Lina Wendel

Lina Wendel

Nascimento : 1965-01-01, Berlin, Germany


Lina Wendel


Spuk unterm Riesenrad
Tammi is annoyed. Instead of traveling to Formentera and presenting her followers with dreamy photos, her mother Simone takes her to the middle of nowhere to attend the funeral of her grandfather Jackel, a complete stranger. There she also met her aunt Britta and her children. There isn't even cell phone reception in the boring amusement park, and Tammi has little or nothing to do with her cousin Umbo and Cousin Cookie. But suddenly something incredible happens: During a thunderstorm, three worn-out ghost train characters come to life - the witch, the giant and Rumpelstiltskin. Tammi recognizes them as perfect allies to wreak havoc and finally escape this boring wasteland. But unfortunately she did the math without her own family and the stubbornness of the spirits. Suddenly everyone has claimed the amusement park for themselves and a wild chaos ensues.
Der Zeuge
Die Füchsin - Alte Sünden
Anne Marie Fuchs
Alexander is 30 years old and has never been in love - or has never been in love. He then sees in Paula, a theater actress, the possibility of sharing a future with someone.
Die Füchsin - Romeo muss sterben
Anne Marie Fuchs
Youssef's niece Saida finds her boyfriend, the young doctor Hagen Hoffmann, slain in their shared apartment. Based on the victim's computer activities, the police assume that the crime was committed in a drug environment.
Die Füchsin - Treibjagd
Anne Marie Fuchs
The wife of the Düsseldorf Police Council Rainer Bachmann is kidnapped. While trying to save his mother Monika, the adult son is shot dead. His widow Nicola desperately seeks support.
Charlotte Link – Die Entscheidung
Die Füchsin - Schön und tot
Anne Marie Fuchs
During a dress rehearsal for a fashion show, the model Nastja believes to have seen a murder. The victim is her friend Kira, but there is no trace of her. The detectives Anne Marie Fuchs and Youssef el Kilali, however, soon come across the body of the young woman in a clothes trolley belonging to the fashion company and begin to investigate.
Die Füchsin - Im goldenen Käfig
Anne Marie Fuchs
Youssef's cousin Jamila is said to be forced into marriage, but at the henna evening the German groom is disfigured with baseball bats. Soon afterwards, Youssef and his fellow detective Anne Fuchs find Jamila's secret lover - dead.
I Was, I Am, I Will Be
Dr. Stade
While Kurdish gigolo Baran dreams of a future in Europe, German pilot Marion is struggling to come to terms with her cancer diagnosis. When the two meet at the Turkish holiday resort of Marmaris, they engage in a kind of double-cross and decide to enter into a sham marriage. After a promising beginning, a shared future seems well within their reach. But things turn out not to be quite as simple as that.
Wenn's um Liebe geht
Inez Bjørg David gets a career chance like in a fairy tale as Laura Blau in the TV movie "When it comes to love": Without ever having been on stage, the winemaker's daughter should win a duet contest alongside a hit star! Ironically, her sister, played by Cristina do Rego, threatens to destroy all Laura's dreams, to step in the spotlight in their place. Counterparts are also Julian Looman and Maxim Mehmet in the roles of the hedonistic pop star Sunny and his manager Vincent, who falls in love with Laura and wants to start her own music career.
Uma Mulher Extraordinária
Heike Beck
Em 1998, Khatun Syuryuchi, de 16 anos, foi forçado a se casar com um primo e enviado para a Turquia. Um ano depois, a garota voltou a Berlim e pediu aos pais que a levassem de volta. Eles concordaram, mas, sob as rígidas leis muçulmanas, obrigavam a filha a não sair sozinha de casa, a ajudar a mãe e, como sempre, obedecer implicitamente ao pai e aos irmãos. Incapaz de suportar a pressão, ela fugiu para o centro de ajuda de jovens mães, começou a estudar como eletricista, foi a bailes e fez sexo por amor. Seis anos depois, o irmão mais novo disparou três balas na cabeça de Hatun, que ela havia deixado de cobrir com um lenço.
Verliebt in Masuren
Roza Kaminskaia
Está Tudo Certo
Depois de ter sido abusada sexualmente pelo cunhado de seu chefe, Janne (Aenne Schwarz) decide não contar a respeito do ocorrido para ninguém e segue a sua vida normalmente. Mas conforme os dias passam, ela percebe que seu silêncio poderá trazer consequências irreversíveis para todos ao seu redor, principalmente a quem ela ama.
Die Füchsin - Spur in die Vergangenheit
Anne Marie Fuchs
Anne Marie Fuchs' ex-husband Konrad Gelden was shot dead in his villa. This shatters the private detective's hope of solving the riddle of the disappearance of her son Florian. Almost thirty years ago, he was kidnapped as a boy to punish Anne for leaving the Stasi. When Anne's business partner Youssef receives a new order, the tide turns.
Das Nebelhaus
Margarete Korn
Four former classmates, Philipp, Leonie, Timo and Yasmin arrange reunion over the weekend in one of Philipp's properties. Philipp's wife and daughter are also present. The weekend ends in bloodbath however, with three people dead and the suspect in coma. Two years later Leonie's mother asks the former classmate of the alleged murderer, Doro Kagel, to reopen the case. She would never trust her daughter to do such an act, and even Doro starts having doubts that are only reinforced by the silence of the survivors.
Die Füchsin – Spur auf der Halde
Anne Marie Fuchs
During their investigation into a toxic waste scandal, Yousseff and Anne Marie Fuchs' client are found dead, and the two detectives find themselves in a life-threatening situation.
Nur nicht aufregen!
Die Füchsin - Dunkle Fährte
Anne Marie Fuchs
Mid-fifties Anne Marie Fuchs lives modestly and withdrawn in Düsseldorf. When a murder happens, it becomes clear that the inconspicuous lady, who is always in short supply, seems to be an absolute investigator with a razor-sharp mind. No wonder, because Anne Marie Fuchs is a former East German spy, especially one who still has a bill from her active time open.
Um ex-campeão de boxe da Alemanha Oriental e Olímpico agora está em tempos difíceis. Está treinando jovens boxeadores no ginásio local, fazendo shows ocasionais e trabalhando também como cobrador para um agiota. De repente, é forçado a refletir sobre sua vida quando é diagnosticado com uma doença fatal.
Ihr und eure Welt
Short film about family relations.
Silvi - Maybe Love
Silvi is in her late forties. Her husband has just left her. Until this point, she was fairly content with her life, but now everything is in ruins. A friend advises her to make a fresh start. But how is that supposed to work? Especially if you see yourself as a team player and there’s no team in sight you would want to join. Driven by a sense of longing, helplessness and curiosity, Silvi tries to make new friends and, in her own, touchingly earnest but also naïve and charmingly uninhibited way, starts to take control of her life. Anonymous sex, cosy romanticism and bondage games catapult her from one emotional disaster to the next. But, thankfully, Silvi is indestructible.
Throughout his whole life the boy – tortured by his mother’s disdain – has been struglling for love. Katharina, the girl next door, raises new hope. For her, he cultivates a garden.
The movie tells a true story in the life of well-known German actor Manfred Krug. Living in the German Democratic Republic he is forced to leave the country after protesting against the expatriation of singer/songwriter Wolf Biermann in 1976.
Harter Brocken - Der Goldrausch