Diego Puente

Diego Puente


Diego Puente


Favio: Chronicle of a Director
There are very few icons in Argentine culture capable of appealing to both popular and elitist tastes. Leonardo Favio was undoubtedly one of them. An unseasonable Peronist attached to the liturgy of his land, the director, born in the province of Mendoza, was and artist at every craft. a Renassaince man, but above all, a filmmaker. This is how "Favio: Chronicle of a Director" recaptures him, as a man of film who fed from radio, acting, music and painting in order to build up the handful of rhapsodies with which he adorned argentinean cinematography
Turismo de carretera
Chronicle of a Boy Alone
Garoto foge de um orfanato e volta à favela onde vive, na periferia de Buenos Aires, onde comete pequenos furtos e briga com outros meninos. Trata-se de um pungente retrato do imenso cinturão de miséria que começava a rodear a capital na década de 60, um fenômeno que, aparentemente, se repetiu em toda a América Latina. A direção e o texto magistrais de Leonardo Favio tornaram possível esta verdadeira obra-prima do cinema novo argentino.