Ina De La Haye

Ina De La Haye


Ina De La Haye
Ina De La Haye


Russian Teacher
A biography of the dancer Isadora Duncan, the 1920s dancer who forever changed people's ideas of ballet. Her nude, semi-nude, and pro-Soviet dance projects as well as her attitudes on free love, debt, dress, and lifestyle shocked the public of her time.
Das russische Wunder
(English version narrator)
The Spanish Gardener
Jose's Mother
British diplomat Harrington Brande takes up his new lowly post in Spain accompanied by his son Nicholas. That his wife had left him seems to have affected his career. Nicholas sees it all as something of an adventure and soon becomes friends with the new gardener, Jose. As Nicholas begins to spend more time with Jose, his father takes offense and is concerned at the boy's loss of affection for him. It leads him to bar Nicholas from even speaking to the gardener. And soon tensions mount.
Anastacia: A Princesa Esquecida
Com a revolução russa em 1917, o Czar Nicolau II e sua família foram capturados e executados, mas segundo rumores, sua filha mais nova Anastácia havia sobrevivido e vivia na Europa. Anos depois, um ex-general russo, que vive de um empreendimento fraudulento envolvendo a herança real, precisa provar aos seus investidores a existência da princesa, e se utiliza de uma mulher perturbada e sem identidade para assumir o papel de Anastácia.
I Am a Camera
Herr Landauer
Just before the Nazis ascend to power in Berlin, Chris, an aspiring novelist from England, meets flamboyant cabaret entertainer Sally Bowles and an unusual friendship is born. As Sally feeds her extravagant tastes, Chris goes along for the ride, until their Jewish pal, Fritz, encounters trouble.
Dance Little Lady
Mme. Bayanova
When a ballerina's career is ended after she's injured in a traffic accident, her husband decides to try and turn their young daughter into a ballet star. Drama.
Era Uma Vez um Espião
A British Sanitary Engineer, goes on holiday with a set of plans for a new secret weapon which he has mistaken for his new plumbing invention. Everyone is hunting for him, including the Russians. The Russians find him and offer him a job in the Kremlin doing research (on plumbing he believes). He accepts, arrives in Russia and falls in love with Tania, a secret agent. And then discovers the true nature of the plans he is carrying...
Night Without Stars
Mere Roget
A partially blind Englishman retires to the French Riviera. He meets and falls for the Widow of a French Resistance fighter but is horrified when he discovers she is involved with smugglers and murderers.
Give Us This Day
Exiled from Hollywood due to the blacklist, director Edward Dmytryk briefly operated in England in the late 1940s. Though filmed in its entirety in London, Dmytryk's Give Us This Day is set in New York during the depression. Fellow blacklistee Sam Wanamaker is starred as the head of an Italian immigrant family struggling to survive the economic crisis.
The daughter of a poor clergyman wins £500 and goes to find happiness on the Riviera.