Tullio Carminati
Nascimento : 1894-09-20, Zadar, Croatia, Austria-Hungary [now Croatia]
Morte : 1971-02-26
Ludwig Beck
Um jovem padre católico de Boston enfrenta o fanatismo, o nazismo e seus próprios conflitos pessoais ao subir ao cargo de cardeal. (e 14 - Estimado 14 Anos)
Rosanna's Father
Young and restless Nick Adams, the only son of a domineering mother and a weak but noble doctor father, leaves his rural Michigan home to embark on an eventful cross-country journey. He is touched and affected by his encounters with a punch-drunk ex-boxer, a sympathetic telegrapher, and an alcoholic advanceman for a burlesque show. After failing to get a job as reporter in New York, he enlists in the Italian army during World War I as an ambulance driver. His camaraderie with fellow soldiers and a romance with a nurse he meets after being wounded propel him to manhood.
Father Giacomo
Na Toscana do século XVI, o espadachim Thomas Stanswood é contratado pelo duque espanhol Don Carlos para proteger sua noiva, uma mulher fria e arrogante. Stanswood acaba descobrindo que o pai dela foi assassinado por Don Carlos quando ele ainda almejava o controle da cidade.
Filme épico sobre o lendário herói espanhol Rodrigo Diaz, "El Cid" para os seus seguidores, que, sem comprometer o seu rigoroso sentido de honra, consegue tomar a iniciativa e expulsar os mouros da Espanha cristã.
Uma princesa europeia compromete sua coroa quando se apaixona por um milionário americano.
Prince Vasili Kuragin
Durante a invasão do exército de Napoleão à Rússia, a doce Natasha se apaixona pelo conde Pierre Bezukhov, mas este se vê à mercê de um casamento por obrigação com a voluptuosa Helene. Voltando do front, Andrei, amigo de Pierre, recupera a alegria de viver ao se apaixonar por Natasha. Baseado no clássico romance homônimo de Leon Tolstoy.
Fra Domenico
Joan of Arc is being burned alive for heresy. In a kind of dream state, she departs from her body and begins to look back upon her life. She begins this journey in a depressed and demoralized state. However, a priest appears to help guide her. First, he shows her those that accused her in the guise of animal characters, in order to show her their true nature. Then, he shows her the good that she has performed for people. In the end, she is proud of what she has done and is ready to face the flames.
Gen. Provno
A Princesa Anne embarca em uma turnê por diversas capitais europeias e que é altamente explorada pela imprensa. Quando ela e sua comitiva real chegam em Roma, ela começa a se rebelar contra o seu horário extremamente regrado. Uma noite Anne dá uma escapulida de seu quarto, pula na traseira de um caminhão de entregas e escapa seu luxuoso confinamento. No entanto, um sedativo que ela foi forçada a tomar mais cedo começa a fazer efeito, e logo a princesa está prestes a dormir em um banco público. Ela é encontrada por Joe Bradley, um repórter de um jornal americano correspondente em Roma. Ele a leva até o seu apartamento. Na manhã seguinte, Joe corre para cobrir a conferência de imprensa da princesa Anne, sem saber que ela está dormindo em seu sofá. Na hora em que ele percebe a sua boa sorte, Joe promete ao seu editor uma entrevista exclusiva com a princesa.
Cardinal Merry del Val
le chambellan
Henri Faust, retiring after 50 years as a professor in a circa-1700 French university, despairs at the ravages of old age ... whereupon Mephistopheles, agent of Lucifer, appears as a virile, handsome young man and exchanges bodies with him to induce Faust to sign a pact to exchange his soul for renewed youth, riches and power. But though the "new" Faust is attracted by the material improvements in his life, he remains wary of signing, while Mephistopheles, now posing as the aged professor whose body he inhabits, must find a way to trick him into signing the pact - and dissuade him from the love of a gypsy girl who prays for his soul - or find himself damned by his own Master...
Signor Migone
Patricia (Phyllis Calvert) throws away a painting members of her Italian village consider to be extremely lucky. She goes to great lengths in her attempts to locate it again and bring it back.
Le comte Mosca, le premier ministre
Parma, 1815. A duquesa de Sanseverina vive uma paixão devoradora mas não correspondida por seu sobrinho Fabrice. Considerado traidor por ter apoiado Napoleão, Fabrice é obrigado a entrar para o seminário para escapar às perseguições. Depois de matar um homem em legítima defesa, novamente deve fugir...
Pedro Diaz
An American composer moves to Italy and falls for a local country girl right before the start of World War II.
Baron de Courtland
Millionaire Baron de Courland and his fiancée Linda Stewart employ Jim Logan as a guide for their hunting trip in the jungle. Linda finds unplanned adventure in her sudden love for Jim, ultimately forsaking her future with the Baron for the joys of true love.
Marius Andreani
Marius Andreani é um diplomata italiano culto. Enquanto está em Londres em negócios, Marius conhece casualmente a animadora de rua Jacqueline. É amor à primeira vista, mas herói e heroína devem passar por uma série vertiginosa de bloqueios de estradas e mal-entendidos antes do clima. Enquanto isso, Jacqueline sobe ao topo do sucesso do show-business, nunca sonhando (até ao fim, pelo menos) que é toda a obra secreta do fiel Marius.
The Three Maxims are trapeze artists Pat (Anna Neagle), Toni (Tuilio Carminati) and Mac (Leslie Banks). After spending most of their careers in the small time, the threesome finally get their big chance in Paris, at which point Mac realizes he's in love with Pat.
Paul d'Orlando
Afraid of marriage, Simone (Mary Ellis) breaks off her long term engagement with her fiancé Paul de Lille (Tullio Carminati). Paul heads to the top of The Eiffel Tower with thoughts of suicide. In another part of Paris and also afraid of marriage, Mignon (Ida Lupino) breaks it off from her young lover (James Blakely). Despairing, Mignon also climbs to the top of the The Eiffel Tower intending to leap to her death. There she meets Paul and the two compare stories. After discussion, Paul dissuades her from leaping and the two conspire to make their respective partners jealous by pretending to have an affair with each other.
Nick Kerry (Tullio Carminati) is a rich rounder who holds tremendous fascination over women......mainly because he is rich and has his own yacht. At Monte Carlo one evening he romances Kay Routledge (Lilian Harvey), a romantic young and gullible American girl. She takes the dilettante seriously and when he sails away on his yacht, she is heartbroken. But the memory of her haunts him, and brings him back from India and the arms of another woman,Countess Margot de Legere (Tala Birell),only to find Kay now engaged to his friend. Oh, what's a rich guy to do?
Giulio Monteverdi
Mary Barrett is an aspiring opera singer who is taken under the wings of a famous operatic maestro, Guilio Monterverdi. After spending endless working hours together and arguing, their relationship develops into love. But, jealousy and misunderstandings prevent Mary and Guilio from acknowledging their true feelings.
Victor Le Maire
A singer marries a famous composer, and after a while she gets the itch to go back on the stage. However, her husband won't let her. When she hears that a popular French singer named "Raquel" is coming to New York, she decides to go to Raquel with a plan--unbeknownst to her husband, "Raquel" is actually her sister, and her plan is for them to switch places so she can fulfill her dream of going back on the stage. However, things don't go quite as planned.
Count Mario Carniri
Unwed mother gives up baby for adoption and hopes to get it back when the adoptive mother dies.
Raoul Stanislav
A woman allows her husband, who she knows no longer loves her, to believe that she has been killed in a train wreck. Her husband later finds her as a hostess in a gambling den.
Andrew Marlowe
Silent film directed by Victor Schertzinger
Vladimir Orloff
An American dancer on a tour of pre-Boleshevik Russia falls for a young army officer, and the feeling is mutual. However, the officer's father is the Grand Duke of Russia, and he has designs on the girl himself--not letting a minor detail like his already being married bother him--and refuses to let his son marry her.
Detective Moletti
A masked criminal who dresses like a giant bat terrorizes the guests at an old house rented by a mystery writer.