Samba Wane


Kiriku e a Feiticeira
Le fétiche parleur
Retrata uma lenda africana, em que um recém-nascido superdotado que sabe falar, andar e correr muito rápido se incumbe de salvar a sua aldeia de Karabá, uma feiticeira terrível que deu fim a todos os guerreiros da aldeia, secou a sua fonte d´água e roubou todo o ouro das mulheres. Kiriku é tratado de forma ambígua pelas pessoas de sua aldeia, por ser um bebê, é desprezado pelos mais velhos quando tenta ajudá-los, porém, quando realiza atos heroicos, suas façanhas são muito comemoradas, embora logo em seguida voltem a desprezá-lo. Apenas a sua mãe lhe trata de acordo com sua inteligência
Burial of a Christian political activist in a Muslim cemetary forces a conflict imbued with religious fervor.
Harrowing story of a man who is forced to travel on a public bus with the body of his dead infant daughter in order to bury her.
The Little Coquette
Fifteen-year-old Camille is a vulnerable and a strong-willed seductress- she chooses, she takes, she leaves; she can go very far in her desire for freedom. She is the daughter of disunited parents, Armand, a professor and Colette, an intellectual bourgeois. She manages to seduce Jean-Louis, a professor of letters of thirty-seven years, friend and colleague of her father. She makes him commit a lot of extravagance - he even dyed blond. Later she had a passion for Samuel, a former student of Jean-Louis, lout and trafficker. She is not easy, men learn at their expense, either sentimentally, as with the teacher, or that the first sexual experience come to ignite the relationship with Samuel.