During the Mexican Revolution, Leandro and Odón, two war vultures, find a zebra. They mistakenly believe this to be an American horse and thus begin a journey in search of General Obregón, who they assume, will appoint them as colonels given their peculiar beast of burden. They partake in several adventures during their journey.
Incriminating photographs of both a famous actor and a psycho killer have professional photographer Tony (who's trying to make money to pay for his ailing sister's hospital bills) running for his life.
Após se divorciar de Nancy (Tess Harper), um cético repórter, John Baxter (Tony Roberts), compra por um preço bem baixo, já que ninguém queria o imóvel, a assustadora casa de Long Island, onde já tinham havido várias mortes. Logo John constata que a razão deste temor não eram tolas superstições e sim algo bem terrível.