Maria Luisa Rispoli


Margie Swan
Diabolik was the "Genius of Crime", Kriminal was known as the "Genius of Evil". While the character was created after Diabolik, it was the first to make it to the big screen. Kriminal was considered more sadistic than Diabolik (though in later tales he softens up and does heroic deeds), and while we see him do some nasty, cruel things, such as the attempt to blow up his ex-wife, the steam bath death of Lady Gold and putting acid in the shaving cream can of his criminal opposite Alex; he somehow doesn't come off as vicious as he was in the fumetti.
How We Robbed the Bank of Italy
Compagna di Paolo
Dim-wits Franco and Cicco try to come up with a plan to rob the safes of the Bank of Italy, but with one muddle after another, they find themselves empty-handed after each attempt to do so.
Desperate Mission
A nuclear scientist is kidnapped by Chinese communists in Hong Kong. A Japanese group of judo experts kidnaps him from the kidnappers, but before they can contact the American agent who has been assigned with overseeing the scientist's transfer back to the USA, the agent is killed. The American secret service send their top man to Hong Kong as his replacement, with the mission of locating the scientist. But there are TWO rival gangs of baddies who are also looking for the same target, so our hero has to assume a different identity to infiltrate them.
00-Dois Agentes Secretíssimos
Franco e Ciccio são dois italianos de mentalidade ingênua que são confundidos por espiões da KGB por agentes do governo de seu governo e de outros governos estrangeiros.
00-Dois Fugitivos de Sing-Sing
Dois atendentes em um banheiro público em Nova York salvar a vida do chefe da máfia Attanasia. Attanasia transforma um deles em um boxeador de sucesso, estabelecendo seus fósforos e faz o outro em sua mão direita. Quando uma guerra de gangues começa, os dois são acusados dos assassinatos e são sentenciados à morte. Quando chega o dia da execução, eles se recusam a deixar sua cela, mesmo quando são provados inocentes.
Os Monstros
Wife at Cinema (segment "Scenda l'Oblio")
Os mitos dos anos sessenta são satirizados em 20 episódios.
Os Filhos do Trovão
An evil king makes a bargain with a devil in order to get away with murdering his wife.
Totò contro Maciste
Totokamen is an entertainer and an illusionist who performs in various Egyptian nightclubs assisted by his manager, Tarantenkamen. Taking advantage of cheesy tricks, Totokamen pretends to be the son of the god Amun.