Tess e Sam trabalham no mesmo jornal e não gostam muito um do outro. Pelo menos na primeira vez, porque eles acabam se apaixonando e se casando. Mas Tess é uma mulher muito ativa e uma das feministas mais famosas do país; ela é ainda eleita como "A Mulher do Ano". Por estar ocupada o tempo todo, ela se esquece de como ser realmente uma mulher e Sam começa a se sentir negligenciado.
A famous Venetian opera singer marries a rich, but very jealous man. After moving to London with him, she misses the opera and all the attention she used to get. Once back in Venice, an old lover shows up causing trouble.
Graves has a model come and demonstrate some lingerie at his office, with a view toward buying a birthday gift for his overly jealous wife. Said wife appears just at the wrong moment, and the scantily clad model has to go to extreme measures to avoid being caught, even ducking out on a fire escape.
A rancher, smitten with a pretty young girl he meets, hires himself out to her as a chauffeur, only to find out that she's on her way to his ranch. In order not to look foolish he keeps up the pretense, but his crooked ranch foreman eventually brings matters to a head.