David Clayton


Além da Morte
Title Designer
Na esperança de fazer algumas descobertas, estudantes de medicina começam a explorar o reino das experiências de quase morte. Cada um deles passa pela experiência de ter o coração parado e depois revivido. Eles passam a ter visões em flash, como pesadelos da infância, e a refletir sobre pecados que cometeram. Os experimentos se intensificam, e eles passam a serem afetados fisicamente por suas visões enquanto tentam achar uma cura para a morte.
Cane-Toad: What Happened to Baz?
This is the story of a toad named Baz, who has suddenly, for no good reason which is apparent, disappears. As Baz is gone, the story of the theories put forth to his possible plight is told by his friend Daz, whose "mates call him Dazza" and who tells the story as he thinks it went. Daz tells the audience that he knows not where Daz went, only that he disappeared "like a fart in a fan factory" and that since he's disappeared, nobody around knows what happened to him. In this short film, Daz tells us his theories on what may have happened...