Ghislain Cloquet

Ghislain Cloquet

Nascimento : 1924-04-18, Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium

Morte : 1981-11-02


Ghislain Cloquet (18 April 1924 – 2 November 1981) was a Belgian-born French cinematographer. Cloquet was born in Antwerp, Belgium in 1924. He went to Paris to study and became a French citizen in 1940. Cloquet is known for his work with Robert Bresson, though he also collaborated with Claude Sautet, Jacques Demy, André Delvaux, Chris Marker, and Marguerite Duras. He shot Jacques Becker's last film, Le Trou, and then worked several times with Becker's son Jean, who was also Cloquet's brother-in-law. He also worked with several non-French directors, including Woody Allen (Love and Death), Arthur Penn (Four Friends) and, most notably, Roman Polanski, winning an Oscar (on his first nomination) for his work on Polanski's Tess, which he completed after the death of Geoffrey Unsworth. Cloquet married into the Becker filmmaking family (which included directors Jacques and Jean, cinematographer Étienne, and actress Françoise Fabian), when he wed Jacques Becker's daughter Sophie, then a script girl. Source: Article "Ghislain Cloquet" from Wikipedia in English, licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.


Ghislain Cloquet


Amigos Para Sempre
Director of Photography
A young immigrant comes to America in the 60s and is caught up in the counterculture movement which tests his bonds of friendship and love.
I Sent a Letter to My Love
Director of Photography
A middle-aged disabled man unknowingly begins a lonely hearts correspondence with his own unmarried sister, who takes care of him. As he writes more and more to her, he begins to fall in love, and she, knowing that it is her brother who is writing, discovers a new, tender side to him. But trouble looms when he asks to meet her in person.
The Secret Life of Plants
Director of Photography
A documentary about the study of plant sentience with original music by Stevie Wonder. Utilizing time-lapse photography, the film proposes that plants are able to experience emotions and communicate with the world around them.
Tess - Uma Lição de Vida
Director of Photography
Na Inglaterra do século 19, a bela Tess, filha de um fazendeiro, é enviada para viver com parentes nobres. Ela é seduzida e abandonada por seu primo distante, Alec. De volta à fazenda de seu pai, ela dá à luz um bebê natimorto e enfrenta a hipocrisia da sociedade. Baseado no romance de Thomas Hardy.
Question de temps: Une heure avec Woody Allen
Woody Allen's interview with France Roche.
Monsieur Albert
Director of Photography
In this poetic slice-of-life film that reveals the problems and needs of a group of lowlife characters, unwed mother Vivaine (Dominique Labourier) falls in love with working-class youth Francois (Patrick Chesnais) who has a shady past. Albert (Philippe Noiret), a no-good insurance con-artist, poses for many years as Francois' friend, but tragedy ensues when Albert comes between the lovers, and Francois and Albert resort to physical violence to settle their differences.
A Última Noite de Bóris Grushenko
Director of Photography
Um russo (Woody Allen), na véspera de ser executado pelo franceses por um assassinato que não cometeu, recorda toda a sua vida desde criança até ser forçado a se alistar e defender seu país da invasão napoleônica, que ironicamente lhe propiciou condecorações quando se tornou acidentalmente um herói. No entanto sua situação se complica, pois se casa com a mulher que sempre amou, mas esta planeja matar Napoleão.
Say it with Flowers
Director of Photography
The action begins in black and white, like a memory. Klaus is a Nazi military who has just failed an attempt on Hitler. Desperate, Klaus shoots and kills his children and then shoots at his pregnant wife and leaves her badly injured. Finally, attempts suicide, but at the last moment does not have the courage to pull the trigger, and flees on a motorcycle, having an accident ... The action continues in France. Jean-Claude is a handsome young man self-conscious about a malformation in his face. Jean-Claude lives with his parents, Jacques Bergé, an amnesiac man, self-enclosed and obsessed with Egyptian art, and Concepcion, a woman also closed in herself and obsessed with flowers from her garden, and apparently , suffering from paranoia.
Woman of the Ganges
Director of Photography
A man returns to the place he once lived a passionate love affair with a woman who is now dead. So powerful are the emotions that seize him that he imagines she is still alive, and begins to live as if this were the case...
The Edifying and Joyous Story of Colinot
Director of Photography
Colinot's world is turned upside down when his fiancee is kidnapped.
Nathalie Granger
With little or no embellishment, filmmaker Marguerite Duras offers a simple, often wordless chronicle of a woman's day. She and her friend are seen doing yard work, talking about their families and receiving the occasional visitor. The brightest spot in the day is when a washing machine salesman comes to call.
Nathalie Granger
Director of Photography
With little or no embellishment, filmmaker Marguerite Duras offers a simple, often wordless chronicle of a woman's day. She and her friend are seen doing yard work, talking about their families and receiving the occasional visitor. The brightest spot in the day is when a washing machine salesman comes to call.
Amor Louco
Director of Photography
A linha entre a fantasia e a realidade é, uma vez mais, turva neste drama belga / francês sobre um professor de literatura que desenvolve uma obsessão por uma mulher bonita que ele encontra (ou imagina que encontra) na floresta. Ele tem um caso com essa mulher, mas antes que ele possa fugir com ela, a sua filha, que é um objeto do seu desejo incestuoso (como várias sequências de devaneio deixam claro), mata a estranha. Talvez, porém, a sua filha só mate os devaneios dele quando ela se casar.
At the Meeting with Joyous Death
Director of Photography
The premise deals with a family living in a country-house which turns out to be 'alive' – to the point where a TV crew is brought in to 'capture' the paranormal phenomena
Faustine and the Beautiful Summer
Director of Photography
Faustine suffers the wounds of first love. During a summer when she is staying with her grandmother, she comes to know the nearby neighbors. Two brothers live in the large house. One is divorced and one has recently remarried, both of them live there with their teenaged and adult children. Though the boys of the household are drawn to Faustine, she grows ever more smitten with the divorced older man...
Appointment in Bray
Director of Photography
In 1917, the First World War is raging. Julien is from Luxemburg, so instead of having to go to war he studies piano in Paris. One day his friend Jacques, also a musician and now a fighter pilot on the front, invites him to spend a few days in his family's empty house in Bray. The housekeeper, a beautiful stoic woman lets Julien in, but his friend is late and he is obliged to wait. In the meantime, he starts reminiscing of the pre-war days spent with his friend and Jacques' girlfriend Odile.
La famille
A film by Yvan Lagrange.
Jaune, Le Soleil
Director of Photography
The whole film takes place in a single room where representatives of the two political forces and their enemy "the Jew" are gathered. A female character establishes the dialogue between these individuals and comments on the ideology of each; Until the final scene where everyone seems to rally to a common idea.
La Ville-bidon
Director of Photography
A fake documentary on the life forms of the Paris Suburbs, viewed through the eyes of homeless, unemployed people the sharks of politics and building societies push to hopeless life.
Pele de Asno
Director of Photography
Uma fada madrinha ajuda uma princesa a se disfarçar para que ela não tenha que se casar com seu pai.
The House of the Bories
Director of Photography
O marido é um homem de ciência. Ele é chato e grave, com sua esposa e dois filhos. A mulher é a vítima. Ela está entediada com seu marido e sua vida. E aqui vem o terceiro: a tradutora alemã.
A Gentle Woman
Director of Photography
When his young wife commits suicide with no explanation, an introspective pawnbroker looks back on their life together.
Josef von Sternberg, a Retrospective
Director of Photography
An interview with film director Josef von Sternberg, produced for Belgium television.
Laços Eternos
Director of Photography
Mathias é um linguista belga, e vive com Anne, uma francesa produtora de teatro. Após uma discussão sobre questões morais, eles tomam um trem para participar de um congresso. Enquanto Mathias dorme, Anne desaparece. O trem faz uma parada no meio do país e Mathias sai do trem com um homem mais velho, Hernhutter, e um jovem, Val. Quando o trem parte da estação eles não conseguem embarcar. Então eles vão até a aldeia próxima, mas não pode receber qualquer ajuda, porque eles não entendem uma palavra do que dizem os habitantes.
Marry Me! Marry Me!
Director of Photography
Claude and Isabella met on a beach one summer and got easily involved. But while he has dreams of settling down with a family, she just wants to have fun. When Isabelle becomes pregnant, Claude is advised by both families to marry but things get more complicated when he meets an English woman.
The Diary of an Innocent Boy
Director of Photography
Set in 18th century France, a naive 17-year-old orphan named Benjamin is taken in by his wealthy aunt, the Countess de Valandry. There, he is seduced by a variety of women, including a few flirtatious maidservants and neighboring countesses who all want to be Benjamin's "first".
Mouchette, A Virgem Possuída
Director of Photography
A young girl living in the French countryside suffers constant indignities at the hand of alcoholism and her fellow man.
Duas Garotas Românticas
Director of Photography
Delphine e Solange são duas irmãs de 25 anos que vivem em Rochefort, na França. Delphine é professora de dança, enquanto Solange ensina piano. Ambas sonham em encontrar um grande amor, assim como os rapazes que chegam à cidade e passam a frequentar o bar da família.
O Homem da Cabeça Raspada
Director of Photography
Govert Miereveld (Senne Rouffaer) é um professor de meia-idade que sustenta uma obsessão por uma de suas alunas, Fran (Beata Tyszkiewicz). Sem ser correspondido, ele tenta fugir, mudando de casa e de emprego. Alguns anos depois, a serviço do Departamento de Justiça, acompanha o médico Professor Mato (Hector Camerlynck) e seu assistente Dr. Verbrugge (Paul S'Jongers) a uma autópsia para identificação de um corpo. A experiência, extremamente traumática para Miereveld, abala sua consciência e o leva a encontrar sua antiga aluna, agora uma atriz famosa, abrindo a possibilidade de não mais fugir de seu amor.
A Grande Testemunha
Director of Photography
Uma obra de enorme cariz simbólico, onde a concepção humana e espiritual das personagens, virtudes, receios e defeitos, é encompassada pelo olhar e presença de um burro, de seu nome Balthazar, que surge quase como uma figura de matriz religiosa. Não é um burro qualquer. No circo descobrem-lhe qualidades extraordinárias, como uma inteligência rara que lhe permite resolver difíceis operações de multiplicar. Intemporal, pela reflexão que provoca e pela universalidade que evoca.
Mickey One
Director of Photography
A former comic is on the run from the mob.
The Chicken
Director of Photography
The Chicken [Le Poulet] is a 1965 French short comedy film directed by Claude Berri. The film follows a father, mother, and son who go to visit a chicken farm. The son catches and brings home a chicken. The father plans to eat it if the chicken doesn't lay eggs. The boy aims to save the chicken and comedy ensues. It won an Oscar in 1966 for Best Short Subject.
Trinta Anos Esta Noite
Director of Photography
O escritor Alain Leroy está em tratamento em um hospital particular devido ao seu problema com o álcool. Quando decide terminar sua vida, ele deixa o hospital e passa as próximas 24 horas visitando seus amigos em Paris pela última vez. Será que ele encontrará um motivo para continuar vivendo?
The Honors of War
Director of Photography
Vive Le Tour
Director of Photography
A short documentary about the 1962 Tour-de-France. Topics covered include: crowds of people and motorcycles, drinking raids and feeding, pileups, doping, "the charge," and the mountain stages.
Um Homem Chamado Rocca
Director of Photography
Roberto goes to Marseilles to give a hand to his friend Xavier, wrongly imprisoned following a frame-up organized by his associate Villanova. Roberto sets out to seduce Villanova's mistress, but when Villanova is killed, Roberto ends up leader of the band...
The American Beauty
Director of Photography
Marcel, a simple-minded factory worker, is tricked into buying a high-priced American convertable car by a widow determined not to let it fall into the hands of her late husband's secretary/secret lover. Once in pocession of the car, Marcel only encounters one bad luck episode after another with the excessive gasoline consumtion, his wife trying to sell it to make ammends meet, getting into traffic jams, accidently riding into a car wash with the top down, and more
Description of a Struggle
Director of Photography
Working primarily in the arena of nonfiction, Marker rejected conventional narrative techniques, instead staking out a deeply political terrain defined by the use of still images, atmospheric soundtracks, and literate commentary. In Description d’un Combat, Marker’s idiosyncratic style, combining location footage with archival material, builds a complex and personal portrayal. Israel’s demography is explored, from the kibbutzim to the Arab minorities, the orthodox Jews, and the tourists. The “battle” of the title does not refer to the tank-and-artillery variety, but to the inner struggle of Israeli citizens to adapt to a new view of themselves, in a new country.
Como Fera Encurralada
Director of Photography
Gângster condenado à morte à revelia e procurado pela polícia, Abel Davos refugiou-se na Itália com sua esposa Thérèse e seus dois filhos. Mas depois de um golpe com seu amigo Raymond, à beira de ser encontrado, ele deve retornar clandestinamente à França. Quando aterrissam em uma praia deserta, dois oficiais da alfândega os surpreendem, gerando um tiroteio que acaba matando Thérèse e Raymond. Deixado sozinho com seus dois filhos, Abel pede a seus amigos Riton e Fargier, em Paris, para buscá-los em Nice. Como eles não podem vir pessoalmente mandam um homem de confiança, Eric Stark, com uma ambulância. Davos faz amizade com o jovem, que o esconde no quarto de uma empregada em seu prédio ... (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
A Um Passo da Liberdade
Director of Photography
Quatro detentos estão planejando fugir da prisão quando outro prisioneiro, Claude Gaspard, é transferido para a cela deles. Eles arriscam e resolvem compartilhar seu plano com o recém-chegado. Ao longo de três dias, os cinco homens começam a jornada, mas a fuga está longe de estar garantida.
Le Bel Âge
Director of Photography
Steph, Jean-Claude and Jacques work in a Parisian art shop, but they mainly work in the field of eroticism, which they conceive as a wide-ranging field of exercises and experiments.
A Girl in a Pocket
Director of Photography
A professor experimenting in suspended animation accidentally shrinks his dog and later, his female lab assistant, when she drinks the liquid by accident and shrinks to 3 inches tall. The professor keeps her in his pocket until he can find an antidote. Sometimes she's naked, too.
The Mystery of Workshop 15
Director of Photography
A documentary film about occupational diseases shot in 1957 at the Francolor factory in Oissel. It takes the form of a scientific investigation to discover the origin of a mysterious illness that has infected a worker at the factory.
Les Possédées
Camera Operator
On a farm ,a handsome man woos three attractive women and sows discord among them.
Noite e Neblina
Director of Photography
Filmmaker Alain Resnais documents the atrocities behind the walls of Hitler's concentration camps.
All the World's Memory
Toute la mémoire du monde is a documentary about the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris. It presents the building, with its processes of cataloguing and preserving all sorts of printed material, as both a monument of cultural memory and as a monstrous, alien being.
Saint-Tropez, devoirs de vacances
Director of Photography
Statues Also Die
Short documentary ordered by the magazine "Présence Africaine". From the question "Why is the african in the Human museum while Greek or Egyptian art are in Le Louvre?", the two directors expose and criticise the lack of consideration for African art. The film was censored in France for eight years because of its anti-colonial perspective.
Statues Also Die
Short documentary ordered by the magazine "Présence Africaine". From the question "Why is the african in the Human museum while Greek or Egyptian art are in Le Louvre?", the two directors expose and criticise the lack of consideration for African art. The film was censored in France for eight years because of its anti-colonial perspective.