Klaas de Jong


RedBad: A Invasão dos Francos
Redbad, filho do rei Aldigsl, está duvidando dos rituais ultrapassados de seu povo, os frísios. Ele entra em conflito com o pai quando sua namorada, Fenne, é indicada para ser sacrificada aos deuses. Durante o ritual de sacrifício, os francos entram na cidade. Na batalha, a cidade de Dorestad é capturada e o ambicioso Eibert, tio de Redbad, toma o poder e culpa o sobrinho pela derrota. Amarrado a uma jangada, Redbad é lançado ao mar, mas sobrevive e chega à costa, sendo resgatado pelos vikings. Para libertar seu povo, Redbad conta com a ajuda dos vikings. Mas seriam eles fortes o bastante?
Um Lugar no Seu Coração
Axel is Dutch Surinamese, but after 20 years of living in the Netherlands he has become 100% Dutch. He has married a Dutch girl, Victoria, and has never been back. When his free-spirited mother Gladys summons the family to her guesthouse in Surinam for Christmas and an important announcement, Axel, his wife and her sister Mirna reluctantly make the journey. They have barely arrived when the situation gets completely out of hand, with his brother Virgil winding him up and his daughter Wonnie, who is doing an internship in Paramaribo, admitting that she is pregnant...
Semana do Pânico
Seis amigos, formados por garotas e rapazes holandeses recém-formados, decidem viajar para o litoral para curtir o fim de semana e praticar esportes. O problema é que, ao chegarem, serão violentamente confrontados com seu passado sangrento, sendo obrigados a se relembrar de algo que gostariam de deixar bem enterrados.
Quando a jovem república dos Países Baixos(Holanda) é atacado por Inglaterra, França e Alemanha e no próprio país está à beira de uma guerra civil, só um homem pode levar arma mais forte do conselho, a frota holandesa: Michiel de Ruyter.
Boda na Toscana
Na ensolarada Toscana, uma luxuosa e isolada casa de campo sedia o casamento dos sonhos de muitos clientes VIPs. Um dia, chega ao local um advogado que não acredita no amor, chamando a atenção de uma das administradoras do estabelecimento.
Loving Ibiza
Kevin is a young footballer who recently made a multimillion deal by transferring to FC Barcelona. He hardly realizes what is happening to him. Too young, too rich, too beautiful. His girlfriend Elza knows how Kevin should spend his millions. She is eagerly anticipating her birthday where Kevin will ask her the most important question of all. Kevin's grandmother Karla observes it all from the sidelines with concern. Fortunately there is the down-to-earth event planner Lizzy who shows Kevin the meaning of true love.
Penny's Shadow
During a riding vacation on the island Ameland, a young girl discovers a dangerous horse who distrust people. To prove that the horse isn't dangerous at all, the girl secretly trains the horse to trust humans again.
Penny's Shadow
During a riding vacation on the island Ameland, a young girl discovers a dangerous horse who distrust people. To prove that the horse isn't dangerous at all, the girl secretly trains the horse to trust humans again.
The Hell of '63
Januari 1963. Ondanks het barre weer besluit het bestuur van het Friese Elfstedencomité, onder druk van de media, met de kleinst mogelijke meerderheid van stemmen, dat de Elfstedentocht doorgaat. Tussen de duizenden die een startbewijs veroveren bevinden zich soldaat Henk Buma (Cas Janssen), boerenzoon Sjoerd Lelkama (Lourens van den Akker), arbeider Kees Ferwerda (Chris Zegers) en verpleegkundige Annemiek (Chava voor in 't Holt). Alle vier hebben zo hun reden om deze tocht der tochten te rijden. Door de dramatische en heroïsche gebeurtenissen zal deze Elfstedentocht, ook voor Henk, Sjoerd, Kees en Annemiek, als een van de meest legendarische de geschiedenis ingaan.
Executive Producer
Youssef, a professional liar, falls in love with airhead waitress Andrea. Things get awry as she never wants to date a guy who keeps secrets or lies.
The Skippers of the Cameleon 2
The twinbrothers Sietse and Hielke Klinkhamer want to raise money for their ill friend, Marieke.