In a small rural village, a young boy befriends Fernand and Andrée, a farmer couple who, at 80 years old, find themselves at trouble feeding their remaining livestock. The boy doubles his efforts to help them but can't avoid the inevitable: they are forced to take the terrible decision to first give up their donkey, than their cherished cows, sold to the livestock-market.
An actress is about to play the part of Mariana Alcoforado, a young nun from the convent of Beja who was writing five letters to her French lover, the officer De Chamilly. The actress, being the perfect embodiment of Mariana, will drive us to a journey beyond time and imagination.
Walter Orsini adora a pesca, a gastronomia e os bons vinhos. Ele gosta muito de seus amigos de infância, Paul e Jacques, mas ama acima de tudo sua própria filha, Clémence, de 20 anos. A única coisa que Walter detesta é a mentira. Ele sempre acreditou que em todos os casos, a melhor coisa a se fazer é dizer a verdade. Logo, ele vai perceber que está errado.
"Don Juan woman", according to the expression of Balzac. A princess, a great seductress. Of a diabolical intelligence. This woman, who has had many lovers - almost all the male characters of the "Comédie Humaine" -, will finally find love. The real one. The great one.