appointed parish priest of a socialist town coinciding with the uprising of 1936. In his struggle to defend the reprisals, the young priest will face the ecclesiastical and military hierarchy, putting his own life at stake.
Todos estamos invitados
Original Music Composer
Spain. The Basque Country. Sometime in the 90s. Josu Jon, a young member of a terrorist organization, has suffered an almost complete memory loss after being wounded in a shooting with the Spanish police. As he awaits for his trial, his condition is being treated at the prison hospital. Other inmates belonging to the same organization try to make him remember how brave a "gudari" -a Basque soldier- he is and how he must go back to the armed fight for the independence of their country as soon as he gets out of prison. Meanwhile, Xabier, a college professor who has been death-threatened by the terrorists due to his political views on the Basque situation, is having an affair with Francesca, a young psychologist who happens to end up trying to help Josu Jon recover his memory. A warm feeling of mutual affection grows between her and her patient. At a point, it doesn't seem to be clear whether Josu Jon really wants to recover his memory or rather forget forever who he actually is.
Teresa, O Corpo de Cristo
Original Music Composer
In the 16th century, the daughter of a Spanish nobleman joins a convent and becomes a spiritual leader.
Poder e Luxúria
Original Music Composer
Itália, século XV. Rodrigo Borgia é um maquinador astuto. Por trinta anos ele trabalhou na Igreja Católica Romana e agora foi eleito papa pelo Colégio de Cardeais. Borgia não tem motivos religiosos, é tudo uma questão de poder para ele. Com seu poder papal, ele inicia um reinado de terror, eliminando rivais. Uma nova era vai começar para a família Borgia, ele pensa, e seus quatro filhos são os peões mais importantes. Sua linda filha Lucrécia e o filho passivo Jofré se casam para estreitar os laços com famílias rivais. O mesmo vale para Juan, que também foi nomeado capitão do exército do Vaticano. O primogênito de Rodrigo, Cesare, agora é cardeal. Ele não gosta de tudo. Como o lutador nato da família, ele se vê mais adequado à posição de Juan. Cesare fica cada vez mais insatisfeito como cardeal e cada vez mais agitado com a família. Então Juan morre repentinamente após uma agressão.
Original Music Composer
15 years after of its breakdown, a music band have a second chance of exit.
Original Music Composer
Adolescent Hector faces a major lifestyle change after moving into his aunt's flat in a blue-collar suburb of Madrid.
Clube da Lua
Original Music Composer
Luna de Avellaneda é um clube de dança fundado em Buenos Aires na década de 1940. Durante mais de 40 anos diversos clubes como este funcionaram nos bairros da capital argentina, trazendo diversão e vida social para seus habitantes. A crise financeira dos anos 90, porém, fez com que estes clubes começassem a fechar suas portas. Ameaçado pela falta de clientes, o Avellaneda enfrenta sua maior crise. À beira da falência, os descendentes de seus fundadores se unem para evitar o pior: a transformação do clube em um cassino.
¡Buen viaje, excelencia!
Original Music Composer
Stormy Weather
Original Music Composer
The lives of a designer and an alcoholic colide after they both try to kill themselves.
King of the Farm
Original Music Composer
In a distant galaxy, Neuronia controls the minds of the inhabitants until one of them escapes with the sphere.
O Filho da Noiva
Original Music Composer
Aos 42 anos Rafael Belvedere (Ricardo Darín) está em crise, pois assumiu muitas responsabilidades e não tem mais tempo para qualquer tipo de diversão. Boa parte de seu tempo é gasto no gerenciamento do restaurante fundado por seu pai, no qual até tem um relativo sucesso, mas sem nunca conseguir escapar da sombra de seu pai. Rafael raramente visita sua mãe, Norma (Norma Aleandro), que está perdendo a memória, pois ela sempre implica com suas acompanhantes. Sua ex-esposa o acusa de não dar a devida atenção ao filho e ainda há Naty (Natalia Verbeke), atual namorada de Rafael, que sempre lhe exige atenção e comprometimento. Em meio a todas estas responsabilidades Rafael sofre um ataque cardíaco, que faz com que se encontre novamente com Juan Carlos (Eduardo Blanco), um amigo de infância, que o ajuda a reconstruir seu passado e ver o presente com outros olhos.
Assassination in February
Original Music Composer
A reflection on the assassinations of social democrat politician Fernando Buesa Blanco and his bodyguard Jorge Díez Elorza, perpetrated by the terrorist gang ETA in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country, Spain, on February 22, 2000.
Antigua vida mía
Original Music Composer
An abused wife (Cecilia Roth) seeks information about her dead mother, a freedom fighter buried in Antigua.
What You Never Knew
Original Music Composer
Lucía's heart misses a beat when she sees a man of her age, Juan in a department store. Without hesitating, she decides to follow him to his house, the same house where, twenty-five years before, while the Franco regime was on its last leg, Juan first met Lucía and fell in love with her...
The Island of the Crab
Original Music Composer
A pirate ship called Cain. A treasure hidden inside a stone head in the middle of the ocean. A sea full of sharks. A crab shaped island whose only access is an immense cliff. A pagoda shaped bar. A parrot next door, hanging off the cliff and an immense castle on the rocks. It's Karramarro, Karramarro Island.
Presence of Mind
Original Music Composer
A governess, caring for two children at a remote estate, becomes convinced that the grounds are haunted and the children are under an evil influence.
Original Music Composer
Yoyes, the first woman to hold responsibility positions within ETA, returns from exile in Mexico and try to rebuild her life. But her return is not easy.
By My Side Again
Original Music Composer
When three estranged sisters, Gloria, Ana and Lidia, meet up again on the death of their mother, Adela, they find themselves obeying her somewhat eccentric last wishes. Though their mother has spent the last 30 years without uttering a single word, she has left very clear written instructions of what she wants done after her death.
Shampoo Horns
Original Music Composer
Sensationalistic group portrait of New York City ‘’club kids,’’ makes you long for those good old days when Andy Warhol’s self-appointed superstars brought a certain humor and bohemian sense of style to his semi-improvised films.
Robert Rylands' Last Journey
Original Music Composer
Loosely (and controversial) adaptation of the novel "All Souls" by Javier Marias. It tells the story of a Spanish professor at Oxford who witnesses the return of a very popular man there.
The Devil's Breath
Original Music Composer
A small family of travelers arrives after a long journey at a village hut, which they claim as home. The family consists of Damian, a mute but skilled hunter, his wife Priscila, and their two children, a mute son named Pablo and a beautiful daughter named Agueda. Before long, Don Rodrigo, the feudal lord of the village, sets his sights on both Priscila and Agueda.
A Passing Season
Original Music Composer
As he does at the end of every summer, Antonio climbs onto his roof to sweep out his chimney. From this vantage point, he sees that repairs have begun on one of the neighbouring houses - the one formerly inhabited by the "Nazi" (a guy's name), which after ten years of abandonment is known to the whole neighbourhood as the "mystery house". With the arrival of fall, Antonio will uncover love, deception, and death, by watching through his window.
El viaje del agua
Water is a constructive element of life and man needs to order it, distribute it and above all, appreciate it as a necessary good.
27 Hours
Original Music Composer
Drama on juvenile delinquency, unemployment and drugs. Jon, a boy of twenty, gets up at seven o'clock and from that moment we can see how he lives the friendship, love, family relationships and his dark passion for drugs.
Original Music Composer
The childhood, love adventures, and ordinary life of Tasio, a coal maker in rural Navarre.