Ron Raines

Ron Raines

Nascimento : 1949-12-02, Texas City, Texas, USA


Ron Raines is an actor.


Ron Raines


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Shari's Partner (uncredited)
George (Paul Rudd) e Linda (Jennifer Aniston) é um casal estressado de Manhattan. Quando George perde o emprego, sua única opção é mudar para a casa do terrível irmão de George em Atlanta. A caminho de Atlanta, eles deparam com Elysium, uma idílica comunidade que tem um estilo de vida bem diferente. Será que esse é o recomeço que eles precisam, ou Elysium vai causar mais problemas que soluções?
My Favorite Broadway: The Love Songs
Live from Carnegie Hall and hosted by Julie Andrews, a host of glittering Broadway stars sing Broadway's best and most enduring love songs. This production is a filmed record of a concert given on 16 October 2000 at the City Center for Music and Dance, New York City, to raise funds for Broadway Cares/Equity Fights Aids. The occasion was particularly notable in that it marked Julie Andrews' (brief) return to singing in public after a four-year hiatus. Originally broadcast on PBS's "Great Performances" (season 29, episode 8).