Ronnie Dapo

Nascimento : 1952-05-08,


Kisses for My President
Peter McCloud
When the women of America join together on election day and elect a Leslie McCloud as the US President, things get a little awkward. Especially for her husband Thad McCloud. He, as First Husband, must take over the job as The First Lady, in the women's groups and garden parties.
Vendedor de Ilusões
Norbert Smith
Um vigarista chega a uma cidade do interior de Iowa e arma um golpe, se passando por expert maestro e usando a banda de garotos do colégio local. Mas as coisas não correm conforme o planejado.
The Couch
Boy Watching Toy Demonstration
A psychopath (Grant Williams) calls the police before he kills, in between sessions with his father-figure analyst (Onslow Stevens).
Onze Homens e Um Segredo
Timmy Bergdorf (uncredited)
Em Las Vegas, onze homens tomam parte de um fantástico plano de assaltar cinco cassinos ao mesmo tempo, durante a virada do ano. Tudo parece perfeito, mas algo acaba saindo errado.