Jimmie Dundee

Nascimento : 1900-12-19, Missouri, USA

Morte : 1953-11-20


Jimmie Dundee was born on December 19, 1900 in Missouri, USA as James Reed Dundee. He is known for his work on At War with the Army (1950), Sullivan's Travels (1941) and Hail the Conquering Hero (1944). He died on November 20, 1953 in Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA.


Guerra dos Mundos
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
Guerra dos Mundos
Civil Defense Official (uncredited)
Os cientistas Clayton Forrester e Sylvia Van Buren são os primeiros a chegar no local onde caiu um meteorito. Logo depois, uma máquina alienígena aparece e começa uma matança aleatória. Fuzileiros navais são enviados para o local, porém as forças de ataque deles não está a altura da força de ataque dos alienígenas.
Pencil Louie's Driver (uncredited)
Rich, eccentric T.J. Banner adopts a feral cat who becomes an affectionate pet he names Rhubarb. Then T.J. dies, leaving to Rhubarb most of his money and a pro baseball team, the Brooklyn Loons. When the team protests, publicist Eric Yeager convinces them Rhubarb is good luck. But Eric's fiancée Polly seems to be allergic to cats, and the team's success may mean new hazards for Rhubarb.
Darling, How Could You!
Father (Uncredited)
Two absentee American parents get to know their three children again after spending five years in Panama.
Trágico Destino
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
A young doctor falls in love with a disturbed young woman and apparently becomes involved in the death of her husband. They head for Mexico trying to outrun the law.
O Palhaço do Batalhão
Alvin Corwin está na base da hierarquia, e vai de um acidente a outro em um campo de treinamento do exército na Segunda Guerra Mundial. Dois ex-companheiros de boates agora estão alistados no Exército. O Sargento Puccinelli está acima de seu ex-parceiro, o Soldado Korwin. Puccinelli está tentando desesperadamente se transferir de seu trabalho maçante para o serviço ativo no exterior. Enquanto isso, tudo que Korwin quer é um passe para ver sua esposa e seu novo bebê. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court
Henchman / Sergeant at Arms (uncredited)
A bump on the head sends Hank Martin, 1912 mechanic, to Arthurian Britain, 528 A.D., where he is befriended by Sir Sagramore le Desirous and gains power by judicious use of technology. He and Alisande, the King's niece, fall in love at first sight, which draws unwelcome attention from her fiancée Sir Lancelot; but worse trouble befalls when Hank meddles in the kingdom's politics.
O Invencível
Tough Tramp in Boxcar (uncredited)
An unscrupulous boxer fights his way to the top, but eventually alienates all of the people who helped him on the way up.
Alias Nick Beal
Tough Politician
After straight-arrow district attorney Joseph Foster says in frustration that he would sell his soul to bring down a local mob boss, a smooth-talking stranger named Nick Beal shows up with enough evidence to seal a conviction. When that success leads Foster to run for governor, Beal's unearthly hold on him turns the previously honest man corrupt, much to the displeasure of his wife and his steadfast minister.
Abutres Humanos
Allan Ladd participa dessa fascinante, elétrica e emocionante história de crime e punição. Luke Smith (Ladd) é um detetive que fica sabendo que seu amigo, Murray Sinclair (Robert Preston), está cansado do seu árduo e penoso trabalho nos trilhos. Procurando vingança, Sinclair começa a ajudar o foragido Barney Rebstock (Donald Crisp) a destruir trens. O que ele não sabe é que essa onda de atitudes fora da lei pode prejudica-lo, e muito, pelo resto de sua vida. Agora, Luke Smith, esse regrado e dedicado detetive tem uma tarefa nada fácil pela frente. Encontrar e trazer seu velho amigo para a justiça a qualquer custo, nessa aventura repleta de suspense, ação, belas imagens e muita, muita pólvora.
Night Has a Thousand Eyes
Policeman (uncredited)
When heiress Jean Courtland attempts suicide, her fiancée Elliott Carson probes her relationship with John Triton. In flashback, we see how stage mentalist Triton starts having terrifying flashes of true precognition. His partner, Whitney Courtland, uses Triton's talent to make money; but Triton's inability to prevent what he foresees, causes him to break up the act and become a hermit. Years later, Triton has new visions and desperately tries to prevent tragedies in the Courtland family. Can his warnings succeed against suspicion, unbelief, and inexorable fate?
Estranha Fascinação
Hijack Driver (uncredited)
Frankie Madison retorna a Nova York depois de 14 anos de prisão. Noll Turner, ex-parceiro de Frankie em contrabando, é agora um rico gerente de boate, e Frankie está esperando que ele honre um acordo verbal de 'meio-a-meio' que eles fizeram quando ele foi pego e Noll escapou. Chance gorda! Será que Frankie, que conhece apenas os métodos violentos da Lei Seca, vai vencer no Big Business? Vai ser difícil... mesmo com a improvável ajuda da cantora Kay, a ex-namorada de Noll. (e 16 - Estimado 16 Anos)
Relíquias de Amor
Cab Driver
A WAC officer returns from the war to find her husband wants a divorce.
Eu e o Sr. Satã
Gangster (uncredited)
The Devil arranges for a deceased gangster to return to Earth as a well-respected judge to make up for his previous life.
A Dália Azul
O capitão da aviação naval Johnny retorna da guerra juntamente com seus dois camaradas, Buzz e George. Separando-se deles para voltar para a sua esposa Helen, Johnny a encontra alcoólica e com um caso extraconjugal. Mesmo assim tenta continuar com ela, mas resolve abandoná-la quando a ouve dizer que mentiu sobre a morte do filho pequeno de ambos. Tentando sair da cidade sob uma forte chuva, ele encontra Joyce, que não sabe quem ele é. Johnny também não sabe que ela é a ex-esposa de Eddie, um dos donos da boate "Dália Azul" e o homem que tem um caso com Helen. Johnny e Joyce começam um romance, que é interrompido quando Johnny ouve no rádio sobre a morte de Helen. Imediatamente ele vai atrás do ex-marido de Joyce a quem julga ser o assassino, mas sua busca é dificultada por ter os gângsters cúmplices de Eddie e toda a polícia de Los Angeles atrás dele.
A Dália Azul
Gangster Car Driver (uncredited)
O capitão da aviação naval Johnny retorna da guerra juntamente com seus dois camaradas, Buzz e George. Separando-se deles para voltar para a sua esposa Helen, Johnny a encontra alcoólica e com um caso extraconjugal. Mesmo assim tenta continuar com ela, mas resolve abandoná-la quando a ouve dizer que mentiu sobre a morte do filho pequeno de ambos. Tentando sair da cidade sob uma forte chuva, ele encontra Joyce, que não sabe quem ele é. Johnny também não sabe que ela é a ex-esposa de Eddie, um dos donos da boate "Dália Azul" e o homem que tem um caso com Helen. Johnny e Joyce começam um romance, que é interrompido quando Johnny ouve no rádio sobre a morte de Helen. Imediatamente ele vai atrás do ex-marido de Joyce a quem julga ser o assassino, mas sua busca é dificultada por ter os gângsters cúmplices de Eddie e toda a polícia de Los Angeles atrás dele.
Os Sinos de Santa Maria
Cabbie (uncredited)
Numa escola católica da cidade grande, o padre O'Malley e a irmã Benedict começam uma rivalidade amigável, e são bem sucedidos em salvar a escola com o projeto de um novo edifício. Padre O'Malley, o padre não convencional de "O Bom Pastor", continua o seu trabalho para a Igreja Católica. Desta vez, ele é enviado para St. Mary, uma escola paroquial decadente à beira da condenação. Ele e a irmã Benedict trabalham juntos em uma tentativa de salvar a escola, embora seus métodos diferentes muitas vezes levam a divergências bem intencionadas.
Dois Malandros e uma Garota
Ringleader of Henchmen (uncredited)
Na virada do século, Duke e Chester, dois artistas de vaudeville, vão ao Alasca para fazer fortuna. No navio para Skagway, eles encontram um mapa para uma mina de ouro secreta, roubada por McGurk e Sperry, um casal de bandidos. Eles se disfarçam de McGurk e Sperry para sair do navio. Enquanto isso, Sal Van Hoyden está no Alasca para tentar recuperar o mapa; tinha sido roubado do pai dela. Ela se apaixona por Ace Larson, que quer roubar a mina de ouro para si. Duke e Chester, McGurk e Sperry, Ace e seus capangas, e Sal, se perseguem por todo o campo, tentando obter o mapa. (e Livre - Estimado Livre)
Ninho da Serpente
Hardy Sympathizer (uncredited)
Pete Marshall is sent as a replacement to the mountain district town of Plainville when a public opinion surveyor who went there goes missing. Visiting the hillbilly family of Mamie Fleagle, Pete begins to suspect that she and her two sons have murdered the surveyor. Pete then believes that Mamie is slowly poisoning wealthy Grandma Fleagle, who has put a vital clue to her fortune in a nonsensical embroidered sampler.
A Medal for Benny
Cop (uncredited)
Benny's girl friend is being romanced by the town ne'er do well who keeps coming up with get-rich-quick schemes. Benny's father is a simple man who is bewildered by the world at large.
Hail the Conquering Hero
Cpl. Candida
Having been discharged from the Marines for a hayfever condition before ever seeing action, Woodrow Lafayette Pershing Truesmith delays the return to his hometown, feeling that he is a failure. While in a moment of melancholy, he meets up with a group of Marines who befriend him and encourage him to return home to his mother by fabricating a story that he was wounded in battle with honorable discharge.
O Bom Pastor
Fireman (uncredited)
Jovem padre chega em vilarejo onde um velho pastor é o responsável pela paróquia. Tudo corre bem até que a igreja local é incendiada.
Drunken Bricklayer
Set at the turn of the century, smooth talking con man Eddie Johnson weasels his way into a job at friend and rival Joe Rocco's Coney Island night spot. Eddie meets the club's star attraction (and Joe's love interest), Kate Farley, a brash singer with a penchant for flashy clothes. Eddie and Kate argue as he tries to soften her image. Eventually, Kate becomes the toast of Coney Island and the two fall in love. Joe then tries to sabotage their marriage plans.
Vendaval de Paixões
Loxi é a jovem empresária que cuida de uma empresa de manutenção de barcos. O negócio é muito lucrativo, uma vez que a costa da Flórida em 1840 possui águas rasas e coberta de corais. Quando resgata um navio bastante danificado, Loxi conhece o capitão Jack Stuart, por quem se apaixona. A ponto de lutar ao lado do amado para convencer os proprietários do barco que Stuart não teve nenhuma culpa nos estragos. O romance entre eles estará em risco quando o advogado contratado por ela, Stephen Tolliver, também se apaixona pela moça.
The Fleet's In
Bill - Sailor
Shy sailor Casey Kirby suddenly becomes known as a sea wolf when his picture is taken with a famous actress. Things get complicated when bets are placed on his prowess with the ladies.
Contrastes Humanos
Acostumado a dirigir filmes simples e sem grandes implicações, o cineasta John L. Sullivan decide fazer um filme sobre os problemas sociais, mas é desencorajado por seus produtores, que o acham incapaz para tal. Para provar o contrário, ele se traveste de mendigo e vai para as ruas, para viver a experiência de perto e ter contato com a realidade.
A Porta de Ouro
Policeman (uncredited)
Romanian-French gigolo Georges Iscovescu wishes to enter the USA. Stopped in Mexico by the quota system, he decides to marry an American, then desert her and join his old partner Anita, who's done likewise. But after sweeping teacher Emmy Brown off her feet, he finds her so sweet that love and jealousy endanger his plans.
Um Tiro Misterioso
Bill - the Cop
When Charlie's old friend from Scotland Yard is murdered when they attend a police convention in New York, Chan picks up the case he was working on.
Legião de Heróis
Constable Grove
Texas Ranger Dusty Rivers ("Isn't that a contradiction in terms?", another character asks him) travels to Canada in the 1880s in search of Jacques Corbeau, who is wanted for murder. He wanders into the midst of the Riel Rebellion, in which Métis (people of French and Native heritage) and Natives want a separate nation. Dusty falls for nurse April Logan, who is also loved by Mountie Jim Brett. April's brother is involved with Courbeau's daughter Louvette, which leads to trouble during the battles between the rebels and the Mounties. Through it all Dusty is determined to bring Corbeau back to Texas (and April, too, if he can manage it.)
Sky Murder
Truck Driver Henchman
This final Carter film is a lot of fun, with Nick (unwillingly, at first) taking on a ring of Fifth Columnists (since this was filmed before the US entered the war, we're not told the villains are Nazis, but it's pretty clear anyway). Of course, the helpful and persistent Bartholomew is at his side--much to Nick's irritation. To further complicate things--and to make them still funnier--Joyce Compton is along for the ride too, as a delightfully brainless "detective" named Christine Cross.
Lucky Cisco Kid
Stagecoach Passenger
Cisco and Gordito arrive to find there is an outlaw operating in the area who is assumed to be the Cisco Kid. When a reward is offered for his capture and a large shipment of money goes out, Cisco is on hand. Seeing the gang rob the stage he goes after them only to be wounded. The gang leader leaves Cisco's handkerchief at the scene and now he is wanted for the murder he tried to break up.
Women Without Names
Joyce and Fred MacNeil's honeymoon comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying halt when Fred is accused of murder. Railroaded into prison through the efforts of politically ambitious assistant DA Marlin, Fred awaits his doom on Death Row, while Joyce works overtime on the outside to clear her husband's name
The Man Who Wouldn't Talk
A man involved in a crime (Nolan) kills his key witness by mistake and resigns himself to death. He changes his name so as not to harm his family. The law is not content with his explanation, however.
Emergency Squad
Betty Bryant is an ambitious newspaper reporter in love with Dan Barton, a member of a big-city Emergency Squad who are trained to deal with riots, cave-in, explosions, fires and other emergencies where lives are at stake. Slade Wiley, an unscrupulous tunnel builder, finds that his low bid on the Newford Tunnel project is causing him to lose a lot of money, and has underworld leader Nick Burton set off blasts to frighten the stockholders into selling their shares at a low price so he can buy up the stock. Betty is investigating the deal when Wiley and Burton take her on a "tour trip" to the tunnel.
Pack Up Your Troubles
Second Sentry
Three American soldiers help a young girl deliver a secret message across enemy lines.
Adorável Impostora
Taxi Driver (uncredited)
After discovering his star dancer is expecting and can't perform, film producer H.W. Workman and his publicist concoct a scheme to stage a college dance contest to find a new star.
A Lei da Fronteira
Wyatt Earp agrees to become marshal and establish order in Tombstone in this very romanticized version of the gunfight at the O.K. Corral.
Confissões de um Espião Nazista
Nazi Goon at Bund Meeting (uncredited)
Ed Renard é um Homem do Governo investigando uma rede de espionagem nazista enorme nos Estados Unidos. Os contatos são descobertos e presos nos EUA, América Latina e Europa.
Aliança de Aço
Laborer (uncredited)
Sinopse: Cecil B. DeMille nos leva de volta ao ano 1860, então reconstrói a primeira ferrovia intercontinental, a Union Pacific. Um dos últimos feitos do Presidente Lincoln foi autorizar a expansão da Union Pacific para o oeste dos EUA. Um espetáculo real e histórico, que as vezes mescla as aventuras fictícias do inspetor ferroviário (McCrea), a bilheteira (Stanwyck), e o melhor amigo de McCrea, Preston. Infelizmente, Preston une-se a Donlevy, que está empenhado a destruir a ferrovia, em nome de um cartel de políticos corruptos. Durante um ataque indígena, McCrea e Preston lutam lado a lado para salvar Stanwyck, então o inspetor tenta convencer Preston, a tornar-se um homem honesto.
The Kid From Texas
First Sailor at Yacht
A loud-mouthed Texas cowpuncher tries his hand at polo finding himself at odds with high society and trying to save a floundering Wild West show.
Mr. Moto in Danger Island
In Puerto Rico to investigate a glut of contraband diamonds that are flooding the world's jewel market, Mr. Moto and his sidekick, a wrestler, find themselves involved in murders by thrown daggers, the frame-up of an overstressed Army colonel, and a pirate gang led by an unknown boss who has inside knowledge of the ensuing investigation.
Smashing the Rackets
Fuller - Henchman
Jim 'Socker' Conway, former boxer and FBI hero, is maneuvered for political reasons into a do-nothing job in the district attorney's office. Meanwhile, he meets wild debutante Letty Lane, girlfriend of mob mouthpiece Steve Lawrence; and Letty's much nicer sister Susan. Now the slot machine gang brutally beats Jim's friends Franz and Otto. And Jim finds a way to use his nominal position to go into the racket- busting business. But his success puts Letty in deadly peril...
High Tension
Man in Cafe
Brawling cable layer Steve Reardon doesn't want to marry girlfriend Edith but he also doesn't want her to date other men.
Dr. Socrates
Dr. Socrates gave up his brilliant career as surgeon in a prominent hospital because his betrothed died under his knife. He is now a struggling doctor in a small town that has a gangster's hideout.
Diamond Jim
A loose biopic based on the life of Gilded Age tycoon "Diamond" Jim Brady.
Mike, a Detective
"Mitch" Mitchell is an aviator who has been hired to take a child in a guardianship suit out of California into Mexico. He is accompanied by Maxine Rush, the secretary of the head of a private-detective agency who has been hired to care for the kid until the suit is over. (Overview written by Les Adams )
Afraid to Talk
Cab Driver
Corrupt politicians resort to murder and blackmail when a young boy accidentally witnesses them taking payoffs.
Riveter (uncredited)
Elmer, rich society loafer, falls for Mary, but she'll have nothing to do with him until (mistakenly thinking that he's hiring a new chauffeur) he accidentally volunteers for the army. Luckily, Mary's signed up to entertain the troops. Unluckily, Elmer's sergeant likes Mary, too. And worst of all, they're all about to ship out for France.